Spiritualism Photography

I personally understand the whole allure that comes with spiritualism photography, it’s something that lives in that grey area of the photography in general. It is definity werid to me and so far fetched , but who am I to judge those who are mourning or believe in different truths than I do?  I can also see why it is so popular, the overall idea that when the thing that we love and hold dear to us have left us, there is a certain distilled yourning to feel some sort of presence as if that personor thing is still with us, existing somewhere between one world and the next because of the fear of being left alone or adandoned.  Growing up in South America, there were so many folk lore and supertistions  that pretty much ruin any hopes of mine to have even an once of appreciation for spirtualism photography.  I remember when me and my friends were in our later teenage years and had might night curfews, we would have to walk backwards into the house, in the effort to negat a stray ‘Jumbies’ (spiritual figures) following you home or if you were a girl with long hair walking home during the late evening you would have to put your hair in a bun, because ‘spirits’ would hang on to the ends of your hair and follow you home. Now that I think about it, it won’t Suprise me that these folklores were made up by parents who wanted to keep their kids home, because it was such a process to get into the house when it was time to head home!  I know, it all sounds like a bunch of baloney,  but I did walk into the house backwards everytime I’m out pass might night, because you never know.  That is the fuel to the fire, the element of ‘what if’, to ablity to explain the unexplainable and the emotional entrapment behind the overall purpose of something such as spiritualism photography. Hey, to each there own, this stuff really freaks me out , ‘ghost’ pictures, Jesus toast, and folk lore is just a bit too much for me.


Spiritualism as a religion is interesting, as many people find comfort and solace in their beliefs and religious practices, or within their religion of choice. As is the case of Shannon Taggert, who first started photographically documenting the practices of spiritualism and eventually found herself a believer. While I find the concept of the religion fascinating, as I do with most religions and their ability to gain and maintain followers, the photographs are simply not enough to convince me of anything. As we have already seen in regard to early photography, pictures are easily manipulated and often staged in order to tell a story. A story designed by the photographer and not necessarily belonging to the subjects. Bent spoons on a table that have supposedly been bent by the power of the mind, a blurry picture of an enlarged hand and pictures of smudges of people mixed in with people in perfect focus are just not enough to convince me that photography has been successful in capturing the nature of this religion.

Documenting Spiritualism

After reading the article, it reminds me of the show “Long Island Medium”.Even though the show is trying to prove to the audiences that the medium is not a fluke and everything that were being documented did actually happened. There are still skeptics out there who thinks this whole interaction with the spirit is impossible. I also think it’s crazy not because I think it is impossible but the concept of it it’s creepy and scary. Unless I witness the truth in person (which I never want to), then I will state my opinion. However this concept it’s somewhat interesting to me because its a mystery. That also apply to the possibility of creating spirit photography. Whether it is photo-shopped or reality, it is up to an individual’s faith. Do I think it is necessary to document spiritualism? It is not my place to voice an opinion but I will never do it considering the fact that I can barely sit through Disney’s “The Haunted Mansion”.


Documenting Spiritualism

i have never seen images like that of photographer Shannon Taggart before although i find it very fascinating. I am a very religious person and i do believe spirits do exist but than i do not think they do linger around the living like the way it is portrayed by Taggart. I find most of these images to be very disturbing and i do not know if its real or she may have manipulated the images to make it seem like that. i do not understand why people would want to be photograph of a spirit sitting next to them or hovering over their heads, i do understand that most people want to believe that their love ones are still with them and they can talk to them anytime they want to but i find it very creepy. I would not have a photograph of that sort in my living room it would scare the day light out of me anytime i see it. Then again its what these people believe in and they have faith in these mediums that they go to, to be able to communicate with the dead, but i do not see the need to have  photographs to document spiritualism.

Brianna Vasquez’s Post on Documenting Spiritualism

Spirit photography is the practice that attempts to acquire images of ghosts and spiritual entities. Any spiritual or religious experience is purely supernatural so it can be extremely difficult to capture in photographic images. Despite that most spirit photography is created by a double exposure effect that produces an illusion of a ghostly figure in the picture. The famed spirit photographer, Shannon Taggart managed to achieve the capture of spiritual beings with the assistance of a camera. This practice is difficult since cameras may not always reveal the presence of ghostly, spiritual figures. As with all photography, it needs proper lighting, angling, and the correct exposure. I have rejected the idea that any form of spirit photography was intrusive since most of the participants of the practice are openly inviting their departed loved ones to visit them; in the form of ghosts or spiritual entities which is what Shannon Taggart had the opportunity to photograph during such events like séances. Although, I think it is a valuable practice because it allows those to have a peaceful reencounter with their deceased loved ones I, honestly, only believe in God as a Holy Ghost in connection with Jesus Christ and disagree with the existence of any other ghosts or spiritual beings. In addition, I believe those that have passed on have parted with the world and their bodies may be buried but their souls are no longer on Earth and remain in a more sacred environment.

Food Texture


Jen’s Lemony Mash with fresh rosemary!

Behold, my plate of irresistible mash potato goodness! They say that when presented with a plate of food or even having a visual of some sort of a food item, it is our eyes that  “taste” the food first, you know what “puppy eyed drool factor” when you see your favorite dish?.  Sight plays an important role in how we perceive food, observing the textures, colors, and how the ingredients are used is essential,thus making it a key component of success in the food business. In the picture above , I can tell that the mash potatoes are creamy based on  smoothness and moisture that is keeping the mash potatoes in tack. There is a sense of heartiness to the dish because the potatoes appear to still be slightly dense, while remaining fluffy. I personally made this as a side dish yesterday. I completely mashed the boiled potatoes and added just enough mayo and butter to smooth out the texture of the boiled potatoes, so in the end I would have a creamy product. What you can not tell from this photo is that there is lemon added to the mash potatoes to cut down the richness of the mayo, and also minced rosemary leaves were added to compliment the flavor of the lemon.


I don’t know what to think of these pictures…. most of the pictures looked blurry to me maybe because I can’t relate to them or because I am not open minded enough?! I personally don’t believe that one can actually capture spirits in a photograph because it seems absurd. I  don’t personally believe in the credibility of those spiritual pictures because I can do the same thing with my phone. I can intentionally blur out images I don’t want people to see with most smartphones nowadays. For me to believe in something like that, I actually have to be there and experience it myself.

food texture

shaved iced , tapioca bubbles, passion fruit , lychee and green apple popsFood texture an important factor  when it comes down to what I want to eat and not, but it can not be hundred percent trusted. the picture above, is a picture of shaved ice with tapioca bubbles,with lychee, passion fruit, and green apple pops, and even though there is a lot of contrast in the texture it tasted great! i would usually not eat anything like this because when you think about the crunchiness of the shaved ice, mixed with the chewiness of the tapioca bubbles in your mouth gives you this strange feeling. Once you get pass the assumption, it actually tastes great.In a sense i think that we should look beyond what our eyes can actually see….

That Texture!

imageTexture-the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.

I believe that texture is one of the hardest things to capture in a photograph. Reason being, texture is how something feel, you need to touch the object to really know. In a photograph we rely on out past experiences to assume what the texture is. For example a picture of mashed potatoes with gravy and a type of meat depending on what you experience with food is when it comes to that type of dish you already have your assumption on the texture of the dish, but that is all depends on how it is presented to you. If you have never had the experience of interacting with the object or know of the object you can’t accurately know the texture.

You can tell when gravy is cold if it clumps up and looks unattractive the mash Potatoes could be lumpy but just look soft and unless the meat is cut open you can’t tell if it was cooked to rare which would be soft and still feel raw or well done which is firm and a somewhat dry depending on how well done the meat is. In order to portray texture a great amount of detail needs to be put in the photograph, so the viewer has an idea of what it feels like.

Lastly photographer’s cheese cake was made from the egg yolks left after photographers had used the egg whites in the chemical process of taking a photo.


To be honest i think is the kind of art that not everyone can understand, i think the person who is appreciating the picture need to be passing through the lost of someone in their family or has passed through a similar situation in the past. Then the person can feel a connection with their love one that had pass away. In my opinion I don’t think this documentary photography is valuable, and to me is almost impossible that she is experiencing this spirituals situations. Like the one with the man with the growing hands, i have to be there to believe it.