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Glitch Art: Caryn Ramos

The Paradigm Shift of the cameras in photography or media has tremendously transformed.  It has changed from film to digital. Over the year digital cameras have taken over the photography world. They have emerged two types of photographers, old-school photographers whose opinion is that everything digital is fake, inferior, and not the same as ‘real’ photography. Then they  are the digital photographers, who think the film photographers are living in the dark ages. I like both film and digital photography because I feel like both photography comes with its advantages and I think that one should not discriminate against the other because like they alway say, “LIFE IS LIKE PHOTOGRAPHY, WE DEVELOP FROM THE NEGATIVES”.





2923211110_695682c767_o2923211110_695682c767_o-glitched-a55-s52-i34-q45 USSR antique camera (Old Camera which is rarely used in today’s society). The glitch shows what happens to an image when their is an error with the image. Its beautiful yet creative. 

 104404361_411952c291_odistorted-image 2 CANON camera (New Cameras used in today’s society). This glitch shows how the Canon camera comes with many features and the different design of cameras they CANON has created. I think its very creative and eye catchy. 


14088853116_d2f43b9c3d_oCamera GLitch     Nikon camera which is one of the most used cameras in today’s society. This glitch shows the resemblance of a nikon camera and the different use of tools within the camera. You can zoom in and out with this camera, if you zoom all the way in on an image that the photographer has taken, he or she might create an image as such as the glitch above. 

5283620199_7ed9fa535b_oglitched-image Polaroid Camera  – this glitch shows how this camera is an old time camera if you pay close attention to the glitches within the image. 



Glitch Art: Amoni B

The Paradigm Shift of communication between individuals has vastly changed. From conversing face to face to have no direct contact at all. Different types of media have changed this communication in several ways, such as the following: written physical letters that needed to be delivered; talking on the telephone, an upgrade to the telegram; texting on wireless phones; and emailing via computer networks.

Transformation: “glitch”

Screen Shot 2015-02-18 at 11.33.17 AM-glitched-a96-s58-i26-q48

Transformation: “distort-grid”


Transformation: “triangulation”

triangulated-image (1)

Transformation: “contrast-distort”

glitched-image (1)

Transformation: “text triangulation”



Standard Bell Telephone, 1949

cell phone baby

Screen Shot 2015-02-18 at 11.33.17 AM


Glitch Art: Sean

Text Triangulation: triangulated-image copy

Distort Grid: distorted-image

Triangulation: triangulated-image

Contrast-distort: glitched-image

Glitch: japanese on smart phons-glitched-a67-s60-i11-q47

For this project I chose the topic of the Paradigm Shift and specifically with old an new technology. I chose to show how television has changed from being a family stimulating event to more of an individuals hobby. I decided to also have the transformation of the cellphone and how the technology once directly connected users and has now slightly disconnected us.