Date: 12/12/2014
Start Time: 7:00 pm
End Time: 8:20 pm
Location: meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Tony Chi, Skype.
Attendees: Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong
Objective: Final Report Wrap-up and Presentation
Work Assigned
- Tony is going to be minute take for this week.
- Goutam is made the agenda to be discussed for this week online meeting.
- Samson is going to write the last progress report
Last Meeting Peer Review
- Base on what we read from other group report, we really our table of content need to be fix.
- Tony said appendices are not clear cut comparing to others.
- Our work cited is missing
- We embedded too much images
Group Meeting with Prof. Belli & Final Report
- Goutam will reconstruct introduction for the report
- Goutam will also fix the background base on what Professor Belli suggests.
- Tony will take charge of fixing and editing the full report
- Tony will also find out to make table of contents interactive.
- We going to get more survey done and analyze the result
- Samson will write about survey and fixing major error
- Discuss about whether we should dress professional
- Assigned parts of the power point to present in class
- Complete the power point for in class presentation for next Wednesday
Next Class Meeting
- Our group will be present our progress on the final project.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM
Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Tony Chi