Breakfast is important

I believe breakfast is essential. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I agree. In the morning you have to get your body up and ready to go for the day, so besides showering and getting dressed, you need to fuel your brain. Eating breakfast in the morning gives your brain the nutrients it needs to get off to the right start. Growing up as a kid, I was always told to eat my breakfast . No matter whether it was oatmeal or toast with butter and orange juice, you at least need to have something. From reading the article, you see how around the world different countries have a different take on breakfast. Something that may seem strange to us as breakfast is the norm for someone else. I do believe Americans breakfast foods are too sugary. The breakfast cereals are coated with sugar. Frosted flakes are coated in sugar and a toaster strudel is filled with a sugary filling and topped with a white frosting. Americans need to do better with breakfast foods.





Breakfast! A major essential for the day?


A lot of times as an adult it is hard to squeeze breakfast into your daily routine. There is so much to do throughout the day that it becomes more challenging. As a New Yorker you are always running around from one place to another. Businesses like Dunkin Doughnuts do so well because they sell food on the go which is a key essential for all New Yorkers. Also for children parents are running around in the morning to get them ready for school so something like cereal would be a go to morning meal, all it requires is milk. An ideal breakfast for me would consist of home made baked goods fruits and a veg with fresh juice, but who has the time to make all of that??



Cheyenne Acosta: The Story of the Snapping Tom.

Walker Evans is a brave man. A lot of people would start fights over having their picture being taken. Which I guess is the reason as to why he took the pictures secretly. However, I think it is better that way. Had he stopped and asked people to take a picture of them, he would get totally different portraits. I also love the fact that he chose to photograph in New York City. This city is full of interesting characters. Throw in a setting that people travel through everyday, you will get alluring photographs that can tell a great story. The people he photographed really aren’t all that different from the people on the subway today. They all kind of, avoid eye contact with other riders on the train. They look tired and weary. Yet, everyone, whether photographed or not, has a life as intricate as ours. I think that’s the beauty of photographing people unsuspectingly. Just their facial expression, their appearance and their body language tell a story of their life. Almost like what the photographer of Humans of New York is doing. Except he includes the subject’s story with their photograph. He also gets their permission to take their picture. I think that’s a very important detail when being a photographer.

Homework #5 Walker Evans

Walker Evans took fascinating photos. I personally love learning about history. One of my favorite forms of learning about history is seeing it through the eyes of someone that was there. This man took his camera into the NYC subway during the 1930’s and just shot photos of everyday life. Its incredible to me that these people are living in such a different time, such a different world and yet when I look at the photos of them, I see myself in them. I admire the everyday fashion of that time period and i admire the way in which those passengers carried themselves. The slightest tilt of the head or placement of the hand shows me culture in these people. I was glad that whilst looking through these photos I found the picture of at least one colored person. I’m sure it wasn’t popular to see photos of one in that time period. On top of everything i noticed (hats on just about everyone, subway ads to endorse cigarettes, newspapers, ect.) I was most drawn in by the fact that no matter the facial expression, each and every photo reminded me of today’s subway riders. I think a photographer today would get the same reaction. Some passengers looking directly at him, suspiciously and friendly. Some looked away pretending not to notice, and some genuinely looked like they didn’t notice at all. Each person had a behavior similar to that of any NYC Subway rider today.

Homework #5

Walker Evans’s idea of photographing people on the train without them knowing was a good idea. The pictures on the subway show peoples reactions. Everyone seems to have the same emotion or expression. Everyone has such a serious face. It makes you think what are they thinking, why is their face so serious. There is one picture of a man and lady sitting next to each other. Their faces look as though they’re staring right into the camera lens. I think it’s pretty interesting how he captured people in their natural state opposed to when people hear let me take a picture, they pose or smile for it.

HW #5

Walker Evans subway photos portray a everyday commuting. Everyone not in the greatest mood because of how early it is or maybe not enough seats. One of the photos shows a man and a woman waiting for a train, as the person looking at the picture you can guess that it is the beginning of winter because both in the picture have layers of clothing on and hats as well. Evans was always interested in seeing how people really were by capturing them in social situations such as traveling to work. Something that everyone does became something personal because of how candid some of these photos were. The expression on the peoples face who were in the photos look bothered, and off guard, which makes them “candid”.



Homework #5

The work of Walker Evans is so similar to many of the things we see now. From looking at the faces of many of the people in his photographs you know they know something is going on, but isn’t there. The variations of confusion to blank expressions makes you wonder how did he get their attention. From social media now you see so many pictures being taken with somewhat the same expressions on their faces. So many people on the train, that don’t have their faces on their phones, will always have a confused look on their face. No matter what, there is always something odd going on and from the look of things it’s been going on for a while.

Hw #4

Food is the most important thing in our  life.Without it, the living organisms could not function. For many people, food is also an described pleasure, ritual that accompanies mankind since its inception.Our life, faith, tradition for centuries, focused around food and the table.Nowadays, we often forget that eating meals is a ritual, part of the tradition.
The table has always been a place to meet, talk, exchange ideas. Common supper, not only on holidays, was the basis for the functioning of many families,regardless of their social status. Now rigid working hours each of the household often do not allow for the survival of the common. Often meals are eaten quickly and without having to pay attention to what you like. However, I think food brings people together. Tradition dictates eating meals together with your loved ones, these daily and receptions suchus wedding ,communion, birthdays etc. I used to work as a server in catering company and I noticed that food can communicate status at parties especially weddings. People like to show off , spent a lot of money. Many people forgot what is the purpose of this kinds of events. It’s not about how much money you spent it’s all about how wonderful time you can have with your relatives.People should not give up so so simple and meaningful traditions , it gives you the ability to create close relationships with people.


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Homework 4

imageThe short clip showed just how much power and riches one man had.His servants had to do everything single thing perfect for him.The King had over 18 courses and turn down pork for a hard boil egg.Food is the one that connects people daily. Whether it be sitting and having Sunday dinner , thanksgiving, weddings or birthdays food speaks to everyone.Food can make a social statement depending on the quality and presentation because even the simplest foods can stand out, (take the hard boiled egg in the short expert) .A social statement also doesn’t mean that one must be rich and able to afford expensive food , even growing your own food can make a statement.