Tag Archives: Word#3


Asphalt- Noun

Definition:a black substance that is used for making roads

a dark bituminous substance that is found in natural beds and is also obtained as a residue in petroleum refining and that consists chiefly of hydrocarbons

an asphaltic composition used for pavements and as a waterproof cement


The word was found on Saturday November 1,2014. The word is located in the middle of the newspaper http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/13/us/its-alive-and-it-grows-into-a-jack-o-lantern.html. The word is found in this sentence “Mr. Dighera, 53, worked as a tractor operator for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for more than three decades, but he always harbored dreams of tilling land instead of asphalt, as his grandparents had done on their farm in San Diego.”

While reading the article, I was unclear of how the word was being used as. However, the word was used to described the man’s land,asphalt is something that defines a street. A place where it can’t be farmed at.


Juxtaposition – noun

Definition: the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side; also :  the state of being so placed


I found this word in the guideline for project #2 while reading to seeing the assignments required for the project. This word was introduce on Monday September 22, 2014 on the handout called Project #2: Overlapping New Yorks. The word is located on the bottom of the handout. The word juxtaposition is a word required to use in our writing for this project.

After researching the word it became more clear, the word juxtaposition means that objects are being compare.