BP 8

Ulmer Question: Do you see electracy being significantly instituted into early childhood education?

Why: Because technology is too integrated into our lives especially with kids growing up with it soon as they are born. With no drastic changes in elementary education, will we see electracy more involved.


Silko: “The great human migration within the Americas cannot be stopped; human beings are natural forces of the Earth, just as rivers and winds are natural forces.”

Everyone yearns for a better life and in doing so we move toward that goal. Be it education or place of living, we are all humans suffering together to achieve it. You as a human being wanting to have a higher education or a high paying job is natural, just as other human beings want to have better living conditions. So as a human who are we to stop others in the migration to America. With everyone’s moral on the line we should acknowledge this fundamental cross of all humans have the right to a safe and better living.       My parents immigrated from Yemen for the reason of a better living condition for their children. Who are we to stop others from doing the same when down the line of our ancestors we all have done this. This natural change to want better lives cannot be stopped and so we see this ‘great human migration’ is a natural existence.



Jason De León: “I think about their twenty-six dollars’ worth of groceries versus the billions of dollars spent annually on the boundary enforcement. We keep pouring American tax dollars into the boarder security industrial complex and migrants keep buying garlic and dark cloths. Both sides are confident in the efficacy of their tools and strategies.”

Using what you have in your disposal to achieve success in migrating with some groceries to forestall the effects of crossing the border with the notion of death banging with every step taken is confidence. Even though billions of dollars are against them in their goals, the intimidation will not be enough to cause doubt in their strategy of crossing. An impasse of escaping for a different living environment is an individual’s choice. Forgoing approaching death is an ability that not many have for a reason that is firmly believe is within their rights as human beings just as me and you. We all have an assortment of choices that we make in life but that doesn’t get rid of someone’s belief. Unknown to us, people do this while facing death with every step they take. It’s important to protect this belief of a better life which we all strive for.

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2 Responses to BP 8

  1. Naila says:

    Hello Khaled!

    Nice question. I think electracy is already being implemented in childhood education. It’s hard not to find a kid who isn’t glued to an electronic device nowadays, but I wonder what Ulmer has to say about this question.

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