Calvin, Ogulcan, Rosa
Progress Report #6
12/10/14 – 12/17/14
Immediately after the discussion we had with Professor Belli on 12/10/14, we needed to immediately start revising our write up and find a new deliverable. Considering the amount of time that we had, it was hardly any. We however were lucky because we knew the direction that we were going.
We immediately started to work up on our write up on our skype meeting on 12/12/14. Thankfully we were in the right direction because of our class colleagues and our professor. What we did was remove the unnecessary components that wasn’t needed and afterwards started to input our new ones. We also created a to do list that showed what stuff need to be done. We fixed up our cover pages and table of content and went on from there.
After the Skype meeting we had on 12/13/14, we were still revising our write up from the comments that we received from professor belli. What we did was reviewed our to do list and determined who will do what assignment that we came up with. This was a great idea because it kept us in sync and everything went smoothly. We also started to work on our introduction and we started to re construct the data analysis section and results based on our feedback. Finally before the meeting ended, we decided to introduce context for the official student teacher evaluation for City Tech faculty.
During our next synchronous online meeting, we progressed on our write up and fixed all issues from the first draft based on the feedback. We checked up on our to do list and looked at what was left to do. We also started to work on our memorandum. This was needed to be done asap considering we needed to show it to Professor Belli ASAP for revision. We also fixed our works cited section in the correct MLA format. Before our meeting ended, we worked on editing the appendices and added more details to th conclusion and results.
With our meeting with Professor Belli on 12/16/14, we had a clear sense of exactly what to do. First we needed to start revising our memorandum because it was clearly missing some key factors. We weren’t quite clear on how to do our data analysis and luckily professor Belli was generous enough to help us in the right direction. We had a skype meeting that same night and created a new memorandum and updated our data analysis and the results section. In addition, we also added extra details to our conclusion and finished our presentation for our last class.