Best Shot – Shutter Speed


Shutter Speed – 1″

ISO 100

I believe this is my favorite shot of the day. I am a fan of the central subject, with a feel of wonder in her face. The background shows lots of motion with traffic, creating a narrative of things moving fast around the subject, but she is still. That narrative creates contrast with one another.

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Favorite photo

1/320sec at f/4.9

iso 5000

I like how he looked toward to the hat. It gives a relationship with them.

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Exposure Class

Motion Picture



  • ƒ/5.0
  • 24.0 mm
  • 1/1000
  • 2500


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shutter speed 1/500

iso 800

I had to throw the scarf and stay still and leave it fell off at me.

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I chose this photo because i love how it focuses on the details of the flower. The direction of the light is front.

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I like this photo because its reflective which shows symmetry, and its a close up which shows details and its a fill the frame.

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Ishaat Hossain – Flowers Classwork – 2



The that I liked the most is the silhouette of two flowers. The light was shining on the background as opposed to the subject. I wish we could have had less vignetting along the background. We used a spotlight which made this difficult.

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I like the double exposure of the flowers. the side light made the detail of tomentum.

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Favorite Team Photo

Chair to the left in front black background

This is my favorite photo because even though everything is black, your eye goes straight to the chair. I also this photo because the lighting gives it this deep vibe like somebody is about to sit down and do a short but deep Buzzfeed-like video. This shot shows the characteristic, rule of thirds.

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My Picture from Friday’s Class

I chose this image because it feels as if the cameraman, which is me can be labeled as an insect. The reason why I used that as n example because it makes the stool look very huge when in reality it isn’t. It goes to show that the different angles in taking pictures can give viewers different ways of describing what they the image can reflect.

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