Information – Intro

Information is mostly being send and receive through the network, which is always convenient for being faster and more reliable. There are many ways to write down information but I believe that is always better to write as simple as possible so that way the receiver will understand it better. I also believe that the internet is the best way to send information since you can send it to long distances unlike the phone that you are only able to send it to local places.

There are ways to call or send information through a phone internationally but at a great price. That’s why I believe that the internet is more reliable and cheaper.


How i like to make my PB&J sandwich (Revised)

The peanut butter and jelly sandwich or PB&J is a sandwich, popular in North America, that includes a layer of peanut butter and either jam or jelly on bread, commonly between two slices, but sometimes eaten open-faced or with one slice folded over.

To enjoy this delight, you will need the following:

  • 2 slices of bread (Good for one sandwich)
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly or Jam( Grape Jelly preferred)
  • Spreading Knife
  • Spoon
  • Toaster
  • Dinner Plate
  • Kitchen knife

Take 2 slices of bread and place in the toaster slots for about 1:30 minutes. This should make the bread hard so that when you put the peanut butter on the bread, it won’t break.

  1. Place the heated slices of bread on a plate. Open up the bottle of peanut butter and take the spreading knife.
  2. Take the peanut butter on the spreading knife from the bottle and spread as much as you can onto one piece of bread until the whites of the bread are covered with peanut butter.
  3. Place the covered bread on a plate and put away the spreading knife.
  4. Open up the grape jelly jar and take a spoon to put jelly on the second slice of bread.
  5. Take some jelly and spread it around with the bottom of the spoon. When the whites of the bread are covered, place the slice on top of the first slice that is covered with the peanut butter.
  6. Dispose of the spreading knife and spoon in the sink.
  7. If you like the sandwich the way it is, you are ready to eat. If not, take a kitchen knife and cut in half diagonally or vertically and you have yourself a sandwich ready to eat.
  8. Dispose of the kitchen knife carefully because it is sharp.







The Ultimate PB&J Meal (Revised)

PB&J is a meal that is really simple to make and yields a lot of results in the taste department. There are many ways to make this magnification meal but this is my recommended way to enjoy it. Before you start, you’ll need a few tools:

  • 2 clean plastic or metal knives
  • One Jar of any brand Peanut Butter
  • One Jar of any brand or flavor Jelly (Grape recommended)
  • One plate
  • At least 2 slices of sliced bread (Honey Wheat bread recommended)
  • Any brand Coffee beans
  • Boiling Water
  • Sugar
Once all of those have been acquired, proceed to making the PB&J sandwich.

1) Get two slices of the bread and place them down on your plate
2) Take one of your knives and, after opening the peanut butter jar, spread the amount of peanut butter over one of the bread slices.
3) Repeat step 2 but with the remaining knife, the jelly, and the remaining slice of bread
4) Once you’ve got your peanut butter and jelly on their respective bread slices, put two bread slices together, symmetrical
5) Toss out the knives into the sink and put the peanut butter and jelly jars where they belong after putting the lid back on.
6) Grab your coffee mug and fill it with the amount of coffee you want
7) Pour hot water in it at preferred levels
8) Add in cream and/or sugar and stir
9) Enjoy your delicious sandwich and awesome coffee!


PB&J sandwich

1) Decide what kind of jelly, peanut butter and bread you want to use to make your sandwich.

2) After the decision is made you can go to the supermarket and buy the products you need or if you have them at home use the one you have.

3) Take out the knife and plate and put it on the table together with the products.

4) Take the amount of bread slices you want to eat.

5) Open the jar with peanut butter and jelly and spread it on the bread slices.

6) Now stick the two slices of bread together and enjoy it.

7) After when you are done with eating your sandwich wash the knife and plate and put it back to the same place it was before.


The tool that I prefer to gather information is the internet. I believe that the internet is the main soarce of finding information and doing research on topics that affects us today. Whether I’am sending an e-mail to my friends or to post stuff on facebook, the internet has played a major role in sending and transmitting information to the masses. It is always changing to the point that you can barely keep up with all the information that is given to you.


There are many different ways in which we can send information today. We have many electronic tools which are available in the market and used by people. For example we use cell phones which we can use to send voice information, text information, video information and text information. Also we use computers for sending information.


How I Recieve and Give information

  • What is/how do you cope with the role of information in your life?
The role of information in my life is a very key component in learning new things, researching more about something or someone, and getting better at things I already know.
  • How do you prefer to receive information?
I prefer any way really, but i receive most of my information by email, text messages, instant messages, phone calls, online forums, magazines, The news on TV & newspapers, my family, my friends, my professors, informational websites and probably many more that I cannot think of at the moment.
  • How do you prefer to transmit information?
I prefer to transmit information by email, text messages, instant messages, phone calls, online forums, and through my family and friends.


As a computer systems major information is extremely important. Technology changes very quickly so I need to be up to date with everything I can to keep informed. Online news sources tend to be my preferred way to read news; sites such as google can really help keeping up to date. When it comes to me transmitting information i preferred email. It is simple and convenient which is perfect because nowadays you can check your email from your phone.