Intro & Class Setup


  1. Welcome & Syllabus distribution (student independently review)
  2. Introductions (whole class)
  3. Syllabus review (whole class)
  4. OpenLab sign-on/log-in
  5. Send me an email with with the address you prefer to use:

2: Introductions:
PART 1: Students will pair up in groups of two. Partner with someone you do not know! Each student will introduce themselves to their partner answering the following questions:
1) Name
2) What is your major?.
3) An interesting/crazy/mundane tidbit that took place during the winter break.
4) For the Listener: Take note of the body language or gestures your partner makes while talking.

PART 2: Going around the room, students will introduce their partners.


DESCRIPTION Create a bio about 4-5 sentences, post it to OpenLab, answering the following questions:

  • What strengths/skills/talents do you have? (creative, communication, vision, collaboration)
  • How do you feel Emerging Media can bolster those strengths?

Due: Monday, Feb 2nd, 2015
Posting Parameters

  1. Title: Name: Bio
  2. Bio (4-5 Sentences)


Read: Chapter 1 of class text (available via blackboard)

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