Illustration One

Professor Woolley | COMD3313 OL74| FA20


Class Info

  • Date: 12/15/20
  • Meeting Info:聽ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM





Due Next Week


Sara Woolley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: New Illustration 1 Meeting
Time: Dec 1, 2020 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Mon, Tue, 2 occurrence(s)
Dec 1, 2020 02:30 PM
Dec 7, 2020 02:30 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

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Meeting ID: 819 8655 3884
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 819 8655 3884
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Week 14

Class Info

  • Date: 12/08/20
  • Meeting Info: ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM

To-Do Before Class

  • FINAL PROJECT part 4:
    • Final Pencil Sketches and Color Roughs
  • Sketchbook Exercise Week 13
  • Reading Week 13
  • Discussion Week 13


Faces and Expressions


  • Add learning objectives and outcomes here


Warm Up

  • CLASS PHOTO! Take a moment to choose a background and go live, or grab your pet for a pose, or to upload a profile pic you’d like to represent you in our Fall 2020 class photo!! 馃檪


  • Wrap Up, Week 13 – Character Design


Faces and Expressions


  • Individual critiques during lab time


Work in class on Final Project

Review Assignments and Expectations for Next Week’s Class

Due Next Week

New: Final Project: Narrative Illustration *Final will include a process presentation (Like the midterm)


  • FINAL PROJECT Limited palate Narrative Illustrations:
    • Using any combination of Pencil, Ink and Digital techniques finish your 2 Limited palate color illustrations.
    • Final Process Presentation (Like the midterm)

Sara Woolley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: New Illustration 1 Meeting
Time: Dec 1, 2020 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Mon, Tue, 2 occurrence(s)
Dec 1, 2020 02:30 PM
Dec 7, 2020 02:30 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 819 8655 3884
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,81986553884# US (New York)
+13017158592,,81986553884# US (Washington D.C)

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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 819 8655 3884
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Final Project

Fairytale Folktale or Fable Reboot

Overall Description:

In this multilayered project you will reinterpret a classic folk tale or fairy tale through your own creative lens.

For example, Note how different artists over time have reinterpreted the story of Alice in Wonderland, by Louis Carrol.

Final Project

There are 4 requires parts to this project.




Problem solve visually

Apply technical skills

Apply design concepts

Analyze content

Create original content

Apply critical thinking skills to make creative inferences

Evaluate different ethical perspectives and concepts

Respect and Use Creativity

Due Date(s)



For this part of the project you will develop characters for your original story concept.

These characters and concept sketches may, but are not required to be in color. They do not need to be tightly finished.

Art can be made using any combination of traditional drawing / inking skills and digital coloring.


DUE WEEK 15 (Thumbnails Week 13, Concepts Week 13 )

  • Final Art can be made using any combination of traditional drawing / inking skills and digital coloring.
  • Final art should be Limited Palate or Black and white.  
  • Final art specs are up to the artist.





Prepare a 3 minute Presentation (5 minutes total with Q&A) on your story and your working process, guiding us through the project from inception to conclusion.

You will Present you work on the last day of class.

Submit your Presentation as PDF PROCESS BOOK

Week 13

Class Info

  • Date: 12/01/20
  • Meeting Info: NEW ZOOM MEETING

To-Do Before Class

  • Sketchbook Exercise Week 12 : Character Design Sketches
  • Reading Week 12 : Lectures on Narrative Illustration and POV
  • Discussion Week 12 : Frank Stockton and POV


Character Design


Warm Up

  • Thanksgiving Check in


  • Wrap Up, Week 12


Final Project Part 3, Concept Sketches.

Group Work : Break into Small groups and Share Progress :

  • Define the BIG IDEA behind your concept sketches.
  • Explain what you are Trying to communicate in the image. This is NOT the whole story! This is a feeling, a mood, an action.
  • Decide which will be the final illustration for each group member.
  • Discuss if it is appropriate to the audience.
  • Discuss how to improve it!
  • Compile a list of references needed to achieve this illustration.


As our Lectures have been disrupted by interruptions in internet service the last few classes, please download the 2 PDF lectures NOW. We will go over them as a group, you will view the files on your own screen.

Lecture: Concepts in Character Design, a Brief Overview


Work in class on Final Project

Review Assignments and Expectations for Next Week’s Class

Due Next Week

New: Final Project: Narrative Illustration *Final will include a process presentation (Like the midterm)


  • FINAL PROJECT part 4: Final Pencil Sketches and Color Roughs
  • Sketchbook Exercise Week 13 :   Character Sketches and Facial Expressions
  • Reading Week 13: LIVING LINES LIBRARY (this is a library of images… no reading!)
  • Discussion Week 13 : Schedule a MID WEEK CRIT with a Classmate or two. In your post, Share yours team’s work in progress and what observations or suggestions were made in your mid week critique.

Sara Woolley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: New Illustration 1 Meeting
Time: Dec 1, 2020 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Mon, Tue, 2 occurrence(s)
Dec 1, 2020 02:30 PM
Dec 7, 2020 02:30 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 819 8655 3884
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,81986553884# US (New York)
+13017158592,,81986553884# US (Washington D.C)

Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 819 8655 3884
Find your local number:

Week 12

Class Info

  • Date: 11/24/20
  • Meeting Info: Zoomie Zoom

To-Do Before Class

  • Sketchbook Exercise Week 11
  • Reading Week 11
  • Discussion Week 11


Telling the Story


Warm Up

  • Gratitude


  • Wrap Up, Week 11


Final Project Part 1 Story Proposals


COMPLETE Week 11 Lecture

Narrative Illustration

Lecture: Storytelling Techniques

  • Point of View
  • Choosing the moment
  • The Big Idea


Begin Thumbnails in class

Review Assignments and Expectations for Next Week’s Class

Due Next Week

New: Final Project: Narrative Illustration *Final will include a process presentation (Like the midterm)

  • FINAL PROJECT, part 2: Thumbnails & Concept Sketches for Narrative Illustrations (total of 30-40 thumbnails) showing the same character from 2 different points of view and at 2 different moments in the story.   Finalize to 2-3 Concept Sketches PER illustration, for a total of 4-6 tight sketches. Post these Sketches, numbered and with notes for explanation to the OPENLAB.
  • Sketchbook Exercise Week 12 :    Character Sketches ( For inspiration check out LIVINGLINESLIBRARY.COM )
  • Discussion Week 12 : Post your responses to Lectures for Weeks 11 & 12. Ask questions about the material or talk about something you’ve learned from them etc.

Week 11

Class Info

  • Date: 11/17/20
  • Meeting Info:聽Zoom Zoom Zoom

To-Do Before Class

  • Assignment 2, Editorial Illustration part 3 of 3 ,
    • Limited Palate Color Final Editorial Illustration
  • Sketchbook Exercise Week 10 NONE
  • Reading Week 10 Using Color to establish Focal Points
  • Discussion Week Editorial Illustration with process analysis (see week 10)


Narrative Illustration


Warm Up

  • Add Ice breaker Activity


  • Wrap Up, Week 10


Assignment 2, Editorial illustration


Narrative Illustration

  • Art that tells a story: Book Illustration, Comics, Storyboards etc.
  • The elements of a story

Review Assignments and Expectations for Next Week’s Class


  • Demonstrate story update brainstorming.
  • Update existing stories in small groups by changing 1 or more elements. Try using dice to randomize which elements to change, and do it as a sketchbook exercise.

Due Next Week

New: Final Project: Narrative Illustration *Final will include a process presentation (Like the midterm)

  • Final Project: Part 1: Story Proposal to include research, reference, brainstorming & ideation
  • Final Project Part 2 : Character Designs Due WEEK 13
  • Sketchbook Exercise Week 11 : 聽聽Begin sketching elements related to your story: setting culture character mood.
  • Reading Week 11: Greg Ruth on Muddy, Stories a love letter
  • Discussion Week 11 : Stories, a love letter

Week 10


Class Info

  • Date: 11/10/20
  • Meeting Info: Zoom Zoom Zoom… see below

To-Do Before Class

  • Assignment 2, Editorial Illustration part 3 of 3 ,
    • Limited Palate Color Final Editorial Illustration
  • Sketchbook Exercise Week 9
  • Reading Week 9
  • Discussion Week 9


Editorial Illustration & Point of View


Warm Up

  • Add Ice breaker Activity


  • Wrap Up, Week 9


  • Editorial Illustration and Visual Metaphor


Assignment 2, Editorial illustration


Work in Class on Assignment 2, Editorial illustration:

Apply Feedback to Concept Sketches

Refine Concept Sketches into final art

Research and Sketch Important Visual Elements

Refine Color and Value Scheme

Begin Final Art


Point of View

Review Assignments and Expectations for Next Week鈥檚 Class

Due Next Week



Using any combination of Pencil, Ink and Digital techniques, create an Editorial illustration for the article / topic of your choice. Projects should be unique and communicate clearly, using the technique of visual metaphor. The illustration must be usable as a magazine cover image, therefore a vertical format is required.

Projects must include 3 limited palate COLOR ROUGHS, and the working palate for the final.

Sam Bosma, Final Illustration for Plan Sponsor Magazine with digital color palate

Assignment 2, Editorial Illustration Assignment 2, part 3 of 3

  • Color Palate Ideas. (3 value/color roughs will be required for the final project.)
  • Sketchbook Exercise Week 10 :   NONE Work on Assignment 2  
  • Reading Week 11 : Using Color to Establish Focal Points (If you have not already done so complete this reading assignment.)
  • Discussion: Please post an image of your final art from assignment 2. Please discuss how YOU have applied color theory, use of composition, and value to establish Focal Points in your illustration. Please explain how these focal points help the viewer to understand your intended reading of the image.

Discussion Week 4: Composition

Please Read the Chapter : COMD 3313 Composition in Illustration

Paul Goble
Paul Gobel from The Girl who Loved Wild Horses

(Only read up to Part 7, Directing the Viewer.)

Share an illustration that makes great use of Composition.  Explain why:

  • Deconstruct the illustration:   Who created it and what process and media do you think they used?
  • What does Compositional Techniques does the illustrator use?
  • Why do you consider them effective?
  • How can you integrate these techniques into your own work?

Be sure to read eachother鈥檚 observations BEFORE posting your own. Remember… ITS A DISCUSSION. 馃檪

Hello & Welcome!

Welcome to COMD 3313 Illustration 1, Basic Principles.

On this site you will have access to all materials presented in the online class, your weekly assignment pages, and additional helpful resources.  Here you will also participate in class discussions, and post images of work in progress to share with your classmates.

To get a quick start, please check out HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS SITE.

Carefully read the directions below to get started. Also please check out the UPLOADING INSTRUCTIONS POST on how to post to this site and to your ePortfolio.

If you’d like to learn a little more about ME your professor, please feel free to check out my website!

Happy Drawing!

– Professor Woolley

Getting Started

Login to your OpenLab account to join this course. Follow these instructions if you need help joining this course.

If you’re new to the OpenLab, follow these instructions to create an account and then join the course.

Remember that your username and display name can be pseudonyms, rather than your real name. Your avatar does not need to be a picture of your face鈥搄ust something that identifies you on the OpenLab.

Day 1

To attend your first class session you’ll need to be logged into ZOOM.

Zoom Meeting INFO


If you have any questions, please reach out via email or in Office Hours.

If you need help using the OpenLab, you can consult OpenLab Help or contact the OpenLab Community Team.

Discussion 5- Kefin Bryan

This illustration was done by Dan Dos Santos. This is what I call a badass illustration. The amazing use of value with the black gray and white showcases how much of an intense image this is. The man running the horse in all black showcases the deep connection he has with the other values as the gray it’s just generalized to make the black pop out more. The white is a contrast to the balance with the black to showcase the journey has just begun. The journey is to delight and to the light is the victory. It looks like a war is about to happen and it feels like I want to be a part of that said war with the guy riding on the horse. This is the most effective way because this illustration is telling a story and it makes it clear as to what story is being told.

Discussion 4- Kefin Bryan

I chose this illustration from the official Zelda Twitter as it was used for promotion of the Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Game. The reason why I chose this because it is one of my favorite illustrations coming from Nintendo and there is a great use of balance within the set image. The balance of having two characters circle around and what the triforce and a text in the middle showing great balance. The reason why I consider them effective is because of how powerful the image looks and what kind of techniques this person used. He uses perspective as in the characters are more in the back and I reach their hands towards the triforce as like perspective. And the way I would use balance within my work is to draw up some characters and some shapes and to put one big character or one big shape in between like with this illustration right here. I really do like this piece since it’s a good illustration, a lot of power in between this and I love Zelda. Art done by Satoru Takizawa

Discussion 3- Kefin Bryan

Jillian Tamaki’s idea process involves a 7-step process. The first step is to get yourself interested, to be inspired and go deep within the thing you love for media. The second step is to collect the media that inspires you and have a place to keep them for references. The third step is to take the content and media seriously, make sure to write down notes in key words that come to mind When reading up on information. The fourth step is to take notes you wrote and to create a list of words and brainstorm them. This brainstorm will help you in many ways as adding keywords can help further your improvement and inspiration. The fifth step is to find and add the images to visualize your ideas and expand upon them. The six-step is to mix up all the content interior concepts. And the final step is the phone thumbnail sketches from the information you gathered along with your final sketches for your concepts.

I also perform steps just like Tamaki does but in a different way. I always look at cartoons and anime for inspiration and next thing you know I always draw them and I always get these pictures and study from them. I even study from Big artists and keep some of their styles for my own to make up my own. The reason for that is because I just know that nobody Can just create a style off the bat. That style is a combination of other artist styles all along.

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