Jason, Ray, Vincent, Minutes week of 12/10/14

December 15, 2014
Attendees: Jason Choy, Ray Chen, Vincent Cornelio
Location: Virtual
Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM by Jason Choy

I. Finalize the final project write-up

  • All group members discuss the recent meeting with Professor Belli and agree on some key changes to make; namely the integration of the research materials with the main body of the paper, adding an Endnotes page, redoing the Appendix, and being more argumentative.
  • Ray mentions that we should discuss the manual and survey more, which everyone agrees on.
  • Jason says he’ll begin making these changes.
  • Vincent states that the proposal needs to be appended.

II. Finalize the presentation

  • Jason mentions that our last presentation was missing a Works Cited page, which we will address.
  • All group members agree to build off of the last presentation.
    Jason says that the presentation should convey the ideas and information from the final write-up, but include more graphics (pictures).
  • All group members will work on the PowerPoint presentation, which is in a shared folder on Dropbox.

Meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM
Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Jason Choy.