Blog post 8


“Deep down the issue is simple the so called Indian wars from the days of sitting bull and read cloud have never really ended in the Americas .the Indian people of southern Mexico,of Guatemala and those left in the El Salvador,too,are still fighting for there lives and for their lamd against the cavalry patrols sent out by the governments of those lands.the Americas are Indian county and the Indian problem is not bout to go away.”

In my opinion it seem that the people that here now has to deal with the consequences from those who were in the Indian war and the that is not fear at all,the alway in fear while travel on the road. Silko believes that the problem is not yet solve and is no time going away,which I completely understand and agree with.

“Playing on the fears that many conservative Americans hold regarding brown skinned individuals ruining their economy, destroying their neighborhoods and killing civilians is a tried and true political strategy.unfortunately for these extremist ,no amount of fear or hate can convince the government that walling of the entire border would be affective or feasible.”

the government has put to much into the wall to separate the people and add more border patrols, but not realizing that it’s hate for the brown skinned people that leads led them to do such thing. the American need to recognize that it’s their own people that ruined their Economy and that they need all that money into Fixing  their economy first before spreading hate and putting a wall that probably won’t fix the problem.

question :do you think that electacy will change the way we learn over all and how long do you thing that will take to be in effect

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