My name is Rosa Cortes, I am 20 years old and live in new york. I began drawing in my second year in middle school. I began drawing due to a cousin of mine having his own inspiration to take up drawing, as we are close I began drawing as well. However, we have both gone our own ways in the arts. I became comfortable with the digital aspects of drawing. Mostly inspire from different anime styles, and have found styles I enjoy and others that I don’t, along with figuring out my own style, almost.
I mainly work with Original and Fan Characters but I struggle with constant art blocks, having that spark of inspiration late at night. On social media, I can post something new for 3 days straight and then completely disappear for weeks. A pattern I began to notice after several months of doing so. Realizing as well that it’s difficult for me to do daily art challenges. One day I hope to be able to accomplish and finish at least One, 30-day art challenge.
Sometimes I go outside to refresh my mind, despite these times, often going to places to purchase merchandise or to even buy new supplies I won’t use for a while. Other times I just stay at home, normally in the dark, I don’t enjoy highly lit places, or have curtains open, a rare sight for when I do. When I’m not drawing I can be writing or just scrolling through the internet, recently being involved in playing card games and an online crane game, playing other games to get points for said game, despite only ever winning 2 prizes in the span of almost a year of playing the game.
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