Wrapping Up the Semester


Can you believe it?? This coming week is the final week of class! Below is everything you need to know about what needs to happen between now and the last day of the semester.

Group Conferences to Discuss Final Projects Write-Up Drafts
Each group has a schedule out-of-class 1/2 hour conference with me, in my office hours (this will be the primary source of individualized feedback on your first draft of the write-up), and as a result, I will be holding (very) extended offices to make sure that there is plenty of time for us to discuss your work.

Groups may meet with me multiple time to discuss multiple drafts, at any time up until our last day of class (W 12/17)

*Reminder: if your group does not turn in a complete first draft by the due date (Tu 12/9 at 11:59pm), you forfeit your right to all feedback (including conferences with me) on the project

W 12/10
2:00-2:30pm: City Tech App Group
2:30-3:00pm: Circuit Board Game Group

4:30-5:00pm: Student Success Group

Th 12/11
11:30am-12:00pm: Computer Club Group
12:00-12:30pm: Video Game Group

Regular Office Hours
If you need to see me for anything, my last days of office hours until the start of the Spring 2015 semester are Tu 12/16 (11:15am-12:15pm) and W 12/17 (2-3pm), and by appointment those days.

Final Project Presentations & End-of-the-Semester Party (yay!)
All groups will present in class on W 12/17. Please visit the Presentations page on our course site for more details on this assignment

We will also be celebrating the end of the semester, so I encourage you to bring in snacks to share with the class and we can enjoy refreshments during the presentations (I will bring in some goodies as well). Please leave a “reply” to this post letting us know what you will bring, so we have a good mix of refreshment (things like cups, paper plates, and napkins are also important items to bring). Looking forward to your presentations next week :)

Final Project Write-Up
The collaboratively written final draft of the Final Project as well as individual final project reflections are due no later than the start of class on W 12/17. Please visit the Final Project Write-Up page and Individual Final Project Reflection page on our site for more details on these assignments.

Final Course Reflections
Your Individual Final Course Reflection is due in class on W 12/17 (this is a mandatory–not optional–assignment). Please visit the Final Course Reflection page on our site for more details on this assignment.

Final Course Grades
The deadline for professors to submit final course grades for the Fall 2014 semester is M 12/29 at midnight (though I plan to have them submitted much sooner than this deadline). Please wait to view your course grade online through CUNYfirst (I will not be giving out final course grades via e-mail). Once you see your final grade posted online, you should feel free to e-mail me for your final exam grade (you have all of your other grades already).

Final grades are non-negotiable, though I am always more than happy to discuss them/your work with you at any point in person. If you would like to discuss any of your grades/receive additional feedback on the final assignments/exams, you should e-mail me to schedule an appointment to discuss your work when we return to campus at the end of January when the new semester starts up.

Thank you, & stay in touch!
Finally, it was a pleasure to work with you all this semester. I wish you the best of luck wrapping up the semester and on your final exams, and in your future endeavors at City Tech and beyond. You all worked incredibly hard this semester, and I really appreciate your consistent effort and good cheer day in and day out (especially for a 2 1/2 hour class during lunchtime!). I hope you enjoyed yourselves and learned a lot about technical writing, collaboration, reflection, critical thinking, reading, and writing. Have a wonderful winter break, & don’t hesitate to be in touch in future semesters to discuss your work in this course/beyond, and/or to just say hi  :)

Class notes 12/17 Final Day

Today was the final day of class. We spent the class doing presentations.

Group order
1) Board Game Group
2) Video Game Group
3) Student Success Group
4) App Group
5) CIA Group

1) The board game is designed for children to get their interest in electrical engineering
They developed and passed the game around
Played a video
lack of electrical engineers and potential effect that would have is their rational
2 manuals, the game and question/fun fact cards are their deliverables

2) The video game group creating game and manual
first person horror game, set in the mid 19th century
research done into architecture and game mechanics
The game will involve stealth, light puzzle solving, encounters with dangerous creatures with no combat system, as well as exploration
the goal was to provide entertainment for the audience and challenge them

3)Student success group was not satisfied with graduation rate and transfer rate
created a survey to figure out the problem
create a series of strategic questions that will ultimately show some sort of correlation that will assess these areas.
as ethnicity, income, age, possible dependents, family matters, and  5 point scale questions that will ask about the satisfaction of education, facilities, and school services such as job placement help, tutoring, etc
each question will also give the survey taker a chance to comment about the survey
got results after the survey mostly expected results

4) APP group
not happy with city tech website
everything is hard to get to
app combines the information of the website with the ease of using an app
do a survey to see what students want most in an app
has an agreement to sign to protect themselves
will run only on iOS
aimed towards new and current students

5) CIA group
goal is to educate people about the city tech technology club (promotion and support of the City Tech computer club.)
the most students who join the club the more students and club will benefit
the club is for all majors but only some CST know about it
created a survey and and memo

Calvin, Ogulcan, Rosa Agenda 12/16/14

Agenda #5

Skype meeting

Date: December 12, 2014

Time: 7:20 PM to 8:20 PM

Place: Online virtual meeting via Skype

Meeting called by:  Calvin Lo

Attendees: Calvin Lo, Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano


Objective: To discuss about the feedbacks from Prof. Belli and how will make those changes.


7:20 PM          Went over all the feedbacks we received from Prof. Belli

7:35 PM          Created to do list based on all the comments from the first draft.

9:30 PM          Discuss how we plan to organize our final write up

9:35 PM          Fixed the cover pages and Table of content

9:50 PM          Completed meeting

Skype meeting

Date: December 13, 2014

Time: 6:30 PM to 12:45 AM

Place: Online virtual meeting via Skype

Meeting called by:  Calvin Lo

Attendees: Calvin Lo, Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano


Objective: To discuss about the feedbacks from Prof. Belli and how will make those changes.


6:30 PM          Reviewed our to do list and determined and assigned who will do what

6:45 PM          Expanded on the introduction of the final write up.

7:40 PM          Restructured data analysis section and results section based on feedback

8:40 PM          Introduced context for the official student teacher evaluation for City Tech faculty

9:50 PM          Worked on the final proposal.

10:20 PM        Updated the annotated bibliography appendix.

11:20 PM        Created new appendices for graphs/visuals, final survey and others.

12:45 AM        Completed meeting






Skype meeting

Date: December 15, 2014

Time: 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Place: Online virtual meeting via Skype

Meeting called by:  Calvin Lo

Attendees: Calvin Lo, Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano


Objective: To fix all issues from the first draft base on the feedback


3:00 PM          Reviewed our to do list to see what we has left to do

3:15 PM          Worked working on the Memorandum

4:40 PM          Fixed Work cited section as MLA Format

4:55 PM          Added more details on the conclusion as well as the results

5:35 PM          Finished the editing all the appendices

7:10 PM          Worked on the PowerPoint Presentation

8:20 PM          Finished the to do list

9:00 PM          Completed meeting

Meeting with Prof. Belli

Date: December 16, 2014

Time: 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM

Place: Prof. Belli’s office

Meeting called by:  Calvin Lo

Attendees: Calvin Lo, Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano


Objective: To have a feedback of our memorandum and Data analysis.


1:00 PM          Explained our concerned with the memorandum and Data Analysis

1:20 PM          Prof. Belli gave us a clear feedback on what should be done.

1:25 PM          Prof. Belli made us clear which direction to go.

1:30 PM          Completed meeting





Skype meeting

Date: December 16, 2014

Time: 6:00 PM to 1:00 AM

Place: Online virtual meeting via Skype

Meeting called by:  Calvin Lo

Attendees: Calvin Lo, Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano


Objective: To finalized our project and submitted to Dropbox.


6:00 PM          Created a new memorandum

6:45 PM          Update Data Analysis

7:40 PM          Update the Results section

8:40 PM          Added more details on the conclusion as well as the results

9:45 PM          General review of the Final Project

10:20 PM        Join all the data in one paper

11:40 PM        Worked on the PowerPoint Presentation

1:00 AM          Completed meeting


Calvin, Ogulcan, Rosa Meeting Minutes 12/16/14

Meeting Minutes

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 12 December 2014

Meeting called to order at 7:20 PM by Calvin

Members present:

Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda

To discuss how to improve on our feedbacks received by Professor Belli.


7:20 PM           Discuss the feedbacks we received from Prof. Belli.

7:35 PM           Created to do list based on all the comments from the first draft.

9:30PM                        Discuss how we plan to organize our final write up.

9:35PM           Fixed the cover pages and Table of content

Adjourned at 9:50 PM


Meeting Minutes

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 13 December 2014

Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM by Calvin

Members present:

Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda

To discuss about the feedbacks from Prof. Belli and how will make those changes


6:30 PM           Reviewed our to do list and determined and assigned who will do what

6:45 PM           Expanded on the introduction of the final write up.

7:40 PM           Restructured data analysis section and results section based on feedback.

8:40 PM          Introduced context for the official student teacher evaluation for City Tech faculty



9:50 PM           Worked on the final proposal.

10:20 PM        Updated the annotated bibliography appendix.

11:20 PM        Created new appendices for graphs/visuals, final survey and others.


Adjourned at 12:45 AM


Meeting Minutes

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 15 December 2014

Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM by Calvin

Members present:

Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda

To fix all issues from the first draft based on the feedback


3:00 PM          Reviewed our to do list to see what we has left to do

3:15 PM          Worked working on the Memorandum

4:40 PM          Fixed Works cited section as MLA Format

4:55 PM          Added more details on the conclusion as well as the results

5:35 PM          Finished the editing all the appendices

7:10 PM          Worked on the PowerPoint Presentation

8:20 PM          Finished the to do list


Adjourned at 9:00 PM


Meeting Minutes

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 16 December 2014

Meeting called to order at 1:00 PM by Calvin

Members present:

Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda

To go over the feedback of our memorandum and data analysis with our meeting with Professor Belli.


1:00 PM          Explained our concerned with the memorandum and Data Analysis

1:20 PM          Prof. Belli gave us a clear feedback on what should be done.

1:25 PM          Prof. Belli made us clear which direction to go.


Adjourned at 1:30 PM


Meeting Minutes

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 16 December 2014

Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM by Calvin

Members present:

Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda

To finalize our project and submit it to Dropbox.


6:00 PM          Created a new memorandum

6:45 PM          Update Data Analysis

7:40 PM          Update the Results section

8:40 PM          Added more details on the conclusion as well as the results

9:45 PM          General review of the Final Project

10:20 PM        Join all the data in one paper

11:40 PM        Worked on the PowerPoint Presentation


Adjourned at 1:00 AM



Calvin, Ogulcan, Rosa Progress Report #6

Calvin, Ogulcan, Rosa

Progress Report #6

12/10/14 – 12/17/14

Immediately after the discussion we had with Professor Belli on 12/10/14, we needed to immediately start revising our write up and find a new deliverable. Considering the amount of time that we had, it was hardly any. We however were lucky because we knew the direction that we were going.

We immediately started to work up on our write up on our skype meeting on 12/12/14. Thankfully we were in the right direction because of our class colleagues and our professor. What we did was remove the unnecessary components that wasn’t needed and afterwards started to input our new ones. We also created a to do list that showed what stuff need to be done. We fixed up our cover pages and table of content and went on from there.

After the Skype meeting we had on 12/13/14, we were still revising our write up from the comments that we received from professor belli. What we did was reviewed our to do list and determined who will do what assignment that we came up with. This was a great idea because it kept us in sync and everything went smoothly. We also started to work on our introduction and we started to re construct the data analysis section and results based on our feedback. Finally before the meeting ended, we decided to introduce context for the official student teacher evaluation for City Tech faculty.

During our next synchronous online meeting, we progressed on our write up and fixed all issues from the first draft based on the feedback. We checked up on our to do list and looked at what was left to do. We also started to work on our memorandum. This was needed to be done asap considering we needed to show it to Professor Belli ASAP for revision. We also fixed our works cited section in the correct MLA format. Before our meeting ended, we worked on editing the appendices and added more details to th conclusion and results.

With our meeting with Professor Belli on 12/16/14, we had a clear sense of exactly what to do. First we needed to start revising our memorandum because it was clearly missing some key factors. We weren’t quite clear on how to do our data analysis and luckily professor Belli was generous enough to help us in the right direction. We had a skype meeting that same night and created a new memorandum and updated our data analysis and the results section. In addition, we also added extra details to our conclusion and finished our presentation for our last class.

Jason, Ray, Vincent, Progress Report #6

Group 1 – Jason Choy, Ray Chen, Vincent Cornelio
Professor Jill Belli
ENG 3773
Progress Report #6

This last week was fairly straightforward, but intense nonetheless. After our out-of-class meeting we were left with a clear idea of what to do. Our primary objective was to finish the final project write-up and the final presentation, since we had already finished making the game. We began finalizing these last two parts of the project the day after our out-of-class meeting.

We decided to work on the write-up first, since we had a clear idea of what to do thanks to the peer review comments and the feedback received during the out-of-class meeting. We first discussed the changes we had to make, both in person and online, to make sure we were all on the same page. Thankfully we were all on the same page since the comments were very clear. With the report being shared online, the first change we made was putting the title of the game on the cover page. After this, the group began working on the appendix and improving it according to the comments. This was a very simple, straightforward task, but a somewhat time consuming one since our appendix is vast.

Unfortunately none of us were able to figure out how to exclude page numbers on the first two pages. At this point, we question whether or not it’s possible. Thankfully this is a minor issue, but it’s one we will just have to accept. We continued to edit the formatting over the weekend; after fixing the appendix Jason moved the Works Cited page so that it now appears before the appendix. He also added an endnotes page, took the unnecessary (but still somewhat useful) information out of the body, and instead cited this information in the Endnotes page while numbering the appropriate text in the body. We used standard MLA formatting for this, like we did everything else.

After we fixed these straightforward issues, we moved onto the report itself, rewriting it based on the feedback we received. We all discussed the feedback before preceeding, coming up with the plan to improve the writing so that it no longer appears compartmentalized, in addition to merging the research discussion with the game design discussion, and making the progression of the paper more logical. After coming up with the plan, Jason executed it, rewriting the majority of the paper, deleting unnecessary information, and even relocating certain parts of the text elsewhere. This process took about two days, but all of us are satisfied by the result. The paper flows much better now, and contains more relevant information.

Creating the final PowerPoint presentation didn’t take too long, since we just had to condense the information from our write-up into the presentation, and build off of our last presentation. We discussed what we had to do during an online synchronous meeting, coming up with ideas like adding a Works Cited page, focusing more on the thesis from the write-up, and incorporating more sources. We actually built off of our previous PowerPoint, but the final one is almost entirely different now. Jason rewrote it, Ray supplied some more pictures from different sources which are now incorporated into the PowerPoint, and Jason also added screenshots of the game itself to the PowerPoint. After finalizing the presentation, we discussed how we’d present it, deciding that we should all cover the topics we did the most research on. Ray will discuss his research on architectural design, how games affect learning, and how puzzles can be beneficial/intellectually stimulating, and how these things are incorporated into our game. Vincent will discuss his research on other game manuals, how this research affected our manual, and he will discuss our manual as well. Jason will talk about the game itself, how it’s intellectual (backed up by some of the research we did), and he will go over some of the survey results.

We are very confident in our project, and we look forward to presenting it to the class.

Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii, ProgressReport 12.16.2014

Ivan, Iurii, Rene, Enrique

Progress Report#6

Prof. Belli



The week from 12/09/2014-12/16/2014 was a time period when we all have put our work together and really looked it once more as a full collection of the items we have done in past two months. During this week we mostly have tried to organize and reorganize every item in such way that it will be a write up/report of our final and finest quality.

Some of the highlights:


  • We have worked together to really make a write up as a sum up of our work. Synchronously during the meeting it took a lot of time to digest the suggestion from the professor and really implement them as well adding our own voices to the report. Nevertheless, we have worked separately as well to complete the work faster. Each of us has done researches and great amount of work.
  • We have as well collected all of the usability testing notes together and wrote an informative part on it about how the game was met in the “real world” playing condition with kids.
  • Ivan has provided an introduction and has put all of the content together and formatted it in the single coherent document, with all of the organisational and professional norms.
  • Enrique has written parts of the report about the game mechanics, it’s electrical base and researched to make our writing more accessible for people that are not familiar with the highest professional terms.
  • Rene has written all parts bout design and safety of the game. He researched to make the game build quality well crafted and as well make it not expensive and, most importantly, safe for children.
  • Iurii has been working on the annotated bibliography proper formatting and all of the citations and MLA formatting related activities. He as well has done a conclusion and wrapped everything up.
  • We all as well have worked on the presentation, which is also due. We have mainly edited previous presentation slides and included more up to date information and renovated data.


Overall the progress of this week was great. We have crafted our old materials and made everything coherent.

Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii, Meeting Minutes 12.16.2014


Meeting minutes       12/12/2014

8:30 PM – 10:00 PM

Attendees (Skype)


Ivan Kelemen, Iurii Druchuk, Enrique Bisono, Rene Alcon



Ivan Kelemen




  • Discuss the final manuals
  • Talk about what we went over with, with the professor about the final write up
  • Talk about revising fun facts and question cards



  • The first order of business was to look over the final manuals and discuss them. We looked them over to see if they included everything we wanted in them. We went back and decided to add more information to the manuals because, the more you have for the teacher to work with the better.
  • Next we talked about what we went over with, with the professor during the group meeting. It was clear that we had to reorganize the essay and cut it into different parts. We decided on a new outline that included and intro, the two different aspects of the design, the hardware, the playtesting and a conclusion.
  • Lastly we talked about the final version of the facts and question cards. Once that was done we ended the meeting and went to work.





After a long meeting we ended at 10 PM

Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii, Agenda 12.16.2014

Ivan, Rene, Enrique, Iurii


Prof. Belli



Agenda for the meeting on 12/12/2014:


  • Discuss the final manuals
  • Clearly distinguish between teacher/student manuals.
  • Evaluate suggestions from the professor about the final write up.
  • Devise the work on the final write up edition.
  • Talk about the ways of reorganization and revision of final write up.
  • Talk about how to revise fun facts and question cards



Meeting Agenda 5—Tony, Samson, Goutam


Meeting Date: Friday, December 12, 2014

Start time: 7:00 pm

End time: 8:20pm

Location: Skype Chat

Attendees:Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective:  To discuss about Final write-up report and PowerPoint


7:00 to 7:15                 Discuss in-class peer review

7:15 to 7:30                 Discuss after class meeting with Professor Belli

7:30 to 8:00                 Discuss what each group member need to improve

8:00 to 8:20                 PowerPoint slides and presentation discussion


Agenda -Goutam

Minute – Tony


Meeting Minute 5—Tony, Samson, Goutam

Date: 12/12/2014

Start Time: 7:00 pm

End Time: 8:20 pm

Location: meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Tony Chi, Skype.

Attendees: Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective: Final Report Wrap-up and Presentation

Work Assigned

  • Tony is going to be minute take for this week.
  • Goutam is made the agenda to be discussed for this week online meeting.
  • Samson is going to write the last progress report

Last Meeting Peer Review

  • Base on what we read from other group report, we really our table of content need to be fix.
  • Tony said appendices are not clear cut comparing to others.
  • Our work cited is missing
  • We embedded too much images

Group Meeting with Prof. Belli & Final Report

  • Goutam will reconstruct introduction for the report
  • Goutam will also fix the background base on what Professor Belli suggests.
  • Tony will take charge of fixing and editing the full report
  • Tony will also find out to make table of contents interactive.
  • We going to get more survey done and analyze the result
  • Samson will write about survey and fixing major error


  • Discuss about whether we should dress professional
  • Assigned parts of the power point to present in class
  • Complete the power point for in class presentation for next Wednesday

Next Class Meeting

  • Our group will be present our progress on the final project.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM

Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Tony Chi