Unit 1: On Developing a Creative Habit
The Big Think. “Creativity: The Science Behind the Madness”
Coates, Ta-Nehisi. Creative Breakthroughs
Didion, Joan. “Why I Write”
Jalal al-Din Rumi, “Don’t Go Back to Sleep”
Lenox, Annie. Creative Breakthroughs
Lukpat, Alyssa. “An 8-Year-Old Wrote a Book and Hid it on the Library Shelf. It’s a Hit.”
Orwell, George. Why I Write
Tan, Amy. Where Does Creativity Hide? (TedTalk)
Whyte, David. “Everything is Waiting for You”
On Keeping a Writer’s Notebook
What is a Writer’s Notebook? Three Sources
Baldwin, James. Paris Review Interview: No. 78
Butler, Octavia. “Furor Scribendi”
Didion, Joan. “On Keeping a Notebook”
Hemingway, Ernest. Paris Review Interview: No. 21
Woolf, Virginia. From A Writer’s Notebook: March 28, 1931
Woolf, Virginia. From A Writer’s Notebook: August 20, 1932
Writer’s Notebook Prompts
Writer’s Notebook Prompts 1-8, Journaling
Writer’s Notebook Prompts 9-12, Poetry
Writer’s Notebook Prompts, 13-19, Fiction
Writer’s Notebook Prompts, 20-23, Journaling
“Rules” for Creative Writing by Writers
Unit 2: Writing Poetry
Introduction to Writing Poetry
Collins, Billy. “Six Tips for Writing Poetry.”
Hirsch, Ed. “How to Read a Poem.”
Hirsch, Ed. On “Talking Back” to a Poem
Hirshfield, Jane: The Art of Metaphor (and Similes)
Poetry Writing: Invention (PurdueOWL)
Symborska, Wislawa. How and How Not to Write Poetry
“What Makes a Poem…a Poem?” TedEd (Video)
Poetry Databases
Academy of American Poets
The Poetry Foundation
The Quarry: Social Justice Database
On Poetic Form and Technique
- Abecdarian: 1) How to Write an Abecedarian, Part 1; 2) How to Write an Abecdarian, Part 2: Examples
- Catalog Poems or List Poems: 1) Exploring a List or Catalog Poem (with Examples)
- Erasure Poetry: 1) Erasure in Three Acts: An Essay by Muriel Leung; 2) On Erasure by Leigh Sugar; 3) Tracy K. Smith Explains Erasure Technique; 4) Austin Kleon Explains Erasure Technique (with video); 5) Erasure Definition
- Free Verse: 1) Free Verse, Part 1: Description; 2) Free Verse, Part 2: Examples on this Site; (also here)
- Haiku: 1) How to Write Haiku or “Hokku”: Part 1; 2) How to Write Haiku, Part 2: Examples
- Line Breaks: Learning the Poetic Line, This is Just to Say So Much Depends On
- Metaphor (and Simile): Jane Hirshfield-The Art of the Metaphor (and Similes)
- Ode: 1) Description
- Pantoum: 1) How to Write a Pantoum, Part 1 2) How to Write a Pantoum, Part 2: Examples on this site
- Repetition; 3) How to Write a Pantoum (from Writers.com)
- Sestina: 1) How to Write A Sestina, Part 1; 2) How to Write a Sestina, Part 2 (Descriptions); 3) How to Write a Sestina Sestina 4) Sestina Examples on this site; 5) Video Presentation: How to Write a Sestina
- Spoken Word: 1) Spoken Word: Description 2) Five Tips for Spoken Word on Power Poetry 3) Spoken Word: Examples on this site
- Terms: Metaphor, Poesis, Repetition, Simile, Stanza, Teleuton,
ENG 1141: Review of Poetic Forms
Poetry: Readings
Balmain, Melissa. Nightmare
Bartley, Savon. Elementary
Bishop, Elizabeth. Sestina
Bosworth, John. “A Boy Can Wear a Dress”,
Brautigan, Richard. I Feel Horrible. She Doesn’t
Brown, Ariana. Dear White Girls in My Spanish Class (video)
Carver, Raymond. “Another Mystery”
Chen Chen. When I Grow Up, I want to be a List of Further Possibilities
Chin, Staceyann. If Only Out of Vanity (video)
Collins, Billy. Introduction to Poetry
De La Paz, Oliver. Pantoum Beginning and Ending with Thorns
Diaz, Natalie. Abecedarian Requiring Further Examination of Anglikan Seraphym Subjugation of a Wild Indian Reservation
Diaz, Natalie. My Brother at 3 am
Gorman, Amanda. The Hill We Climb
Greenbaum, Jessica. A Poem for S
Grein, Dusty. The Job
Hacker, Marilyn. Pantoum
Hasan, Mohamed. (un)Learning My Name (video)
Hughes, Langston. Mother to Son
Jackson, Raych. sestina for a black girl who does not know how to braid hair
Jackson, Raych. sestina from the broken fingernail
Jackson, Raych. pantoum for Derrion Albert from the plank
Jonath, Monique. sestina for my mother and her mother before that
Justice, Donald. Pantoum of the Great Depression
Karimi, Nilufar and Eliseo Ortiz. Abecedarian after border speeches
Kay, Sarah. If I Should Have a Daughter (video)
Kleon, Austin. Blackout (Erasure) Poetry (examples and video)
Larkin, Phillip. Home is So Sad.
Legaspi, Joseph O. The Red Sweater
Long Soldier, Layli. Obligations 2
McClendon K, A Pantoum for What We Let Grow
McSweeneys. Examples of Sestinas
Olivarez, José. (citizen)(illegal)
Olivarez, José. Mexican American Disambiguation
Olivarez, José. Getting Ready to Tell My Dad ‘I Love You,’ It Rains.
Perdomo, Willie. How Beautiful We Really Are (video)
Perdomo, Willie. Where I’m From
Pierce, Catherine. Abecedarian for the Dangerous Animals
Rich, Adrienne. Diving into the Wreck
Roth, Amanda “Poem Buried under the Floorboards”
Shihab Nye, Naomi. Valentine for Ernest Mann
Shockley, Evie. pantoum: landing, 1976
Smith, Tracy K. The Good Life
Smith, Tracy K. Smith. “Declaration”
Smith, Patricia. Ethel’s Sestina (text and video)
Smith, Patricia. Siblings
Soldier, Layli Long. Obligations 2
Symborska, Wislawa. ABC
Trethaway, Natasha. Incident (pantoum)
Williams, William Carlos. This Is Just to Say
Unit 3: Writing Fiction
Introduction to Writing Fiction
Aspen Ideas Festival. “What Makes a Story Great?”
Diaz, Junot. Literature is the Closest Thing We Have to Telepathy
Electric Literature: Six Video Games that Feel Like Reading a Novel
Ferrante, Elena. Art of Fiction Interview No. 228 from The Paris Review
PurdueOWL: Fiction Writing Basics
Riefler, Nelly. Endings that Hover
Saunders, George. What Writers Really Do When They Write
On the Craft of Fiction
- On Plot: 1) Story Exercises for Plot (with Margaret Atwood); 2) On Freytag’s Pyramid; 3) On the Shape of Stories (with Kurt Vonnegut)
- On Developing Character: 1) PurdueOWL: Developing Characters; 2) Creating a Character Profile 3) The Color Fetish (Toni Morrison) 4) More Character Development Tips; 5) Humans of New York;
- On Writing Dialogue: 1)Developing Story through Dialogue: “How to Write Great Dialogue”; 2) How to Format Dialogue in Fiction: Two Sources; 3) Developing Character Through Dialogue: “Three Anti-Social Skills to Improve Your Writing”(with Nadia Kalman); 4) Developing Character Through Dialogue: “Great Films for Learning to Write Dialogue”(New York Film Academy)
- On Writing Flash Fiction: 1) Definitions of the Form: “What is Flash Fiction” from Fiction Southeast and “What is Flash Fiction”-Reedsy; 2) “How to Write Flash Fiction” -The Guardian; 3) Flash Fiction: Examples on this Site
- On Style and Honing Description:1) Nalo Hopkinson-How to Write Descriptively; 2) 265+ Verbs to Turn Yourself into a Literary Tyrannosaurus
- On Revising Fiction: 1) The Revision Process for Fiction 2) Twelve Contemporary Writers on How They Revise 3) A Month of Revision (from Necessary Fiction) 4) Revision Ideas and Techniques from Pleiades Magazine; 5) Revision “Style Guide” from Matthew Salesses
Fiction: Readings
Al Aswany, Alaa. Izzat Amin Iskandar
Chang, Vanessa. “The Ugliest Babies in the World”
Cheever, John. Reunion
Chekhov, Anton. Misery
Cisneros, Sandra. Eleven.
Corin, Lucy. Miracles
Gaffney, David. Stories in Your Pocket
Gerson, Hannah. Temporary Job
Hemingway, Ernest. A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
Hemingway, Ernest. Hills Like White Elephants
Hemingway, Ernest. Ch. V, In Our Time
Holliday, Billie. Strange Fruit
Kafka, Franz. Give It Up!
Krasznahorkai, László. I Don’t Need Anything from Here
Kincaid, Jamaica. Girl
LeGuin, Ursula K. The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
Machado, Carmen Maria. The Lost Performance of the High Priestess of the Temple of Horror
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. Tuesday Siesta
Morrison, Toni. Recitatif
Saunders, George. Sticks
Schwartz, Selby Wynn.A Life in Chameleons
Sparks, Amber. Everything is Terrible, But You Should Read this Story
Williams, William Carlos. The Use of Force
See also: Flash Fiction: Examples on this Site
Unit 4: Writing Memoir
Introduction to Writing Memoir
- Franzen, Jonathan. On Memory and Memoir
- Hofler, Sakinah. How Creative Writing Can Help You Through Life’s Hardest Moments
- Jarrett, Christian. Writing Memoir to Boost Your Self Esteem
- NPR: Tips for Writing Memoir
- Zinsser, William. How to Write a Memoir (The American Scholar)
Components of the Memoir Form
- Purdue OWL: Resources on Creative Non-Fiction and Memoir on Purdue OWL
- The Difference Between Personal Essay and Memoir
- How to Write a Memoir: 7 Ways to Tell a Powerful Story
- Fennelly, Beth. On Writing Micro-Memoir
- Micro-Memoir: Examples
- The Braided Essay
- Graphic Narratives: Archive: Graphic Narratives on Electric Literature
Memoir Topics (with Prompts)
(Note: the prompts offered below are for journaling practice and class exercises. For instructions on the Memoir Assignment, read the class handout.)
Writing Your Educational Autobiography
Prompts: Writing the Educational Autobiography.
Examples: 1) Yolanda Sealey Ruiz: Getting from Here to There: One Woman’s Journey From the South Bronx to the Academy 2) José Olivarez: Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing
Writing Your Life in Chapters
Prompt: Writing about Your Life in Chapters
Related articles: 1) Christian Jarret, To Boost Your Self Esteem, Write about Chapters of Your Life 2) Diana Raab, Why is Memoir Writing Transformative?
Writing about Your Relationship with Money/Work
Prompts: Writing about Your Relationship with Money; more prompts on writing about money: Questions/Prompts for Writing Your “Money” Memoir
Examples: 1) Junot Diaz, “The Money” 2) Roxane Gay Financial Independence: The Most Important Thing a Woman Can Do for Herself 3) Refinery 29 Money Diaries; 4) David Sedaris, “Holidays on Ice”
Writing Memoir to Un-silence the Silences in Our Lives
Prompt: Writing Memoir to Un-Silence our Silences
Example: Sakinah Hofler: How to Use Creative Writing to Bear Witness
Writing about Your Relationship with Your Name
Prompts: Writing the Story of Your Name
Examples: 1) Việt Thanh Nguyen, “America Say My Name”; 2) Beth Nguyen, “America Ruined My Name for Me” ; 3) “What’s In A Name?: A Lot As It Turns Out” (article); 4) Mohamed Hassan-(un)LEARNING MY NAME (video); 5) Marion Roach Smith, “What’s in a Name?”
Writing about Your Relationship with Another Person (and Micro-Memoir)
Prompt: Writing about Relationships
Examples of relationship writing that use the micro-essay form: Brenda Miller’s “Swerve”; Michael Komatsu’s “When We Played”; Examples of Micro-Memoirs
Memoir: Readings
Aymar, E.A. How to Talk to Your Children About War
Baldwin ,James. The Devil Finds Work (excerpt)
Diaz, Junot. The Money
Eckholm, Erik. “What’s In A Name?: A Lot As It Turns Out” (article)
Gay, Roxane. Financial Independence: The Most Important Thing a Woman Can Do For Herself
New York Times’ “Modern Love” Examples
Hofler, Sakinah. How to Use Creative Writing to Bear Witness
Komatsu, Michael. When We Played.
Loeb, Devon. My Experiences as a Black Man are Integral to My Work as a Teacher
Miller, Brenda. Swerve
Nguyễn, Beth. “America Ruined My Name for Me”
Nguyen, Việt Than. “America Say My Name”
Olivarez, José. Maybe I Could Save My Life by Writing
Sedaris, David. “Holidays on Ice”
Sealey-Ruiz, Yolanda. Archeology of the Self
Sealey-Ruiz, Yolanda. Getting from Here to There: One Woman’s Journey From the South Bronx to the Academy
Smith, Marion Roach. Tips for Writing Memoir
Yamauchi, G.H. Either/Or (Graphic Narrative)
Money Diaries on Refinery 29
What We Can Learn from 1918 Influenza Diaries-Smithsonian Magazine
Unit 5: Continuing Your Writing Practice
Keep Writing!
Keep Writing: Resources for Continuing Journaling and Writing
Keep Writing: Read! And then….re-read!
Keep Writing: Places to Submit Your Work
Keep Writing: Take More Creative Writing Classes
Keep Writing: Start a Writing Group
Keep Writing: Don’t Write Alone (from Catapult)
Read, read, read. And then, keep reading!
- Keep Reading: Read about Writing
- Keep Reading: Read about Writers (and then read their work)
- Keep Reading: Read about Writers and What They are Reading (and then read what the writer you like are reading)
- Become a “Literary Citizen”