BP 9

Hueretics Question: What are the three faculties or virtues within electracy, and can we adapt from these current virtues?

Why: Because Ulmer talks about Plato’s three virtues and faculties of literacy.


Theopraxesis Question: If we move away from attraction when studying electracy can it be beneficial or are we stuck with only this experience?

Why: When Ulmer talks about attraction and repulsion when defining electracy I feel like it could be a distraction that could impede our development.


MacDonald “It’s Official”

“It’s counter-intuitive, but some of the largest increases in biodiversity occurred in the immediate aftermath of these mass extinctions.”

We are the cause of these mass extinctions and wildlife is adapting to us by creating this as an opportunity to get stronger. Wildlife might be thinking about the future without even knowing what is to come. With new species in different environments, wildlife could be surviving the impending doom by dying early to acquire characteristics to survive. We can see this in humans as well when our ancestors live in very warm climates. Like mine for example come from the middle east and I grew up retaining water more than others around me. Wildlife is dying off and being reborn with a resistance to human intervention or “Anthropocene”.


Wallace-Wells: “Uninhabitable Earth”

“What concerns epidemiologists more than ancient diseases are existing scourges relocated, rewired, or even re-evolved by warming.”

Many diseases are still around without us knowing. For instance, diseases in the arctic frozen are waiting to be spread once more. With ice melting rapidly and shelves breaking apart its only a matter of time before we are thrust into a world of new diseases and infections that will ravage through the world. With the world still fighting with our own generation of diseases and mutations, if more are thrown into the mix it would be devastating. The concern for these ancient diseases is at our front door. As we wait for climate warming to do its thing, the coming disaster is only a matter of time. Human intervention is what’s causing these diseases to come to light. We should pay attention to our pollution because it will soon give us old and new sicknesses adapting to survive just as we soon will be.


Luu: “Language and Climate Change”

“Researchers think that the ongoing cultural traditions of indigenous groups, their economy, and the management of their local environments in more remote regions allowed biodiversity to thrive.”

Individuals have been managing their natural environments and have become accustomed to helping their surroundings prosper. We need to be more aware of nature, especially since most people are now living away from such environments. It is still important to our species to take care of nature even if we can’t see it. Most people do not even think about forests being ravaged and cut down which is very valuable to our survival in the near future. Other groups in the world focus on nature and are knowledgeable about the plants around them which we take for granted. The attention that our communities once had for nature is fading away and it shows. We need to explore this field to promote healthy wildlife around us so we can thrive with each other.

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One Response to BP 9

  1. Good. Your writing is getting stronger.

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