Homework #6: Picturing Breakfast Around the World

Everyday the Dutch eat at least 750,000 slices of bread topped with butter and the chocolate sprinkles called hagelslag

Everyday the Dutch eat at least 750,000 slices of bread topped with butter and the chocolate sprinkles called hagelslag

The New York Times Magazine published a slideshow about what children eat for breakfast around the world. Read the article and share with your classmates your thoughts on breakfast as a meal. Do you think its essential? Are American breakfasts too sugary? In addition, please post a picture of something you think is essential for breakfast.

Read the NYTimes article “What kids around the world eat for breakfast.”

Please post your responses by Monday, November 23rd.

Homework #5

To see this photograph for me is impress me a lot  how the picture is taking. Working on NYC subway and taking  picture for him it was something that he love to do a lot. This picture that is with two people on the train for my is amazing.  People back then look very different from now people reading or looking around. Back then people don’t smile at the camera. For me is almost the same from now and back because  in the subway people are reading, talking, looking around. the only thing that is different from now and back then is people is only on their phone. It’s sad for me the Evans didn’t publish his photo when he took because his photo expresses something else  that people can see if they look very closely to the photo.

HW 5: Subway Portraits

It’s amazing and unique how Walker Evans came up with an idea of hiding the camera under his coat to capture people in the subway lost in their own thoughts and moods. It’s interesting to think about different people’s everyday routines, where they all go, what they do and who they are. Evans made a good decision keeping everyday commuters unaware of him taking photographs because when we all see a camera we naturally pose hiding our true face expressions and this would ruin the whole point of his style of photography. Walker Evans managed to capture the passengers on the NYC subway minding their own business in these unguarded moments, displaying a range of human emotions. He has created unposed portraits.
I’m my opinion, not much has changed from the time Evans took these photographs. Nowadays, the majority travels in the subway train with the same face expression which usually makes others feel like they don’t want to be bothered. We all use the subway rushing to get to our destinations, at the same time unwittingly people-watching.

Hw 5

Using a hidden camera,Walker Evans snapped unsuspecting passengers traveling around the city.We can see what kind of people were travelling in those days. How they were dressed up. Now I am thinking about how many people are coming in and out of the subway station every hour.They’ll be the ones sleeping, listening to music, reading a book.
kids, families, musicians etc.
Pretty much everyone from every walk of life can be found using the underground stations for transportation. I think It is amazing. That’s why I love Evans pictures. In his pictures he shows people I believe that subway is such a perfect place to capture real human emotion.That is the reason why Evan’s document people in the subway. People and their, daily life.I think that is it a great way to tell the story about people. Subway stations are really a world of their own. Underground, dark, gritty, sometimes filled with masses of different people and sometimes deserted, they’re a photographer’s dream for capturing a unique angle of urban life.When people do not know that somebody photograph them they don’t act . They don’t did not act because they don’t know that they were photographed.It makes pictures so natural.

Evans pictures also reminds me about  photographer Reinier Gerritsen. He did the same similar thing.This photographer spent 13 weeks over 3 years scouring the subway system of New York City for riders reading books.” Every time Gerritsen saw one, he would snap a picture and make a note of the book that was being read. We can see how things changed”. Nowadays everyone can take a hidden picture. Smartphone becomes more advanced, and apps make sharing of images and video easier than ever


Homework 5

Walker Evan captured pictures that I adore. The best photos capture true emotion and these photos do just that. Walker photographs many people and all of their facial expressions are stoic, emotionless and serious. Not much has changed from the time these pictures were taken. Present day, the majority of the people on the train have one facial expression and its usually the one that makes others know that they don’t want to be bothered. Who knows where those in the photos were headed or what they were talking about, but it’s probably the same thing people do now. Everyday, thousands of people ride the New York City subway, rushing to get to their destinations, which is probably what the people in the photographs were doing. Also, Evan’s photos reminded me of the images taken with Human’s of New York. Although Evan didn’t gather statements from these people, he did photograph the people of New York City. Each photo documents a person, someone who is most likely forgotten by now.  However, because they were captured in these photos, they live on. It amazes me to know that these people lived here at one point and took the same routes we do.

Homework 5

Walker Evans photographs are very unique in my opinion.Here we have a photographer thinking outside the box and not taking staged photographs, but rather taken people pictures in their natural element with no warning.I find it interesting how so little has changed.In the photos seen here , you see people either reading papers, talking or starting off into the distance.When you compare that to today’s society it is almost the same.You still see the same kind of people who are wearing their taught a on their faces, you see the people who are reading their daily paper and to add on you see the young-ins who cannot stay out of their phone.The fact that Evans did not publish these photos as soon as he took them also shows the kind of artist he is.He took his time and years to observe every aspect of over 600 photos before he decided to publish.

Ahmet D. Homework #5

Walker Evans created a very uncommon style that photograph people the way they are without a pose or anything else. I believe these photographs are the best ones. It is really hard not to smile when you see a camera. People always look different when they pose to the camera. Walker Evans did the hardest part and photographed people how they look, who and what they are. Walker Evans’s photographs are not stage, and that’s what I like about it. This makes his collection very unique. I still see the same expression on people faces, and their daily lives then and now. Everyone is minding their own business. Some are going to work, some are going to school or coming back from work. Everyone is busy with something! Now, I wonder why did he wait such a long time to publish these photographs?

Homework #5 Got to love newyork subways!

After seeing most of walker Evan photograph of people On the subway during the early days it was fascinating to me how everybody look. Mostly everyone of those photos at the same place of today’s society pictures of New York city subways of people that are doing the same thing which is not smiling at all because it’s early in the morning or almost late to work or they might have hate there job. It is almost crazy to me how not that much has changed and as well as a lot of things changed starting with the clothes and technology of today world. Mostly New York subway trains you do see many different people from many different races however in his photos you see mostly the same race and the same face but it’s always the same emotion. It look like however these photos were taken early in the morning by Walker as you can see it is mostly the people that he has pictures of are upset or mad. These pictures influence me to take pictures of today’s ride home back wherever I’m going just to see peoples faces and reaction and comparing it to walkers.

Homework #5: Walker Evans’ Subway Portraits

Walker Evans’ photographed people on the New York City subways between 1938-1941. He only published these photographs 25 years later in his book, Many Are Called, which was re-issued in 2004. Read a review about the new edition in the New York Times or listen to a radio interview of the book’s re-release and a related exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Then look at some of Evans photographs on the Getty website. What do you think of Evans’ clandestine approach to photography? Do you see similarities between the riders’ expressions during the Depression Era to today’s riders?

Walker Evans, Subway Couple

Walker Evans, Subway Couple

New York Times Book review

NPR interview with Met curator Jeff Rosenheim (audio)

Getty Collection of Walker Evans Subway Portraits

Please post your responses by Monday, November 16th.

A whip’s point of view


In this photo I took a a picture, during the week I was chef, of us making our very own whip cream. It was fascinating the way we took heavy cream and just mixed it (whipped it) for a couple of minutes and added some other things to make it sweet, and viola you have whip cream. The smell, especially the texture I had to capture the moment, surprisingly this was taken while the whip was moving, I’m not too sure how I did it, but I’m shocked by what I captured. The texture of the whip cream looks fluffy, and smooth, but also though its airy, from in this picture it looks as if it would have a play-doh feel once you get it in your hands.