All posts by gcrumbie

Glossary entry #1

Source: Merriam (Dictionary)

Gilt- having a golden color

Skeptical- having or expressing doubt about something

Integral- very important or necessary

Icon- Small picture on computer; person who is widely admired; known symbol

Converge- moving toward one point coming together

Reproduction (noun)- process of making babies;act of copying something

Distort- to change natural, normal, original shape or appearance

Facsimile- an exact copy

Authenticity- real or genuine

Pedigree- impressive history of the family members

Perspex- used for a kind of plastic

Relic- something from a past time

Shrine- a place connected with a holy figure or an event where people worship\

Awe- a strong feeling of fear or wonder

Allegorical- of or relating to; having the characteristics of; having spiritual meaning

Metamorphosis- a major change in the appearance of someone or something

Callousness-not feeling or showing any concern about the problems or suffering of other people

Devotional- elating to or used in religious services

Landscape painting- depiction of art in its natural scenery

Sprightly- marked by a gay lightness and vivacity; having a distinctively piquant taste

Somber- very sad or serious

Manipulate- to move or control with your hands or a machine;  to use or change in a particular way for a particular purpose

Jostling- to come in contact or into collision; to exist in close proximity

Ambiguous- able to be understood in more than one way; having more than one possible meaning; not expressed or understood clearly

Inhibit- to prevent someone from doing what he or she wants to do; to prevent or slow down the activity or occurrence of

Mystification(mystify)-  to make mysterious or obscure

Alms- money, clothes, food, and other things given to poor people

Destitute- Lacking something that is need or desirable; lacking possessions or resources

Peat- partially carbonized vegetable tissue formed by partial decomposition in water of various plants

Disparaging- to describe someone or something as unimportant, weak, or bad

Unwavering- Steady or resolute

Clairvoyance- the power or faculty of discerning objects not present to the senses, ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception

The vocabulary list in this weeks glossary has further guided my understanding of the text that I have read, as well as the short film we viewed in class. Although I am already familiar with a portion of the words, the ones that are more difficult were a great help once I understood them and how they are used in the text. For example, the word “peat” which was mentioned in class had confused me at first. When I came by it in the text, I was unable to figure out what it means even when I used context clues. Obviously now that I have an understanding of this new vocabulary, I can see the text from a better perspective.




Project #1 Final

Being a new student in college can have its own unique affect on people. You have to get used the new schedule, adjust to the culture of the school, and probably get lost fifteen to twenty times trying to find your way to math class. Now that I’m eighteen I have to establish a sense of independence. I have to learn how to be serious about my work while at the same time having fun and meeting new people along the way. When I become more comfortable with people around me, I begin to show more enthusiasm. Some may even say I seem cheerful or joyous all the time. I gradually become more outgoing and bold in an environment that I am familiar with. After a number of years, I have found that I have an interest in the field of graphic design. When ever I see a billboard advertisement or a commercial for an upcoming video game, I begin to gaze in awe wondering how something like this can look so realistic. From this I can conclude that my design aesthetic is the concept of graphic effects. Therefore, between five to ten years from now I imagine myself in this field of work.

In order to find an avatar, I had to brainstorm and think about what I wanted my profile to represent. I didn’t want people to assume that my profile conveyed something else other than what it was meant for. However, I wanted it to be unique and humorous. In order to do this I set up a list of photos that could potentially be the new avatar. My first choice was to post a simple a “selfie” of myself to use in my profile. I soon realized that there was nothing unique about this. Nobody would be able to infer or understand the kind of person I am, simply because there is no deeper meaning. After switching through multiple avatars, I found one that I thought would represent my profile in the correct way. The avatar displays a picture of Kermit the frog sipping on a cup of tea. This has been a trending photo on social media for the past few months. It represents the well known phrase ” But that’s not my business though” and is used in order to expose issues that people either see, or face at times. It has become a symbol that was created for the purpose of comedy on Facebook, Instagram and more. This avatar represents me because it shows that I enjoy having fun, making jokes, and love express it through media. It symbolizes the joyous side of my personality.

Based on my own avatar, I can infer that there are numerous interpretations that individuals may have. One example of a misinterpretation is that I am a major fan of Walt Disney’s  “The Muppets”. Just by viewing the photo at first glance, they may assume that Kermit the Frog is one my favorite characters out of the group. Another misinterpretation is that I may have just uploaded the photo as a place holder because I could not think of anything else to fill the void. Individuals who may not normally keep up with social media may not fully grasp the meaning of the avatar or what it stands for. Therefore, they will not know how it represents me.

The concept that my profile will convey is very significant. Overall, it conveys that I have an amusing personality. I have my comedic moments that generally are shown when I am comfortable with a group of people. When I think back on the significance of my profile ,it causes me to think about the popular line, ” Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” due to the fact that people will make curtain assumptions about you based on the first thing they see on the profile. When this occurs, they will begin to categorize  you in a different way. In a worst case scenario they me even become skeptical towards you. However, once they understand the deeper meaning of what they view, they will then begin to see the profile from a whole new perspective.

As one can see, the way an individual views an avatar can open up a whole discussion on the concept of interpretations and the message being conveyed. Whatever the profile conveys is important. However, despite what people may think, if it is something that represents your personality, it should remain exactly the same.

View From My Window: Research

Thumbnail sketch- Ramada motel

Thumbnail sketch- Ramada motel

Thmbnail post- bus stop

Thumbnail post- bus stop

Thumb nail- grass yard

Thumb nail- grass yard

Thumbnail sketch Parked cars

Thumbnail sketch
Parked cars

Pigeon on tree branch

Pigeon on tree branch

thumbnail sketch- cloudy skies

thumbnail sketch- cloudy skies

Thumbnail sketch Main road

Thumbnail sketch
Main road

Thumbnail sketch Nursing home buliding

Thumbnail sketch
Nursing home buliding

Thumbnail sketch Trees in the breeze

Thumbnail sketch
Trees in the breeze

From the view from my window, there are very few things that can be depicted. The building structure takes on a box shape where each of the buildings corners may represent a specific point. The view of the road from my window resemble contour lines- from the vantage point to the beginning of the road. The details in the cars on the road remind me of a continuous contour that brings out every aspect of the vehicle. As I looked out my window from new angles, it seems as if a whole new perspective has been created. At this angle I can witness the partnered colors of the white clouds in the baby blue sky.

Other point of views from my window reveal details such as birds and insects making their way into the trees and grass. As I rushed to sketch a pigeon resting on a branch, it took flight so I was left with pure imagination. Everything I could see from my window view further proved to me that everything is made of simple lines that create the shapes of a structure. It is the same concept that applies to everything people see out their window. Even the simple details such as lanes in the road which are made up of collected points that create a yellow line following the path of the street.