Calvin, Ogulcan, Rosa Meeting Minutes 12/16/14

Meeting Minutes

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 12 December 2014

Meeting called to order at 7:20 PM by Calvin

Members present:

Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda

To discuss how to improve on our feedbacks received by Professor Belli.


7:20 PM           Discuss the feedbacks we received from Prof. Belli.

7:35 PM           Created to do list based on all the comments from the first draft.

9:30PM                        Discuss how we plan to organize our final write up.

9:35PM           Fixed the cover pages and Table of content

Adjourned at 9:50 PM


Meeting Minutes

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 13 December 2014

Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM by Calvin

Members present:

Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda

To discuss about the feedbacks from Prof. Belli and how will make those changes


6:30 PM           Reviewed our to do list and determined and assigned who will do what

6:45 PM           Expanded on the introduction of the final write up.

7:40 PM           Restructured data analysis section and results section based on feedback.

8:40 PM          Introduced context for the official student teacher evaluation for City Tech faculty



9:50 PM           Worked on the final proposal.

10:20 PM        Updated the annotated bibliography appendix.

11:20 PM        Created new appendices for graphs/visuals, final survey and others.


Adjourned at 12:45 AM


Meeting Minutes

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 15 December 2014

Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM by Calvin

Members present:

Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda

To fix all issues from the first draft based on the feedback


3:00 PM          Reviewed our to do list to see what we has left to do

3:15 PM          Worked working on the Memorandum

4:40 PM          Fixed Works cited section as MLA Format

4:55 PM          Added more details on the conclusion as well as the results

5:35 PM          Finished the editing all the appendices

7:10 PM          Worked on the PowerPoint Presentation

8:20 PM          Finished the to do list


Adjourned at 9:00 PM


Meeting Minutes

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 16 December 2014

Meeting called to order at 1:00 PM by Calvin

Members present:

Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda

To go over the feedback of our memorandum and data analysis with our meeting with Professor Belli.


1:00 PM          Explained our concerned with the memorandum and Data Analysis

1:20 PM          Prof. Belli gave us a clear feedback on what should be done.

1:25 PM          Prof. Belli made us clear which direction to go.


Adjourned at 1:30 PM


Meeting Minutes

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 16 December 2014

Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM by Calvin

Members present:

Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda

To finalize our project and submit it to Dropbox.


6:00 PM          Created a new memorandum

6:45 PM          Update Data Analysis

7:40 PM          Update the Results section

8:40 PM          Added more details on the conclusion as well as the results

9:45 PM          General review of the Final Project

10:20 PM        Join all the data in one paper

11:40 PM        Worked on the PowerPoint Presentation


Adjourned at 1:00 AM



Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii, Meeting Minutes 12.16.2014


Meeting minutes       12/12/2014

8:30 PM – 10:00 PM

Attendees (Skype)


Ivan Kelemen, Iurii Druchuk, Enrique Bisono, Rene Alcon



Ivan Kelemen




  • Discuss the final manuals
  • Talk about what we went over with, with the professor about the final write up
  • Talk about revising fun facts and question cards



  • The first order of business was to look over the final manuals and discuss them. We looked them over to see if they included everything we wanted in them. We went back and decided to add more information to the manuals because, the more you have for the teacher to work with the better.
  • Next we talked about what we went over with, with the professor during the group meeting. It was clear that we had to reorganize the essay and cut it into different parts. We decided on a new outline that included and intro, the two different aspects of the design, the hardware, the playtesting and a conclusion.
  • Lastly we talked about the final version of the facts and question cards. Once that was done we ended the meeting and went to work.





After a long meeting we ended at 10 PM

Meeting Minute 5—Tony, Samson, Goutam

Date: 12/12/2014

Start Time: 7:00 pm

End Time: 8:20 pm

Location: meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Tony Chi, Skype.

Attendees: Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective: Final Report Wrap-up and Presentation

Work Assigned

  • Tony is going to be minute take for this week.
  • Goutam is made the agenda to be discussed for this week online meeting.
  • Samson is going to write the last progress report

Last Meeting Peer Review

  • Base on what we read from other group report, we really our table of content need to be fix.
  • Tony said appendices are not clear cut comparing to others.
  • Our work cited is missing
  • We embedded too much images

Group Meeting with Prof. Belli & Final Report

  • Goutam will reconstruct introduction for the report
  • Goutam will also fix the background base on what Professor Belli suggests.
  • Tony will take charge of fixing and editing the full report
  • Tony will also find out to make table of contents interactive.
  • We going to get more survey done and analyze the result
  • Samson will write about survey and fixing major error


  • Discuss about whether we should dress professional
  • Assigned parts of the power point to present in class
  • Complete the power point for in class presentation for next Wednesday

Next Class Meeting

  • Our group will be present our progress on the final project.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM

Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Tony Chi

Jason, Ray, Vincent, Minutes week of 12/10/14

December 15, 2014
Attendees: Jason Choy, Ray Chen, Vincent Cornelio
Location: Virtual
Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM by Jason Choy

I. Finalize the final project write-up

  • All group members discuss the recent meeting with Professor Belli and agree on some key changes to make; namely the integration of the research materials with the main body of the paper, adding an Endnotes page, redoing the Appendix, and being more argumentative.
  • Ray mentions that we should discuss the manual and survey more, which everyone agrees on.
  • Jason says he’ll begin making these changes.
  • Vincent states that the proposal needs to be appended.

II. Finalize the presentation

  • Jason mentions that our last presentation was missing a Works Cited page, which we will address.
  • All group members agree to build off of the last presentation.
    Jason says that the presentation should convey the ideas and information from the final write-up, but include more graphics (pictures).
  • All group members will work on the PowerPoint presentation, which is in a shared folder on Dropbox.

Meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM
Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Jason Choy.

Meeting Minute 4—Tony, Goutam, Samson

Date: 12/07/2014

Start Time: 6:00 pm

End Time: 7:00 pm

Location: Skype video chat at 6:00pm

Attendees: Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective: To complete the first draft of the final write up.

Work Assigned


  • Work on the part of the project that was assigned.



  • Complete survey rational and post on Openlab.

First Draft

  • Complete introduction, report and conclusion for the first draft.
  • Put together all progress report, minutes and agenda for appendix.
  • Put together the first draft.

Next Class Meeting

  • Complete final draft of the final paper and powerpoint presentation.

Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Samson Gong

Chris, Deniel, Derrick and Lian Meeting Minutes 12-3-14

Group 5: Chris, Deniel, Derrick, Lian

Location 1: Computer Lab

December 5, 2014; 4:30pm-6:00pm

Location 2: Online; Skype

December 6, 2014 2:00pm-3:00pm



  • To work on the first draft of the final paper
  • Final revision of the survey
  • Distribute surveys and collect data
  • Make analyses based on data received from the surveys
  • Make adjustments to the memo

Preparations for the next class

  • Started First draft of the final paper
  • Organize compiled information from the survey
  • Complete rationale for the surveys
  • Bring in the completed memo

Plans for the following week

  • Complete distribution of surveys and compile all data
  • Finish the final paper
  • Prepare the presentation in power point


Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Deniel Boodoo

Calvin, Ogulcan, Rosa, Meeting Minutes 12-3-14

Meeting Minutes #4

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 3 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 8:00 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda:

To discuss some of the questions in our survey that we needed to edit and revise and the rationale accordingly.
New Business:
• Discussed about the feedback from Professor Belli.
o Tried to tackle each of her points the best of our abilities.
• Edited the questions of the survey.
• Rewrite the rationale.
o Edit the rationale we created in class accordingly.
• Finish and submitted our rationale for the survey.
Adjourned at 11:00 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 4 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 10:00 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol
Reading of Agenda:
To discuss the suggestions and feedback from Professor Belli about our rationale and revised our questions.
New Business:
• Discussed the rationale feedback from Prof. Belli.
• Do some additional research relevant to our survey.
• Revised the survey questions based on the feedback.
Adjourned at 11:30 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 5 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 12:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol
Reading of Agenda:
To more research and thought about additional questions relevant to our survey and remove questions that were redundant.
New Business:
• Carefully reviewed our questions and omitted questions that were redundant.
• Added questions about engagement in lectures.
• Researched questions about chairperson and created question related to chairperson.
Adjourned at 3:30 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 5 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 8:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano
Reading of Agenda:
To more research and thought about additional questions relevant to our survey and remove questions that were redundant.
New Business:
• Brainstormed new questions from additional research.
o Because we omitted some questions, we needed to create new questions to replace them.
• Reviewed of our deliverables.
• Finalized our revised survey.
• Finalized our new rationale.
• Posted revised survey and rationale on OpenLab.
• Discuss how to proceed with the first draft of the final report.
Adjourned at 10:00 PM

Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 6 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 2:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Rosa Cedano
Reading of Agenda:
To start the first draft of our report and start the introduction section.
New Business:
• Briefly review what should be included in our introduction.
• Research on how to write an introduction for a report.
Adjourned at 4:00 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 6 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 8:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano
Reading of Agenda:
To start working on the body section of our report which are data analysis, methods and results.
New Business:
• Briefly review what should be included in our method section.
• Research on how to write the methods section for a report.
o Our findings were that it is split into 4 components. Data, Methods, Data Analysis and Results.
o Decided to omit the Data component as it might be too similar to the data analysis section.

• Conceptualized what should be included in the data analysis section.
• Created cover page and table of content.
• Updated the annotated bibliography.
Adjourned at 10:00 PM

Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 7 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 2:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol
Reading of Agenda:
Revise/edit the report and further work on the body section.
New Business:
• Carefully reviewed and edited introduction and data analysis.
• Carefully reviewed and edited the methods sections.
• Meeting Complete.
Adjourned at 4:00 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 8 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 8:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano
Reading of Agenda:
To finish up the introduction and presentation of the first draft of our final write up and start working on the appendices.
New Business:
• Review what we have done so far and what else needs to be worked on.
• Started to create and organize the appendix section.
• Finished up our methods and data analysis.
Adjourned at 11:30 PM

Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 9 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 2:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol
Reading of Agenda:
To begin the conclusion, begin create graphs to visually represent our results.
New Business:
• Started working on our visuals.
o Copy our results from GoogleForms and paste it into Excel in order to separate each checkbox answer into its own cell and count it for a numerical answer.
• Started writing the conclusion section.
Adjourned at 4:30 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 9 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 8:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano
Reading of Agenda:
Finish and finalize our first draft of the report and submit it to Dropbox
New Business:
• Carefully review all the sections of our write up.
• Finish up on the visuals.
• Compile everything into one document.
• Submit our first draft of report.
Adjourned at 11:30 PM

Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii_MeetingMinutes5(12-3-14)


Meeting minutes       12/03/2014

12:30 PM – 2:00 PM, 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM


Attendees (Class, in person)

Ivan Kelemen, Rene Alcon, Iurii Druchuk, Enrique Bisono


Ivan Kelemen


  • Discuss outline for manuals
  • Talk about outline for write up after professor explained what it should contain
  • Assign final project parts
  • Talk about revising “fun facts”


  • During class and then later in the meeting we had outside of class we discussed the outlines for the two separate manuals. Based on the suggestion the professor made we will have to make a few small tweaks. Ivan will revise the rules, while iurii and Rene work on the layout for the manuals from the outline we have made. After that is done Enrique will provide images of the materials and show how they are set up. That will complete the manuals and we can work on more important things.
  • Based on what the professor talked about in class, we decided on the outline for the write up we have to hand in at the end of the semester. We made an outline for it and decided how we want to approach it. we will spend the first two days ( Thursday / Friday ) gathering all the information (research) we need from our research file, then we will write it up using our outline.
  • We decided to split up the work for the write up and then come together to edit the parts in. Ivan will handle the introduction, background information and the general setup of the the paper. Next Enrique will talk about materials and the operation in the game, while also providing “question cards” for the game. Rene will talk about building the game and the design of it, why we made the decisions we made in regard to those things. Finally Iurii will do the conclusion and fun fact cards. He will bring out paper together. Besides this, we will all use research that we found and also all together work on the bibliography.
  • Lastly we talked about fixing the fun facts based on the suggestion the professor made. We will turn the wording of the cards down and make the language easier for kids to understand. Using this suggestion we will also do this with the question cards. We plan to have a term definition in the rule section so they can refer to it if they don’t understand something.



We met twice today. First we met in class and worked during the class time from about 12:30 PM until 2 PM when class ended. Then we all separated for a quick lunch and again met at 2:15 PM until 3:15 PM.


Jason, Ray, Vincent, Minutes week of 12-03-14

December 5, 2014
Attendees: Jason Choy, Ray Chen, Vincent Cornelio
Location: Virtual
Meeting called to order at 4:00 PM by Jason Choy

I. Discuss our finalized game

  • The group watched two videos showing the final level of the game, one for each ending.
  • Ray asked for clarification about the event that happens at the very end of the game, wondering if it makes sense.
  • Jason elaborated on said event and Ray now agrees with its inclusion into the game.

II. Discuss the survey

  • While discussing the survey, Jason thought of two new questions and modifying an existing one, which he promptly did.
  • Vincent said he will begin distributing the survey, along with the manual and game, this weekend.
  • Jason will also begin distribution starting this weekend.

III. Final write-up

  • The group created a basic layout for the final write-up, which everyone agreed on. The layout is comprised of an introduction to start the paper, which will include the thesis, before going on to describe the game and the manual in detail. This part of the paper is expected to be roughly 4 pages long. The next session is dedicated to background information, summarizing all of our sources and describing how they helped our project. This is expected to be 3-4 pages long. Then we will discuss the results of the survey and what they mean to us, which is expected to be 2-3 pages long. Then we’ll conclude our findings and end the paper, which should require 1-2 pages.
  • All group members started brainstorming thesis statements for the paper, throwing around ideas. In the end we decided on a thesis that will focus primarily on how video games can be intellectual as a storytelling medium, how they can help thinking, and how our game is an example of these things.
  • All group members were reading the “Final Project Write-up” page on OpenLab while discussing this topic. Jason suggests everyone should first write annotations for all of our newer sources (ones that we don’t have in our annotated bibliography), and then send him these sources and annotations. He will then put together a revised annotated bibliography.
  • The group discussed how to approach the appendix, looking up examples online. The group will collaboratively make the appendix after writing the paper.
  • The group agreed that every member will write about their sources; summarizing them and describing how they helped our project. These will all be integrated into our final write-up.
  • While the group writes about their sources, Jason will make the cover page and begin the Works Cited page.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM
Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Jason Choy.

Derrick, Deniel, Lian, Chris Meeting Minutes #3

Date: 11/29/14

Start Time: 2:00pm

Finish Time: 3:00pm

Location: Skype video chat

Attendees: Lian, Derrick, Deneil, Chris

Objective: To discuss the format of our final presentation format, our survey locations and what we have to do coming into the final weeks of class


-We began by speaking about how the presentation on Wednesday went, and how it compared to the others

– Much was mentioned about what we can do to improve before the final presentation, highlighting the positives and areas of improvement

– We discussed what would be the plan going forward in terms of fixing the presentation itself, and also the survey

– Mention of the survey led us to finalizing when and where the survey would be distributed

– It was suggested that the memo be slightly fixed as well.

– We spent a decent amount of time discussing what would be needed for next week and motivating each other to finish the semester in strong manner.

– Before we finished, Derrick reminded anyone that any new sources had to be added to the bibliography

Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm

Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Christopher Roberts