Category Archives: Week 11 – Food Photography – Depth of Field

Week 11 Depth of Field, Owen Dennis

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Depth of field

Posted in Student Work, Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field | 1 Comment


With and without fill Depth of field   background matter

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Background Matters, Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field, Week 11 - Food Photography - Fill or Brightening Shadows | 1 Comment

Food Photography – Depth of Field Manuel Razuri

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field | 1 Comment

Week 11 – Depth of field

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field | 1 Comment

Food Photography – Depth of Field

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field | 1 Comment

Food Photography – Depth of Field

Focus on the top left full orange. Focus on the bottom front off the slice of orange.

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field | Leave a comment

Fill vs No Fill – Clemson Brown

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Background Matters, Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field, Weekly Agenda | Leave a comment

Food Shots – Clemson Brown

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Background Matters, Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field, Weekly Agenda | Leave a comment

Depth of Field

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field | 1 Comment