Monthly Archives: November 2015

Creative Detournement Final Product

Basically, the image below represents the United States’ “concern” for the well-being of other countries while its own state has been in turmoil for a long time now. The recent discussions in class regarding the War on Terror during the … Continue reading

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Detournement Project

For my final version of the project I stuck with my war on women’s rights theme. I did some more research and went back to my papers for inspiration. After using PicMonkey I was able to add some character into … Continue reading

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Creative Detournement

I replaced a teenager`s face with a baby`s face to depict just how much of a child the teenager really is. Teenagers are at the age where they believe that they are adults and can choose how they live their … Continue reading

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Word Choices Matter When Confronting Mental Illness- Creative Detournament

Words are powerful, and for too long, the words to describe mental illness have been loaded with negativity and judgment. Words like “psycho,” “wacko,” and “crazy” can add to the stigmatization of people with mental illness. Stereotypes are barriers that can prevent … Continue reading

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Creative Detournement

America’s Finest Police brutality has been a topic in the news as of late and that was what sort of called me into making this one. This one was rather simple to make, all I added was the text at the … Continue reading

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Creative Detournement

This picture is meant to represent the feelings towards firearms in the United States. So many people in the country believe that guns are necessary and almost put them on a pedestal. The “In God We Trust” at the bottom … Continue reading

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Detournement Project Draft

For my detournement I chose the issue of Women’s rights and the Government watching Americans at highly invasive levels. For this picture I used silhouettes because there is not one face one person to identify. Women all over the united … Continue reading

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Making America Great Again

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Creative Detournement Assignment

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Creative Detournements

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Creative Detournements

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Creative Detournement


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Couple more

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Project ideas

I had so many ideas for the project, here are three I thought were pretty good. One is stolen from Jordan though, just thought it was so clever, had to make it.

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Some hacktivism I can get behind

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Response 12

For the article written by Ricardo Dominguez, I kept thinking about Facebook. Facebook is an only social media outlet where people feel that they are in complete control. By liking a couple of websites and posts regarding animal cruelty and … Continue reading

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Response 12

A strategy from Ricardo Dominguez’s piece that interested me was overloading websites. In the article, forty five women and children were killed by the Mexican military in an event called the Acteal Massacre. This influenced Dominguez’s decision to take action … Continue reading

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Response 12

In the Dominguez piece we see a strategy that his group and numerous others used against the company E-Toys. After the company went after a net art group which had had the domain name “” for years demanding they give … Continue reading

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Response 12

El Teneen is a graffiti artist who grew in popularity following the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. The revolution brought a rise to the graffiti street art movement, something that was not so common in Egypt. El Teneen teamed up with Ganzeer … Continue reading

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Response #12

Dominguez- Electronic Disturbance  Dominguez had severa strategies for civil disobedience, many being electronic. The one to me that was the most organized with the least resources was phone jamming. They would call every hour on the hour to a company … Continue reading

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Response 12

Electronic Disturbance In “Electronic Disturbance: An Interview” one of the first actions Dominguez engages in, is what he called a “butt-in”. The context of the world usually refers to intruding upon or interrupting someone or something. In the case of … Continue reading

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Response 12

One of the strategies in the Dominguez piece that he speaks about using, is the use of digital media as well as internet technology to display a sort of nonviolent protest and state that he supported the Zapatistas. They were … Continue reading

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Response 10 and 11

Response 10 I found this image quite interesting. It’s a sort of direct attack on a way of life in America. The iconic white Cadillac and television, what could be more representative of that time period in this country. The … Continue reading

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Response 12

Electronic Disturbance In the ‘Electronic Disturbance” piece, Ricardo Dominguez brings up the strategy of phone zapping. This was done in order to combat a large food conglomerate called Publix which had stopped selling condoms during the AIDS epidemic. A group … Continue reading

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Response 12

In Ricardo Dominguez’s piece, “Electronic Disturbance,” Dominguez along with a group of members, followed a strategy of electronic civil disobedience. This strategy drew attention to the cause of the Zapatistas and caused many sites to view it as if it … Continue reading

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Response 11

Ricardo Dominguez grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada where he first began to sense his political consciousness. After being kicked out of school in Florida he began working in a lesbian bookstore where he learned of cocaine parties attended by … Continue reading

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Response 10

In “Culture Jamming”, Mark Dery discusses “billboard banditry”, the at of defacing billboard ads with graffiti for the sake of anti-promoting. Dery mentions the agitprop collectives Artfux who accompany New York artist Ron English on a day of billboard banditry … Continue reading

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Response #11

Dominguez Dominguez grew up in Nevada, having grown up hearing the alarms from he nuclear test site and watching afternoon matinees about people suffering from radiation his quest for political knowledge grew. Originally he was only fixated on nuclear testing, … Continue reading

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Response 11

In “Electronic Disturbance: An Interview” by Ricardo Dominguez, Dominguez grew up in a region in Las Vegas, Nevada where he was constantly exposed to different forms of civil disobedience in many shapes and forms. Later on, he goes through his … Continue reading

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Response 10

The relationship between Kirk and Spock has been changed from a friendship to that of a homoerotic one according to some female Star Trek fans. Due to several scenes involving eye contact and gestures made between the two, as well … Continue reading

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Response 11

“Electronic Disturbance: An Interview” about Ricardo Dominguez is about the life of Ricardo Dominguez and how he gradually  became known for being among the first to bring artistic activism to the technological realm through his role in Electronic Disturbance Theater, which … Continue reading

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Response 10 & 11

Ricardo Dominguez in “Electronic Disturbance: An Interview” discusses the journey of how he became interested in committing acts of electronic civil disobedience. This began shortly after coming to New York City, where everything he had was stolen from him within … Continue reading

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Response 11

In the Dominguez piece we first learn about where Dominguez grew up. He was raised in Nevada and was very formed by the fact that he believed that Nevada was 3 distinct worlds. He eventually began attending cocaine parties that … Continue reading

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3 Creative Detournement Ideas

The picture above was illustrated by Stephen Kroninger. I thought to look up creative detournements by Stephen Kroninger, as he was referenced in Mark Dery’s piece called “Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing, and Sniping in the Empire of Signs. This detournement speaks … Continue reading

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Response #10- Culture jamming

This piece is by artist Robbie Conal who’s mentioned in the Dery piece. The link to his website is in the pictures caption.  Conal is guerrilla poster artist who’s known for his warped portrayal of political figures or policy. This … Continue reading

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Response 10 & 11

“Electronic Disturbance” Ricardo Dominguez talks about how he grew in Las Vegas, near the nuclear testing site, which when combined with things he read and saw on TV, brought up his political consciousness.. After the AIDS epidemic and doing some … Continue reading

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Writing Prompt

I consider acts of activism to be quite the fun experience. The way we detourned famous slogans made me feel this way as it was interesting to think about companies in a different way. For example, Nike’s slogan “just do … Continue reading

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Writing Prompt

1. Acts of activism can indeed be fun when being creative with your message. When an agenda breaks the norm of day to day life it not only encourages an audience to think differently on a situation, it can also … Continue reading

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‘Privatization of the Justice System’

I read this article in today’s NY Times, “In Arbitration, a ‘Privatization of the Justice System’.”  It details how corporate-America has  stolen more power for themselves.  Not only has our political and financial systems been corrupted by neo-capitalism, but now … Continue reading

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