All posts by Jessica Pareja



Defintion: a biofuel based on alcohol which may be combined with petrol for usein vehicles.

The word was found in the New York Times Online Newspaper on Thursday November 25,2014. The word is used in the first and second paragraph  The word is used in these sentence”Many of our activities are in the clean and green space. One of our most important activities that we have engaged in for the last 15 years is bioethanol, which is used as an additive with gasoline. We offer the technology and machinery to produce ethanol from green sources.”

I knew the word but I never looked it up to define the word however the word is used in the sentence to describe the situation. I knew the word but now know it clearly and fits the situations.



Distilleries- Noun

Definition: a place where alcoholic drinks (such as whiskey) are produced

The word was found in Thursday November 20, 2014. The word is in the beginning of the paragraph The word was used in these sentence “An engineer by training, Pramod Chaudhari founded Praj Industries in Pune, India, in 1983. The company, which started with 10 full-time employees, started supplying technology for waste water treatment and distilleries.”

I was unsure what the word meant however, I looked up the word and I was surprise of the answer. It had no context clues to that definition I found, however the answer did make senses and distilleries is  a place of alcoholic are produced.



Definition: to cook in simmering liquid

:  to encroach upon especially for the purpose of taking something

:  to trespass for the purpose of stealing game; also :  to take game or fish illegally

The word was found in the New York Time online Newspaper. The word was found in the beginning paragraph The sentence that was found “But according to a report by the Environmental Investigation Agency, a nongovernmental organization based in London, members of the Chinese delegation used Mr. Xi’s visit as an opportunity to procure so much illegal ivory that local prices doubled to about $318 a pound. Two weeks before Mr. Xi arrived, Chinese buyers purchased thousands of pounds of poached tusks, which were “later sent to China in diplomatic bags on the presidential plane,” said the report, which was released on Wednesday.”

I had an idea what the word might have meant however, to make sure I looked it up. The word was meant to understand the situation of the tusks, the word help defined how they were beginning steal unfairly.



Antithetical- Adjective

Definition: directly opposite or opposed

The word was found in the newspaper on Monday November 3, 2014. The word is located in the middle of the article The sentence began “Antithetical to the neighborhood today, the working classes pushed out the wealthy, knocking down mansions to build tenements, according to John B. Manbeck, a former Brooklyn borough historian.”

At first I didn’t understand the word, however I looked up the word and put together the with the sentence.  The word is being used to describe the people in the neighborhood, they oppose the idea.



Translucent- Adjective

Definition: not completely clear or transparent but clear enough to allow light to pass through

The word was found in the New Times online Newspaper on Monday November 3,2014. The word was found in the beginning of the article The sentence started “She was middle-aged with gray hair and dressed in white, like a wedding dress, he said, but not one from this century. And she appeared corporeal, “normal,” Mr. Vargas said, not nebulous or translucent like on television”

While reading the article, I came upon a familiar word however I wanted to make sure the definition. The word was used to describe the ghostly appearance, she was clearly see through.


Asphalt- Noun

Definition:a black substance that is used for making roads

a dark bituminous substance that is found in natural beds and is also obtained as a residue in petroleum refining and that consists chiefly of hydrocarbons

an asphaltic composition used for pavements and as a waterproof cement

The word was found on Saturday November 1,2014. The word is located in the middle of the newspaper The word is found in this sentence “Mr. Dighera, 53, worked as a tractor operator for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for more than three decades, but he always harbored dreams of tilling land instead of asphalt, as his grandparents had done on their farm in San Diego.”

While reading the article, I was unclear of how the word was being used as. However, the word was used to described the man’s land,asphalt is something that defines a street. A place where it can’t be farmed at.

BRIC Art Museum Reflection

The field trip to the museum was more interest and one of the best so far. During this field I got to see new piece of artwork include professor’s artwork that was display.  Meanwhile, looking at many new artwork I saw new things which new meaning. I really enjoy one artwork it was pictures of plants. The artist used photo plants as his/her display and it was interesting. Some images were blurring and others were expand. I believe the artist try to implied that no matter no big things get there is a new challenge that is unclear. Dreams might come small however, it expand every step you take. I believe that what the image was representing to me. Meanwhile, there we got to see professor’s piece but however, I was able to enjoy it much cause I couldn’t close the door. However, I enjoy the trip and hopefully there is more to come.
