
  • What is/how do you cope with the role of information in your life?
  • How do you prefer to receive information?
  • How do you prefer to transmit information?
  • What is the personal or professional significance of your preferences?



Peace, fellow classmates. My name is Kaliym Toppin. I’m a Computer Systems major and I’m working on graduating by next Winter. I’ve wanted to work with computers since elementary school and, in the past year or so, I decided to focus in on Network Security. I’m highly interested in tech. and gadgets of all sorts, but I’m most passionate about high quality headphones and speakers. I’m also a peer editor down in City Tech’s writing center. In all, Advanced Tech Writing is definitely my type of class and I have a feeling I’ll benefit greatly from it.


Hello, my name is Luis Rijo and I am a Computer Systems major. I was born in the Dominican Republic and moved to the United States when I was 11 years old. I became very interested in computer during high school where I was training to be an architect; however, when I was making a decision for college I decided to follow the computer field instead. Some of my interest outside of school are music and video games. It is a wonderful feeling getting home after a long day and listening to your favorite music on a nice pair of headphones.

Short Intro

Hello, my name is Konrad and I just enrolled to City Tech college from BMCC after finishing my two year in Computer Networking Technology. I am originally from Poland, and English is my third language that i am learning. I came to New York eight years ago, and for a young person as me back then, start in a new place wasn’t easy at all. Without any words in English, I wanted to go back to Poland, now my goal is to finish college, get a degree and go back to my country, but on the other hand its gonna take a little time, so we will see what future will bring me. In past year a lot of things have changed in my life. I am really a sports person, and i like to live healthy life, i hope that this course will help me improve my English skills.

How to make a PB&J Sandwich (Revised)

First of all, put the followed items on the table:

  •  Strawberry Preserves SMUCKER’S
  • Stone Ground Whole Wheat Bread ARNOLD
  • Extra Crunchy Peanut butter SKIPPY
  • Knife
  • Plate
  • Napkins

Note: All of these products you can find them in the closest supermarket.

Step 1: When everything is setup on your table, take out 2 slices of bread from the bag and lay them out on a plate.

Step 2: Open the peanut butter jar and with a knife, take some and spread it on one slice of bread. Close the jar and clean the knife with a napkin.

Step 3: Open the strawberry jelly and with the knife take some and spread it on the other slice of bread. Close the jar and clean the knife with a napkin.

Step 4: Put the 2 slices of bread together so that the peanut butter and jelly are facing in.

Step 5: Put the sandwich flat on the top of the plate. Ready to enjoy it!

Optional: At the end of Step 5 you can use the knife to cut the sandwich in half.


Helloooo, my name is Christian and I am currently enrolled in City Tech’s CIS curriculum, planning to study C++ programming. Before City Tech, I was in BMCC studying Multimedia Programming ( MMP ) which was basically web design HTML/CSS/JavaScript programming. I recently graduated BMCC with an Associates degree, and I’m continuing on to get my Bachelor’s. One of my interests include computer gaming, as that is very big with me as i spend tons of time playing them haha.