Ashley Lopez

I chose this photograph I took because I like that you can see the shadow of the chair. Also I decided to flip the top not knowing it was broken but it turned out to look pretty cool. I wish I framed it a little better so that the yellow tape wasn’t in the photo. I could’ve chose a plain background to make the chair stand out more.

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Manuel Razuri, Andrew Chen, Ashley Lopez

Use of high angle and perspective to expose a different image from the chair.

This shows how the symmetry of the image from the chair to the shadow changes, it allows to get a different perspective of how the chair can look. It uses the angle of view from a high angle to expose the image to different light and create the shadow and change how the chair looks.


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I chose this photograph because although its a simple plain black chair, having it against a black background makes it somewhat classy. Yet brings total darkness.

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I like the angle of the chair that gives a gross position. And the light went through the chair.

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Favourite Picture


The bottom leg of the chair looks like a reflection of the front leg.

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medium shot, low-angle,

I used the center of the chair in the photo ti make balance. i liked how the sun coming in through the window and hitting the chair and making shadow.

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Favorite Picture

The shadow of the bottom half of the chair reminds me of a grandaddy long leg spider.

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Ishaat Hossain’s Favorite Classwork Photo

Chair Falling In Place

This picture of the chair falling was definitely my favorite picture for the day. I really love how there is action being depicted in a still image. The composition is a medium shot of this chair that fills out the frame. The prompt that we originally took this picture for was asymmetry. I enjoyed the process of taking this photo as-well. It was more outside the box and a spur of the moment idea.

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Favorite Photo of the Day

My favorite shot of today is the one above. Not only is it an oblique angle, which creates an unbalanced and dynamic composition, but the chair is literally off balance. The chair is about to fall, which gives the expression of tension.

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Homework 1

For this assignment, I’ve chosen Suzanne Stein. Under New York Street Two, there is a photo entitled, “Times Square”, that intrigues me. It takes place in Times Square, NY, where it is always crowded and so much happening. The face paced city seems to slow down in this photograph, and I think that was the photographer’s intention. The main subject is a young black mail, who evidently is on the job, but was captured in a moment of thought. Who knows what he could be thinking about? That curiosity invites me into the photo. In the background, you see people perhaps rushing or going in their own directions, going away from the main subject. What I admire about this photograph is the reflection in the glass, which fills the frame, and illustrates this illusion of another dimension.


From the Steve McCurry video, I’ve identified several compositional principles. Due to the reflection through the glass, Suzanne Stein accomplished Symmetry. The same elements and objects you see on the left side is reflected on the right. Due to the glass reflection, there is another principle of Frame Within a Frame. That glass reflection/frames creates a narrative of another place within the location. Because the main subject is being portrayed in both his real self and reflected self, the principle of Figure to Ground is achieved.



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