Calvin, Ogulcan, Rosa, Meeting Minutes 12-3-14

Meeting Minutes #4

Online virtual meeting via Skype – 3 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 8:00 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Rosa Cedano, Ogulcan Gol

Reading of Agenda:

To discuss some of the questions in our survey that we needed to edit and revise and the rationale accordingly.
New Business:
• Discussed about the feedback from Professor Belli.
o Tried to tackle each of her points the best of our abilities.
• Edited the questions of the survey.
• Rewrite the rationale.
o Edit the rationale we created in class accordingly.
• Finish and submitted our rationale for the survey.
Adjourned at 11:00 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 4 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 10:00 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol
Reading of Agenda:
To discuss the suggestions and feedback from Professor Belli about our rationale and revised our questions.
New Business:
• Discussed the rationale feedback from Prof. Belli.
• Do some additional research relevant to our survey.
• Revised the survey questions based on the feedback.
Adjourned at 11:30 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 5 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 12:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol
Reading of Agenda:
To more research and thought about additional questions relevant to our survey and remove questions that were redundant.
New Business:
• Carefully reviewed our questions and omitted questions that were redundant.
• Added questions about engagement in lectures.
• Researched questions about chairperson and created question related to chairperson.
Adjourned at 3:30 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 5 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 8:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano
Reading of Agenda:
To more research and thought about additional questions relevant to our survey and remove questions that were redundant.
New Business:
• Brainstormed new questions from additional research.
o Because we omitted some questions, we needed to create new questions to replace them.
• Reviewed of our deliverables.
• Finalized our revised survey.
• Finalized our new rationale.
• Posted revised survey and rationale on OpenLab.
• Discuss how to proceed with the first draft of the final report.
Adjourned at 10:00 PM

Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 6 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 2:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Rosa Cedano
Reading of Agenda:
To start the first draft of our report and start the introduction section.
New Business:
• Briefly review what should be included in our introduction.
• Research on how to write an introduction for a report.
Adjourned at 4:00 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 6 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 8:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano
Reading of Agenda:
To start working on the body section of our report which are data analysis, methods and results.
New Business:
• Briefly review what should be included in our method section.
• Research on how to write the methods section for a report.
o Our findings were that it is split into 4 components. Data, Methods, Data Analysis and Results.
o Decided to omit the Data component as it might be too similar to the data analysis section.

• Conceptualized what should be included in the data analysis section.
• Created cover page and table of content.
• Updated the annotated bibliography.
Adjourned at 10:00 PM

Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 7 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 2:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol
Reading of Agenda:
Revise/edit the report and further work on the body section.
New Business:
• Carefully reviewed and edited introduction and data analysis.
• Carefully reviewed and edited the methods sections.
• Meeting Complete.
Adjourned at 4:00 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 8 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 8:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano
Reading of Agenda:
To finish up the introduction and presentation of the first draft of our final write up and start working on the appendices.
New Business:
• Review what we have done so far and what else needs to be worked on.
• Started to create and organize the appendix section.
• Finished up our methods and data analysis.
Adjourned at 11:30 PM

Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 9 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 2:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol
Reading of Agenda:
To begin the conclusion, begin create graphs to visually represent our results.
New Business:
• Started working on our visuals.
o Copy our results from GoogleForms and paste it into Excel in order to separate each checkbox answer into its own cell and count it for a numerical answer.
• Started writing the conclusion section.
Adjourned at 4:30 PM
Meeting Minutes
Online virtual meeting via Skype – 9 December 2014
Meeting called to order at 8:30 PM by Calvin Lo
Members present:
Ogulcan Gol, Rosa Cedano
Reading of Agenda:
Finish and finalize our first draft of the report and submit it to Dropbox
New Business:
• Carefully review all the sections of our write up.
• Finish up on the visuals.
• Compile everything into one document.
• Submit our first draft of report.
Adjourned at 11:30 PM