the different between two photos is the exposure from 0 to 3. when I shot photo with enough light, I rather to make it darker to stand out the detail. if the exposure is too high, it may effect the focus of photo.

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Exposure #2 – Clemson

The camera makes both of these images similar because it selects the aperture and shutter speed values that creates a medium grey look.

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Exposure – Clemson Brown

Based on tapping on the screen within the frame, the camera will set different tones of lighting based on the area that it is most focused at into the shot.

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HW 6 – Dorothea Lange

The assignment is a three paragraph essay as described below. Create a new post with your response by April 17th, 12 noon EST.

Read this short biography of Dorothea Lange.


View White Angel Breadline, San Fransisco. 1933


Write a paragraph describing this photograph. Start by stating: what does this photograph make you feel? Then discuss the specific things in the photograph that communicate the photograph’s meaning. Include the compositional principles that Lange used as well as specifics about the subject matter.

Lange, after documenting the Great Depression in her home city of San Fransisco, went on to work for the federal government documenting it throughout California and the South.

Lange’s most famous photograph of this era is Migrant Mother.


Go to Youtube and search:

Whose Migrant Mother was this?

Watch this video about Lange’s most famous photograph.

Write a paragraph describing the photograph Migrant Mother. Start by describing what you see. What is the subject matter? What are the formal elements (compositional principles) of the photograph that make it visually engaging. What did Lange want to express in this photograph?

In your third paragraph, consider the gap between the people and things in a photograph, what was actually in front of the camera and what the photograph comes to mean. These four people came to symbolize the whole era. What does this photograph mean to you right now as we are locked in our apartments and 10 million people have lost their jobs? The photograph also resulted in aid getting to the migrant camp. There were many inaccuracies in the story told about Florence Thompson and her family that made the subject of the photo wish the photograph had not been taken. Was the overall good worth it?

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Week 8: Exposure 2

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Week 8 exposure of an object

this was taken towards a window where the sunlight wasn’t out as much as seen in the second picture and the First picture is how the image looks after it’s in Lightroom and given abit of exposure etc…

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Week 8-exposure 2





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Week 8 – Exposure 2 – Creative Uses of Exposure

Find a tallish object more or less the size of the spray bottle I used in this example. Put it in a window during the day. Take two pictures of that object: one with the exposure set for the background-what is out the window and one where the exposure is set for the object that is inside on the windowsill.  

Window with Clorox bottle

Exposed for out the window

Window with Clorox bottle

Exposed for the bottle on the windowsill










With a cameraphone: Touch the area where the bottle is and then drag the little sun icon down to reduce the overall exposure. For the second photo, drag the little sun icon up to increase the overall exposure.

With a camera: Use Exposure Compensation to take the two photos.


Exposure compensation scale

Exposure compensation scale set here to minus 1.3

Exposure Compensation-a way to force the camera to make an exposure either lighter or darker than the meter reading. Good for backlight or extremes of light and dark.


To find exposure compensation on your camera look for the scale with the plus and minus icon.

Below is a second example using different exposures of scissors on a windowsill partially in sunlight.

Create 5 pairs of images of that use different exposures to the change the mood and the feeling of the photograph. Work on a windowsill or with a bright desk lamp. You may use Lightroom or the Lightroom Photoshop App to adjust the highlights, shadows, blacks and whites of your final images.

Create a post with the category “Week 8 – Exposure” and post your final 5 pairs of images.

Scissors on windowsill

Scissors on window sill – Overexposed

Scissors on windowsill

Scissors on windowsill – Underexposed

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week 8 – exposure

Both photos of black paper (left) and white paper (right) look similar because when shooting in automatic setting, the camera – if exposure not set to specs – tries to adjust exposure in the middle and find the gray medium.

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