Proposals KZ KE SS

  1. Tech school needs investment in to tech equipment
  2. Need to update course instructors and course programs   (adv and gam)
  3. more practical and applicable courses
  4. self defense classes in gym
  5. better accessible  WIFI
  6. Psychological and health improvement  ( Health Center)


Komron Zokhidov

Salam Seck

Kenneth Edegbe


Advancing Technology at NYCCT

Aaron McIntosh, Josh Rojas, Maisha Price

, Peter Junot



1) Lack of advanced, competitive technology; engineering, communications, machinery.

– A larger budget, and highly trained professors are needed to foster innovative technological growth within the school.

2) Shortage of academic support; student advisors and staff along with creating more partnerships with businesses to produce internship programs for students. – We need to network with more businesses in order to provide them with more opportunities upon graduation.

3) More lab hours are needed. Also, labs are typically old and outdated.

– We need to extend lab hours to satisfy the needs of students who need more practical hands-on time. Also the equipment needs to be replaced with new and modern resources.

4) The Cunyfirst website is very convoluted and difficult to use, particularly for new users.

-Redesign Cunyfirst website. Make it more streamlined and user-friendly.

5) The school could use  a greater push towards providing a more expanded entertainment/performing arts curriculum.

-We need to bring in trained professors to teach the curriculum, and also invest in expanded facilities.


*In order to advance the quality of the school as a whole, we need to apply for grants and greater funding to accommodate any applicable new curriculums and upgrades.

Problems & Solutions: Connect 4

Group Name: Connect 4
Group Members: Melissa Bonnick, Timothy Colon, William Hargett, Ajani Treadwell

Problem: Not enough night and weekend classes for degrees
Solutions: More online courses
Fundraising to hire more adjunct and night / weekend teachers
Allow online override approvals to take another class when the one you need is not available

Problem: Better wifi / internet connection. The connection is very hard to complete and then the connection itself is spotty at best.
Solution: Change service.
Get wifi company to sponsor the school / offer free easily connectable wifi
Utilize something similar to Starbucks wifi, where you just login in proximity to the buildings, no need to download software

Problem: Computer Lab Hours. Not late enough. Does not have hours that allow for everyone to use computers when they are free
Solution: Allow equipment rentals so people do not need to come to the school to use computers
Extend computer hours to midnight, get staff to work in the labs at night (work-study students)

Problem: Too much free time between classes
Solution: Class schedules closer together, less of a gap between classes
Add additional classes, to be able to take in between other courses.
Offer block classes so you don’t have to register for all classes separately, but rather an entire module.

Problem: Nutritional snacks in the vending machine
Solution: Add additional vending machines that only have nutritional or microwable healthy snacks
Add a juice bar to the cafeteria

JTK Resolve Group Project

Jessie Uruchima , Teresa Yeung, Wenyu Kuang


  • There are confusion between old students and new students in New Communication Design Dept.
  • Not enough advisors for students
  • Not enough options for classes/professor
  • Not enough computer equipments in the Engineering Dept.
  • There aren’t any specific place for clubs gathering.


  • Have some sort system to separate the old students and new students
  • Hire more caring faculties for advisement
  • Hire more Knowledge field experts
  • Purchase more infrastructural equipments for the Engineering Dept.
  • Have clubs to register in a system and provide them with a place for gather inside the buildings





COLOR PRINTER- Charge X amount of cents for color printing for students that do not get access outside of school or who work in open labs on their projects.

PARKING LOT- One of the biggest struggles here is a parking lot. Many students drive but do not drive to school because of parking reasons. A parking lot for only student access would be great. If not near the school at least in the 2-4 block radius. Students arrive late due to the horrible MTA service which effects their education and academic record.

BATHROOMS- Bathrooms are an essential part of any human life which is why the importance of it is at times under evaluated. But issues of cleanliness, graffiti and even soap and paper towels can tell you as a lot about the climate of a school as the strength of its academic program and number of extracurricular activities. All of our bathroom are outdated they lack automatic soap dispensaries or automatic flushes. Many times while using the bathrooms we are found with litter on the floor, missing/ no lock stall doors, graffiti-laden walls and empty soap and toilet-paper dispensers, many school restrooms violate the very ideals that learning institution are trying to instill in their students: citizenship and respect. For these reasons, it is vital that something be done with respect of good hygiene overall.


Safety concerns aren’t the only reason some students are reluctant to use the school restrooms. It’s also because many of the restrooms are downright dirty.

Updated Library- The library is very outdated. Granted we can find many of the text on the internet there aren’t enough labs in this school for the amount of students that attend. The law section of the library is outdated and there isn’t enough of the journals for the department to do their work as I’m sure is true for other departments. Updating the library and adding computer labs would make life as a student at NYCCT a lot easier.

MUSIC/LANGUAGE COURSES- Music makes a person more well-rounded. It can also create a happier environment for the students. An addition of language classes would make our school more diverse. People who know two or more languages have greater job opportunities.


CourseHorse, Inc., found in 2011

Product/Service: What, in a sentence, does this company do/sell
It sells educational classes of broad categories from 800 top educators for all ages in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Founder/Co-Founders: Who founded the company? Are they still involved in day to day operations?
Nihal Parthasarathi, CEO and Katie Kapler, EVP, Product, are currently involved in its day-to-day operations.

Office/Headquarters: Where is the company located? Do they have a single headquarters, or do they have locations throughout the country/world?
It is headquartered in New York and located between the streets of Spring and Varick in the Soho District of Manhattan. Its class providers/partners are located in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Products/Services: What does the company offer its users/subscribers? Services, products, consumer goods?
CourseHorse offers 40,000 courses from 800 top quality class providers in New York and Los Angeles. It helps people of all ages to identify, find and enroll in class according to their interest and needs. It also offers points reward system to reward returning students with discounts.

Method of Making Money: How does your company make money? Through advertising, subscribers, royalties, affiliate purchases, lead generation, selling data, or freemium payment models?
The company earns a commission every time a student books a seat.

Target Customers: Who are the target customers for this company?
Students of all ages and professions.

How many current users/customers, etc: How many customers do they currently have?
Revenue: 2M as of January 2014. It continually to grow at 7 times per year and current at a $3.5M run-rate.

How does the company advertise its product/services?
Via its official website:

Competitors/Competitive Advantage: What companies offer services/products that compete with your chosen company? What sets your chosen company apart from its competitors?
It seems to me is a very new start-up tech company of its kind.

Works Cited: You must document all the websites and articles you use to find the above information. Simply include a list of websites at the end of the blog post.
Listed as #73 by Forbes as America’s Most Promising Companies (2014)

The Ladders


Product/Service: TheLadders is an online recruitment service provider for finding candidates for available job opportunities. They also offer a free mobile-to-mobile career app.

Founder/Co-Founders: Marc Cenedella is the Founder and Executive Chairman of The Ladders. He founded the company with Alex Douzet and Andrew Koch in 2003, formerly serving as CEO, and is based in the New York headquarters.

Office/Headquarters: TheLadders is headquartered in New York City.

Method of Making Money:  How does your company make money? Through advertising, subscribers, royalties, affiliate purchases, lead generation, selling data, or freemium payment models?

Target Customers: job seekers, employers and recuiters

How many current users/customers, etc: The Ladders currently have over over 6 million members, which includes job seekers, employers and recuiters.

How does the company advertise its product/services? The Ladders advertise its services by Web and TV ads.

Competitors/Competitive Advantage: Careerbuilder, Execnet, Experteer. Advantages: mobile apps that is highly customizable, free services that allow for job seekers to uncover job that may not be posted

Works Cited:,

GameChanger Media, In

Product/Service: What, in a sentence, does this company do/sell?
This company job is to make amateur teams (baseball, softball and basketball) in the United States be more effective, informative and connected, so they created a software platform that makes the way amateur team collect, share, and manage information better. They also have an app that provides live streaming and stats for over fifty thousand amateur teams.
Founder/Co-Founders: Who founded the company? Are they still involved in day to day operations?
The Co-founder of this company is a man named Ted Sullivan. He is still involved in the day to day operations.
Office/Headquarters: Where is the company located? Do they have a single headquarters, or do they have locations throughout the country/world?
This company only have one headquarter which is located in Manhattan at 89 chambers street suite 202, New York, 10007.
Method of Making Money: How does your company make money? Through advertising, subscribers, royalties, affiliate purchases, lead generation, selling data, or freemium payment models?
This company makes money from users who created a premium fan access which will allow them to view live game-stream from their mobile device, re watch a previous game, look at a season stats and charts, and recap stories for a price of $39.99 per year or $7.99 per month. They also sell sports gears for different prices.
Target Customers: Who are the target customers for this company?
The target customers for this company are people who love sports such as baseball, softball and basketball, but might be too busy to watch the game and keeping up with the stories from their favorite teams.
How many current users/customers, etc: How many customers do they currently have?
I didn’t find anything regarding the users/customers, but I saw that they have six hundred and sixty-six fans.
How does the company advertise its product/services?
This company advertise their product from their website, their app and through other sites such as YouTube.
Competitors/Competitive Advantage: What companies offer services/products that compete with your chosen company? What sets your chosen company apart from its competitors?
This company is unique because it was only company that I saw online that created a software platform that makes the way amateur team collect, share, and manage information.

Works Cited: You must document all the websites and articles you use to find the above information. Simply include a list of websites at the end of the blog post.


A smart grid is a modernized electrical grid that uses analog or digital information and communications technology to gather and act on information – such as information about the behaviours of suppliers and consumers – in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity. Electronic power conditioning and control of the production and distribution of electricity are important aspects of the smart grid. Smart grid policy is organized in Europe as Smart Grid European Technology Platform. Policy in the United States is described in 42 U.S.C. ch. 152, subch. IX § 17381.
Roll-out of smart grid technology also implies a fundamental re-engineering of the electricity services industry, although typical usage of the term is focused on the technical infrastructure.

Atlanta, GA – Nov. 17, 2014 – The Board of Directors for the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP), a member-funded organization focused on accelerating Smart Grid interoperability, today announced Sharon Allan, industry luminary, as its new President and Chief Executive Officer.
Allan’s 30 years of experience in the energy and information technology industries will help SGIP strengthen its collaborative ties between utilities, research labs, regulators and business leaders around the world. Allan will work closely with members to increase visibility for the work SGIP is doing to address the key grid modernization issues of resiliency and integration of new systems.
The Smart Grid is a compilation of concepts, technologies, and operating practices intended to bring the electric grid into the 21st Century. Defining the smart grid is difficult for several reasons. First, there is no single template that defines exactly what the smart grid will look like or how it will operate in any given service area. Without a consensus template people tend to construct their own mental vision of how the technologies, systems, and customers will interact. There is also the reality that customer mix, geography, weather and other factors will almost certainly make the smart grid in each service area a little unique. The second factor contributing to the uncertain definition is the fact that the smart grid does not yet exist. Many of the systems and technologies expected to become a part of smart grid either haven’t been developed yet or are in prototype or early stages of testing and implementation.
This smart grid company is located throughout the word. The International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is an American multinational technology and consulting corporation, with headquarters in Armonk, New York. IBM manufactures and markets computer hardware and software, and offers infrastructure, hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology.
– Reduced consumption and lower customer bills
– Fewer field visits and faster customer response
– Improved efficiency and quality of call center operations
– Reliability index improvements
– Improved billing operations efficiency, improved cash flows, and lower costs
– Improved operational efficiency and lower costs from smart metering
– Informing customers to increase peak event load reduction without pricing incentives
Method of Making Money:
The smart grid company make money with electrical company such as IBM, Coned, MTA etc…. they money also through advertising, selling data, subscribers, people who use electricity a lot such as saving them in there bills.
Target Customers:
– Mostly ConEd customers to reduced their bills.
– People in company who travel a lot with electrical equipment.
– Technical building equipment
– Building operations
– Building envelope insulation
– National grid

How many current users/customers, etc:
Demand response is a temporary measure to meet grid peaking capacity requirements. The need to purchase expensive peaking power on the wholesale market to satisfy demand can be expensive. Lately, utilities are seeking to automate demand response processes and offer their industrial, commercial and residential customers value-added services within their demand-side management programs. Because demand response is a form of power generation, it can be used as a cost-effective way to reduce the need to purchase expensive whole power from inefficient forms of peaking generation. Utilities are also increasingly relying on demand response tools, like Siemens Demand Response Management System (DRMS), for their cost-effectiveness and relatively short implementation times.
How does the company advertise its product/services?
– AT&T offers smart meters with pre-paid data plans for utilities
– Smart grid consumer collaborative launches research initiative
– Global Smart grid market
– National Summit on Smart Grid and Climate Change which they held in Washington, DC
Competitors/Competitive Advantage:
– ConEed
– National grid
Works Cited:


Product/Service: What, in a sentence, does this company do/sell?
The company brainscape allows people to constantly improve their intelligence by being able to accelerate the learning process by having lessons on an app that they can use anywhere. Overall the company is selling knowledge to people.

Andrew Cohen is the founder and CEO of brainscape. I believe the CEO is involved in the day to day operation because of his recent blog posts on the website and latest update to the company background story. Also from an interview on Andrew Cohen explains how involved he is in all of his work.

The company brainscape is part of a larger company for entrepreneurs called AlleyNYC and has a single headquarters which is located on 500 7th Ave., New York, NY 10018.

Method of Making Money:
Brianscape makes its money from subscribers. The companies also partner with other educational apps from which they both get shares of the royalties.

Target Customers: Who are the target customers for this company?
The targeted customers are teachers and parents from which they can use their program to come up with a better more effective lesson plan to reach their students/children.

How many current users/customers, etc:
From the website brainscape has millions of customers which include students, teachers, language learners, test-takers, and corporate trainees.

How does the company advertise its product/services?
Brianscape has a blog from which they frequently update with new information on what’s coming up and what’s in the works. Brainscape is partners with many other education companies that advertise them by saying “powered by brainscape” which I think is a kind of advertising

Competitors/Competitive Advantage: What companies offer services/products that compete with your chosen company? What sets your chosen company apart from its competitors?
Lumosity, CogniFit, CogMed, and Jungle Memory are competitors to brainscape because they offer to increase their user’s knowledge and or memory. Brinscape is unique in a way that it does not provide knowledge through games. Also brianscape doesn’t improve memory either. They offer a straight forward concept of learning through which one can receive in a classroom at their own pace and anywhere they please. I believe brianscape has an advantage over these other companies because they offer a more effective way of learning and teaching rather than “play this game and you will eventually get it”.
Works cited:

Andrew Cohen – Founder and CEO of Brainscape