Author Archives: Isadora Martinez

Ambiguous Images

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Ambiguous Image 1


Captured the moment that sheet-rock crumbled to gravity and mediocrity. A lamentable piece of cheaply placed sheetrock is falling apart in the lit hallways of a building.




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Ambiguous Image 2


It gave the impression that it was dancing inside the recipient it contained it. The bag, which was swayed by a fan as such a Tango dancer would. The spectacle was highly enjoyable.




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Ambiguous Image 3

Hidden from the world, ashamed of the burns and scratches it withstood for years. This door was found in one of the many forgotten hallways of the school. As it looked old, worn and tired it still managed to keep the character that would present any contemporary door. It stood sturdy, tall and impenetrable against any stranger that didn’t belong inside its room.

Obvious Images

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This image was captured when I went up to the rooftop of my apartment building because the sunset was stunning and I needed to take a picture of it. While doing this I noticed this graffiti. Since performing graffiti art in the building is prohibited, I wasn’t expecting any graffiti up there, but I was able to find this hidden gem in one of the rooftop kitchen breathers.




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While waiting on the F train in J street. My commute home takes me one hour from college. I happened to notice this wall and took a picture of it.




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Another MTA station picture. This was on my way home after work, waiting on the 7th train, which is above ground level. Here I happened to look down on a sunny day, the sun was hitting a hole located on the station floor, casting a shadow that made the hole look so much deeper than what it actually was.