All posts by Jessica Pareja

Project#4:Thoughtful Assessment

During the start of project #4, we began to work with the use of colors. First, we created a color wheel to visual see the colors and understand more of color. We later had to create a chromatic gray, muted, and prismatic color studies. For each of the following three, we created two collages one narrow and the other broad. Later, we worked with a partner to create a poster and than individual redo the same poster in Adobes Illustrator. In this project, I learned more between chromatic gray, muted and prismatic colors. I got to understand more between the value, towards high and low. I feel like I could do better when it came to the first chromatic gray collages, instead of having dark, unknown color. I have a bright colorful chromatic gray which is the opposite of it. Also, I feel like I could have done better in the crafting is the painting. I’m not use to painting and this is my second time painting for a project. If the project requires to paint I will be more careful however, I feel like this project helped me in learning the color value. This is important if its matter with colors, the range and value changes and can affect the surrounding to make it interested or not.

Project #4 Aesthetic Mapping: The Pitch

Brooklyn if you walk around the neighborhood, you’ll encounter many lovely places. However, the question is what influences people to choose the path they decision to walk on? Many ideas come to a person’s mind when choosing a path, it can come from using your five senses.  If you walk in the streets of Brooklyn you’ll get to see areas full of crowd people and as well as lonely places. I understand the people who choose to walk in crowded places, there you’ll see a lot of commercial areas toward the nearest subway. You get to see buildings toward being able to smell different kinds of food. However, there are  people who walk in lonely areas. The feeling of stress that puts people to walk along lonely areas. The sign of freedom that makes people joy of being lonely or being with someone to just talk alone with.

There are many people who come visit  Brooklyn, some just visit, some just moved here and others just work here. If those people don’t know the area or just came out of work, they’re most likely people who’ll fall for easy traps that led into crowded areas. People who study around City Tech which is located in Jay Metro Tech station. They walk straight from the campus point and straight into the train station. These people whose head are full of work, studies, and extra information won’t pay attention to anything but getting home. How about the people who have free time, they just walk to the store get food and wait till time flies. People shouldn’t just kill time, they should walk on these people lonely areas to realize the bad pain. People can only experiences areas with loneliness, if people decided to walk areas with a calm senses. People can began by exiting out of city tech and heading up towards Johnson St and passing Adams st. Making a right people will see Cadman Plaza East and Tillary Street, there people will witness the Korean War Veterans Plaza. There people will see the park with not enough people to be bothering one another. In the Korean War Veterans Plaza, people just walk around there, you can feel the presents quietness of just being there. Its a small ahead that people can quietly sit around till all there ideas that pressure someone leave. Comparing the more crowded areas with here people get the feeling of lost in thoughts.

If Korean War Veterans Plaza isn’t the place to hang around people can find lonely areas ahead. There are more areas that people can enjoy, while walking people can continue there path though walking towards Clinton and Pierreport Street. From Pierreport street taking  a right to Hicks street. In the area people will see varieties street that are lonely there, people can just walk in the area and look at the old buildings. The you can see the amazing architecture. People can walk around freely without bumping to someone anyone can almost feel that they own the street however there might be two or three people in the surrounding.  While looking around the area, the people who enjoy architecture might draw sketches or take pictures that will help them better the area for the future or keep it the same for their projects.

While, people continue their walk they’ll want to find more places or if their tired want to find a resting place. People can continue walking up  Hicks streets and up towards Orange Street till you reach Colombia Heights. There you will find a park named Fruit Street Sitting Area. It’s a small area in which you can view the city cross from Brooklyn, you can get a good view of the water, there you can see the back of statute of liberty and the beautiful city. If you need a resting place you can sit on the benches and stare at the great view. In the park there isn’t much people who can get someone mad, people walking by and other few people taking a view. For people to get their minds of  they can draw, text people or listen to music to enjoy themselves.

After a long day, the tour ends and people have to return home. Lonely areas help people gain confront from any situation they’re dealing. Being in crowd areas maintains people busy it will make people feel annoyed that everyone in your way. If you look at your right you’ll have someone who pushes you. If you look at your right someone just bumped you. If you look at your back someone accidentally is tripping you. If you look right in front of you someone who wasn’t looking at where they were going almost fell on you. Being busy doesn’t relax anyone, so they try to walk areas they’re going to walk lonely areas to try to avoid the crowd without making someone have a headache. Taking lonely areas gets a person thinking less, sometimes lonely areas can take you the fastest way to avoid the crowded areas.



a :  to cause to break up <police dispersed the crowd>

b :  to cause to become spread widely

c :  to cause to evaporate or vanish <sunlight dispersing the mist>

This word was encounter on Monday November 24,2014. The word is located in the toward the ending of the newspaper The sentence begins as  “1 As news of the decision spread, protesters surged forward, throwing objects at officers in riot gear. The sound of gunfire could be heard. 2 Police officers used tear gas and smoke to disperse people who were hurling rocks and breaking the windows of parked police cruisers. A vehicle was set on fire.3 At least a dozen buildings were set on fire around the city, many in the vicinity of Ferguson Market and Liquor, the store Michael Brown was in before he was killed by Officer Wilson.”

Meanwhile, reading the article, I had an idea what the word meant however, in order to make sure what the word was I was able to look it up. The word disperse was used to define the crowd as they were spreading widely.


Bulking- Noun or Verb

Definition: most of something : the largest part of something: the large size of someone or something

(Verb):  to cause to swell or bulge :  stuff

:  to gather into a mass or aggregate

This word was encounter in Monday November 24, 2014 which was presented in an online newspaper.  This word was shown in the middle section in a yellow box It was used as ” At this point it looked like he was almost  bulking up to run through the shots, like it was making him mad that I was shooting at him.”

In order to understand the word Bulking, I used the word in the sentence and the definition. I broke down the sentence in order to process the word. I believe the word used in the passage was used in a verb. The word bulking is being used as angry, the guy was angry for getting shot.