Personal Profile

It’s a world of wonder; everyone stared at me with questioning eyes as if I was an alien
from outer space. I was as curious as they were; this new place was completely out of mmy.
imagination. I looked around attempting to find someone that had a face like mine. but I
failed. According to my observation, I was one of the only two Asians at our school. All alone in a brand-new world with no one I knew or I was familiar with, I felt disappointed and frustrated. It was my one of my first days in the U.S. After school, I sat down next to my window at home, and a rain seemed to started to fall.

I called my friend in China. I excitedly talked to her about McDonalds’ and the delicious chocolate chips cookies. For a minute, my sadness seemed to fade away, but it soon came back in a greater scale.

“How is the school? Did you make new friends?” She asked.

“Um…School is fine…”I paused for a while and said, “Everyone seemed nice…” My
voice waned notably. I choked on words. It was late at night in China; we hung up the phone. The room became quiet again. Tears dropped from my eyes, silently and non-stop. And the rain finally began to pour. Suddenly a flash light coming through the window hurt my eyes. It was my dad coming back from work. As he prepared for dinner, he handed me a mail, “read it and see what it means”

I read it casually and responded impatiently, “How am I supposed to know?”
“What? You should know these things, now that you are going to a school in America,”
my dad said in a rage.
“But I have just been here only for a mouth!” His comments were unjust, and I chose to ignore him. He didn’t understand anything. He did not know how difficult it was for me to catch up in school work, and how lonely I was. I complained about my parents in my mind for a thousand times. and I could not fall into sleep that night. I woke up at midnight to go to the bathroom. As I walked through the hallway, I heard my dad’s voice.
“I almost fell asleep when I was driving home. I was so tried moving the heavy boxes off of the trucks all day long.”
My mom added, “Yeah, but at least our daughter can graduate from college and get a good job. She must be struggling with this new environment right now, but hopefully it will benefit her in the future.”

Suddenly, I felt so guilty. My parents had good jobs as a registered nurse and an office clerk in China. Now they are both working in service industries. I realized how much my parents sacrificed for me and my future. But all I am doing is complaining. I needed to change. I could not be as childish as I used to be.
8 years pass I moved in New York City, a culture melting pot. Right now, I am at my last semester to be graduate, I am one step closer to my America dream. Internship let me getting professional experience and apply what I learn from these four years. And I also worked part time after school to earn my own allowance. Most importantly, I opened my mind for more diverse cultures and now I have too many friends to be lonely. Time flies and life changes, today brings a new version of me. And every day, I evolve to be more independent, motivated and hard working.


Course Experience: An analysis of the experience of visual perception

Before I took this class, I was expecting to develop good eyes that would be able to define what visually works and what does not. Also I wanted to develop a professional perspective in the advertising area. I hoped this class would surprise me. Actually it did.

I learned a lot in the first section. I learned the focal point is a very important design element in advertising. It creates a first impression for the consumers. It represents the style of a brand. We first started our training with pictorial balance design; we worked with focal a point, perspective, line, pattern, 3-D and rhythm. In the beginning it was very difficult to make these principles work.  We had to have a size and a shape that’s perfect, in terms of proportion and in relation to the size of the paper; then where to place it was a big challenge, because different shapes create different illusions. The margins had to be perfect also. The last was the draftsmanship; it had to looks like it’s printed perfectly by machine.

Later, we moved into value contrasts achromatic tone and the two monochromes. Two tones of the same hue had to fit perfect together. We had to manage to subtle nuances between the two, as they determined whether it worked or not. Afterwards we transitioned to full color. It’s all about tone. Full color involves warm and cool temperature. All the tones, warm and cool colors have to work together. When I leave this class I would apply all this in creating narratives to advertising production and other designs.