
In today’s class, we have discussed the design process for a graphic designer. It reminds me that when I started my first year of college, I usually just directly work on the computer without thumbnails and sketches. Therefore, I do not have an expert design process until I take communication design II in my third year. Currently, I follow a series of procedures to a well thought out design.

At first, I will get a brief from my client to overview the client’s demands and objects. Then, I will start to do researches on the client’s information including the company’s mission, products, services, and also their customers’ reviews. Besides, the information from the client’s competitors is necessary which help the designer to figure out the differentiation of client’s products from his competitors. The following step is brainstorming a strategy for campaign concepts. I always list several ideas about the characteristics of the product. Afterward, I draw rough sketches and then refine them. At last, finalized the campaign for the production.

However, I get a new understanding of design process after I watched Elizabeth Gilbert’s talks for TED. Elizabeth Gilbert is a worldwide bestselling author of “Eat Pray Love.” In this interview, Elizabeth Gilbert conveys that the concepts of ‘genius’ and ‘muse’ will become a burden on the person for upholding this reputation. Sometimes, it causes some people be afraid to try an ambitious approach to new creation especially people who worked in the creative field because they cannot face the failure. Like Gilbert says “Don’t be daunted. Just do your job.”, we should overcome fear and move on.