Blog 11 – Teamwork


At my internship, we are working on a campaign called #CunyTuesday.  #CUNYTUESDAY is a day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. #CUNYTUESDAY is an initiative of CUNY to benefit the students at our 25 colleges.  Two other interns and I both had to come up with an Instagram post that’ll be good for Instagram to promote the campaign. We all took the day to brainstorm ideas together and after we came up with our own sketches.  Being able to work with the other interns were great because they helped me expand my ideas.  

Each of us had different strong points and were able to support each other.  One intern is strong with AfterEffects and another intern is strong with illustrator.  Being that we had different strong points, our working together helped the process. Usually, when I’m trying to come up with ideas for a project it’s a long process but having someone to think it out with really helps.  I was told to make a GIF but I’ve never made one, so this is when I started to do research to figure out how to make one. The videos were a good help but I remembered that I had people to help me. The other interns helped me out and we ended up coming up with great content. 

Our projects came out amazing and they were posted on the City Tech News page on Instagram.  I was very excited because my hard work was posted and I was able to help the campaign. This project was fun because I was able to work with other people to help make a difference.  I love the people I intern with. I feel that we make a great team.