Derrick, Deniel, Lian, Chris Meeting Minutes #3

Date: 11/29/14

Start Time: 2:00pm

Finish Time: 3:00pm

Location: Skype video chat

Attendees: Lian, Derrick, Deneil, Chris

Objective: To discuss the format of our final presentation format, our survey locations and what we have to do coming into the final weeks of class


-We began by speaking about how the presentation on Wednesday went, and how it compared to the others

– Much was mentioned about what we can do to improve before the final presentation, highlighting the positives and areas of improvement

– We discussed what would be the plan going forward in terms of fixing the presentation itself, and also the survey

– Mention of the survey led us to finalizing when and where the survey would be distributed

– It was suggested that the memo be slightly fixed as well.

– We spent a decent amount of time discussing what would be needed for next week and motivating each other to finish the semester in strong manner.

– Before we finished, Derrick reminded anyone that any new sources had to be added to the bibliography

Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm

Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Christopher Roberts