Monthly Archives: November 2022

BP 11 and Final Culture Jams

Cabaret Academy “Sensation metaphysics, augmented in digital technology, builds out the human demand for self-stimulation, the appetites of sensory organs (the lamella) engaged through consumption of every kind, from drugs, coffee, spice, to body to body replication of behavior accomplished … Continue reading

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BP 11 and Final Culture Jams

Ulmer:  What purpose does the cabaret serve in electric and how does it further the explanation of electric? (Cabaret Academy) Does the concept/genre of mystory still exist in electracy of education and other interpersonal experiences within a student’s life? (Theming … Continue reading

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BP #11 and Final Culture Jams

Questions for Ulmer: Cabaret Academy If electracy stands as the apparatus for “accidents of the flesh,” can it be said that literacy was the first apparatus creating it? I ask this question because I believe as humans when we do … Continue reading

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BP 11 and Final Culture Jams

Cabaret Academy Question | Do you think that electorate metaphysics can be affected when it comes to the idea of flesh and emotions as you kind of suggested when it comes to electracy? “The key for electorate metaphysics is that this … Continue reading

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BP 11 and Final Culture Jams

Cabaret Academy Q: Does an idea become electorate once the perception of the preceding paradigm is altered, reimagined, or transformed in the eyes of another? Q: Does electracy emerge from the addition of emotional value (sentiment and nostalgia) to the … Continue reading

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BP 11 and Final Culture Jams

Cabaret Academy: How does our exploration into flesh relate with electracy? Why: “by exploiting the little sensation” and “the feeling of being alive”, flesh is connected to electracy. When Ulmer talks about this, he mentions a story of a memory … Continue reading

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Culture Jamming

I chose this Adderall ad because I feel like medication is given so easily to people without question and in the end it can really affect and ruin so many lives. I do believe in the use of drugs but … Continue reading

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Ulmer Short List #1

BP#8 by Naila: “Would you think of electracy as a paradigm shift?” This question helps in my understanding of electracy because I’ve thought of electracy as being a reset tool. I feel that electracy, unlike orality and literacy, is meant … Continue reading

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Ulmer’s Short list #1

Would you think of electracy as a paradigm shift? By Naila Naila’s explanation  Ulmer states, “Socrates is a syncretic figure, partly oral, partly literate, the first person to experience Self.” I am a firm believer in Kuhn’s concept of paradigm … Continue reading

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Ulmer Short List #1

“Is corporate capitalism in the emerging era of electracy steering us towards a “paradigmatic abjection,” preventing us from shifting to a change of world order through the entire shift of electracy?” Naila Electracy seems to have a lot of negativity … Continue reading

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Ulmer’s Short List #1

1. Is electracy an apparatus meant to challenge self-actualization and return society to a collective/community form, similar to when orality was the main form of communication? (Sandy Fougeres) I think this question is significant because Ulmer’s idea is about pushing … Continue reading

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Culture Jamming- BP 10

“Literacy put true/false into a machine and gifted it to electracy, to be applied in emergent ways, just as orality put speech into writing and gifted it to literacy. The object of electracy is das Dings, to use Freud’s term, … Continue reading

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Culture Jamming – BP 10

Ulmer’s Question: Do you think that our intake of social media is the reason why electracy is the way that it is? Like does he think that electracy would be at a much greater level of power if social media … Continue reading

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Culture Jamming-BP 10

Ulmer:  Q: What characteristics define the human visceral appetite?  Ulmer explains that the human visceral appetite is define by the human concept of attraction and repulsion. But I am really unclear and unsure what the message he’s trying to convey … Continue reading

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BP#10-Culture Jamming

Ulmer Question: Considering corporation and commodity is the institution and the make up of electracy, would you say that electracy has been fully integrated within society? If not, what would that look like? I ask this because in society now … Continue reading

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Culture Jamming– BP 10

The Visceral Turn Q: Is corporate capitalism in the emerging era of electracy steering us towards a “paradigmatic abjection,” preventing us from shifting to a change of world order through the entire shift of electracy? Q: Also, is mass entertainment … Continue reading

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Culture Jamming-BP 10

Elija’s Culture Jam and BP 10

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BP 4 and 5

“Language usage is a reflection of consciousness. Thus the future of language is connected to the ever-evolving state of human awareness.” – The Future of Language “Thinking clearly sometimes requires unbraiding our language.” -The Ecstasy of Language “Little of beauty … Continue reading

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Culture Jamming–BP 10

ULMER: Visceral question- How can we shift away from a negative dimension of electracy and into a better society? Why- because Ulmer writes about identity dimension of electracy and later talks about the manipulation of media. All of these derives … Continue reading

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Blog post 9

Its official  “Our tenure on earth is short,but we are definitely a successful species,so successful that we are nwo regrettably driving everything else extinct.if radiation follow an extinction event is tied to the event itself,then species that are resistant to … Continue reading

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Questions for Ulmer Heuretics: When will the ISA fully adopt electracy? I ask this because society has been operating between orality and literacy, with the merging of technology over the years. However, the ISA being family, church, school and media, … Continue reading

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Culture Jam and post #9

culture jam and post #9

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BP 9

Ulmer Paper Questions: Will there ever be achieved human essence through the constant changing of choice, productivity, and virtues through the eyes of the laws of nature?  I’m asking this because Ulmer says that “Human essence is happiness, but may … Continue reading

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Culture Jam Initial Research

Creative Detournement: An artistic practice conceived by the Situationists for transforming artworks by creatively disfiguring them. (  This is an example of creative detournement as this images represents the the unhealthy effects people are experiencing by eating McDonalds. Culture Jamming: A … Continue reading

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Streaming Services

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BP 9

Ulmer’s Questions Heuretics Question: Do you think that if we begin to learn in a way that is heavily influenced by the creative figures in our current day and age? And through this how do you think it would be?  I … Continue reading

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Culture Jam Initial Research

“Creative Detourment” is the practice that artists use to rearrange and sample a message from an art piece that already has a predetermined message. “Culture Jamming” is the creation of images using well-known images to society to challenge and disrupt … Continue reading

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Culture Jam Initial Research

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Creative Detournement is an approach to transform and alter art by distorting them in a creative manner where an underlying message is conveyed. Culture Jamming disrupts media culture by protesting consumer culture with the subversion of consumer media as a … Continue reading

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BP 9

Heuretics: Ulmer states, “When anomalies accumulate to the point of putting the paradigm in question, revolutionary science emerges in original hypotheses formulated by certain creative individuals. Gerald Holton (1973), historian of science, studies such creative figures to understand the ability … Continue reading

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The Power Behind The Car

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Culture Jam Initial Research

Creative Detournement: “Détournement means a ‘detour’ or ‘diversion’ in English. However, in French, the word also means ‘hijacking’, ‘embezzlement’, ‘corruption’ and ‘misappropriation.’ In a broad sense, détournement can be defined as ‘a method of interpretation and reinterpretation: reordering pre-existing materials … Continue reading

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Culture Jam Initial research

 Detournement is a method of propaganda, a method which reveals the wearing out and loss of importance of those spheres.” It has been defined elsewhere as “turning expressions of the capitalist system and its media culture against itself”–as when slogans … Continue reading

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BP 9

Hueretics Question: What are the three faculties or virtues within electracy, and can we adapt from these current virtues? Why: Because Ulmer talks about Plato’s three virtues and faculties of literacy.   Theopraxesis Question: If we move away from attraction … Continue reading

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Culture Jam Initial Research

Creative Detournement: “Involves appropriating familiar images from the mass media or ubiquitous political slogans, and using them in ways that subvert their original message and expose their embedded ideology.” (Bilyeu et al, 2022) (Page, 2016) Culture jamming: “A grass-roots campaigning … Continue reading

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post #8

“Paleolithic was animistic, regarding everything as alive, using magic to promote survival (life/death). Orality identified divine cause, creating religion and the institution of the church to address right/wrong behavior mandated by God. Literacy identified nature as a cause (Phusis), creating … Continue reading

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Untitled presentation

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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Blog post 8

Silko “Deep down the issue is simple the so called Indian wars from the days of sitting bull and read cloud have never really ended in the Americas .the Indian people of southern Mexico,of Guatemala and those left in the … Continue reading

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BP 8

Question for Ulmer:  Do you think that electracy is the way for future education?  “The caveat is that whatever the digital apparatus is becoming, it is not more literacy.”  Ulmer mentions a lot of the way that it was sort … Continue reading

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Silko: “The great human migration within the Americas cannot be stopped; human beings are natural forces of the Earth, just as rivers and winds are natural forces…The Indian people of southern Mexico, of Guatemala and those left in El Salvador, … Continue reading

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BP 8

Question for Ulmer: Do you believe digital technology will not only affect electracy in education among students, but also deter them away from standardized learning traditions?  Ulmer says that “Digital technology is a filter that is going to modify perception … Continue reading

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BP 8

Question for Ulmer: Would you think of electracy as a paradigm shift? Ulmer states, “Socrates is a syncretic figure, partly oral, partly literate, the first person to experience Self.” I am a firm believer in Kuhn’s concept of paradigm shifts. … Continue reading

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BP 8

Ulmer Question: Do you see electracy being significantly instituted into early childhood education? Why: Because technology is too integrated into our lives especially with kids growing up with it soon as they are born. With no drastic changes in elementary … Continue reading

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blog post 7

This picture connects to the article because i think of the whole world as an panopticon, where there the world is divided into two groups the watchers and the watched. As to in my picture you can see clearly that … Continue reading

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This photo shows two discreet cameras on a building on the corner of Myrtle avenue in Brooklyn. As I was waiting for the bus, I barely noticed the cameras were there because it blended in with the building, both the … Continue reading

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Exploratory Presentation

Aftermath of Video After my exploratory project, I decided to focus on video because it was something that I personally use everyday. I hope everyone gains some insight to video as I did.

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DB #7

DB #7

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BP 7: Netflix, Automation, and Entertainment Surveillance

Have you ever logged onto someone else’s Netflix profile and found options you would have never seen on your average Netflix profile? You’ve become so used to the automated possibilities that it becomes odd to see someone else’s “personal” algorithm … Continue reading

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