Professor Woolley | COMD3313 OL74| FA20

Category: FINAL ART (Page 2 of 10)

Final Editorial Illustration and Process – Shylin Ferrera

Link to article:
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Tight sketch:

Cleaned up piece, fixes need to be made in: the neck, feet, and points in which the “smoke” connects to the figure.

Final Fixed Art:

Fixes made to the feet, orientation of the hand, the smoke, and neck 🙂

Color Comps:

For my color comps I knew early on that I wanted to go with a more simple color pallet. I knew that with the shapes and overlapping figures that it would be best to stay away from harsh pattern or colors. Early on, I realized that I needed to incorporate Bangladesh more heavily into my design as the focus of my article was violence to women in Bangladesh specifically. In my first color comp I made the cliff the map of Bangladesh territory, however, the colors felt a bit straining to the eyes and too busy. For my next piece I enjoyed the addition of the Bangladesh flag, yet the black was very overwhelming as well as the background pattern. For my last color comp I toned down the color of the background and gave it a slight texture but I felt my choice of saturating the red in the flag was too jarring.

Final Color Piece:

For my final piece I have desaturated the colors of the Bangladesh flag and upped the “violence” aspect of the illustration. Since my piece is focused on domestic violence against women in Bangladesh I decided to add bruise marks in prominent areas such as the legs and around her eye. I also added hints of red to her knuckles and feet to better illustrate strain. It was important to me to make sure the theme was represented best, which is why I kept the shading to just her (keep her as the center of attention).

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