Tag Archives: summary


Source: Merriam-Webster.com

Quorum- The smallest number of people that must be present in a meeting in order for decisions to be made

I first heard this word earlier in the day during my morning English class. The Professor used this vocabulary term because of the low amount of students in the class at the time. So she still decided that it was enough to begin. I was confused when I first heard this word because I had no idea what she was saying. After a quick search in the Webster dictionary it was obvious what was being said. It took a few seconds and I learned a simple new term.

Summary : “A Picture Of Language: The Fading Art Of Diagramming Sentences”

This reading by Juana Summers wanted to share the creation of “Pop Chart Lab”, which was a design firm that was taken the first line of famous novels and diagrammed those sentences, that would help with making the perfect sentence by using a diagram. She states the practice has been a controversial history, but no one doesn’t know what it is. Using the diagram makes it easier for kids to understand  to write and use correct English. From “An Education ‘Phenomenon’, Burns Florey and other experts traced the origin of diagramming sentences back to 1877 and two professors at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Burns states that it might be still good to use as a tool for some students. There’s questions of if it should be placed in English classes today, but Burns says that there are two kinds of people in this world, the ones who love diagramming and those who hat it. So, it was frustrate the students completely overall if it was used now.

“A Picture of Language….” Summary

A Picture of Language: The Fading Art Of Diagramming Sentences,by Juana Summers is an article that discusses a practice of the English Language that was dropped from most learning communities a long time ago, rarely being used today. The purpose of this Practice was to help children who are developing English Language skills, Better organize their sentences and writing so they have a better perspective of using nouns, pronouns, and verbs into meaningful sentences. The Practice originates in Brooklyn, an idea that was proposed by two professors who worked at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. It was popular for about 50 or 60 years, Spreading throughout America, but soon after died our come the 1960’s. Now a days, if students tried to learn the English Language through this practice, it would be come to frustrating and confusing for them to understand in today’s learning society.

Summary: A Picture of Language: The Fading Art of Diagramming Sentences

In the passage the Fading Art of Diagramming Sentences, Juana Summers states a situation presented a forgotten method. There use to be a method before that is not know to many people and other peoples just forgot. The use of the sentence diagram, which is using geometry that involves grammar as well.  The use of the sentence diagram was used before in all of U.S schools. The sentence diagram was founded in Brooklyn and late was taken all throughout the nation, which was practiced for 50 or 60 years. The sentence diagram is not approved by the common core however, many people say that the sentence diagram has improved people with their writing. Unfortunately, it might have helped people some didn’t like it.  Many people did understand the method and many got mad leading them to confuse. After reading the passage, I understand the people in getting mad by just looking at the diagram its confusing. I feel like people who don’t understand grammar might find the sentence diagram a great way to understand it.

The Review

For this review, I decided to walk the route that was presented by my fellow intern, Kevin. This route is a simple and easy way to get from City Tech to the Borough Hall train station without having to deal with crowds or too many distractions. It also gives you the chance to view many significant landmarks such as the Brooklyn Bridge or the Christopher Columbus statue. Even though I had already viewed many of these aspects before, I had to imagine that I am not familiar to the area that the route was taking me through. With this in mind, I could focus and appreciate the important things that the route brings up. As a result, it would allow me to learn more about the environment.

When I first began the walk, I was able to easily follow most of the directions given. From the starting point, the direction I was supposed to go in was fairly described and helped me to visualize what I needed to keep an eye out for even before I saw it. This descriptive language is what carries me through the rest of this route. He emphasized the details of certain areas on the block that indicate where I am supposed to turn or where I should pay a little more attention to. The only thing I may suggest is that he adds a bit more description to support the the directions he was trying to convey. At times I found my self taking a pause to try and find where I last left off in the instructions. It was as if I was left on edge for a brief moment but then found my way after careful observation.

For this route, The time of day that it was taken properly complemented the very details that needed to be witnessed. The view of the Brooklyn Bridge caught my attention because it was so easy to spot in day light. However, that doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t have me in awe with the glistening lights during the night. In my opinion, following directions in this specific area is easier to accomplish during the day. This way it can be properly understood and taken again at any other time. This route especially can be taken at any point because once you understand it, you can take more time to appreciate the man made beauty as well as the peacefulness that is mentioned in this Aesthetic mapping.

A picture of language: Summary

This article by Juana Summers depicts a technique that not many people may know about called diagramming sentences. For people who are not familiar with this concept, it is often seen as confusing and not useful when it comes to using it in the subject.In this specific structure, the sentence is nearly impossible to make out for most. In some ways it is described as a way for people to ” draw a picture of what the language looks like”. But according to most students, this concept is”an intrusion or as an absolutely confusing,crazy thing that they couldn’t understand”. However, if they’re taught in a way that they can easily grasp, it will allow them to structure sentences much more effectively. The example given in the beginning of the article clearly displays how this technique should be executed.

Project #4: The Pitch

One of the main purposes route is to give walkers a more dynamic and in depth relationship to the area that surrounds them and what it has to offer to make a persons walk, or even their day, more enjoyable. Currently, this route is best taken place during the Autumn season, but it is possible for the same route to have a different appeal to others in different times of the year. The following route from the train station from Borough Hall to the pier located near the Manhattan Bridge is meant for the sole purpose of creating an enjoyable walk for some, but perhaps not all that enjoy the cross over between nature and urban society.

The first section of the route that will begin to catch the walkers eye is the very beginning from Cadman Plaza around Columbus park, leading to the entrance of Cadman Plaza Park. The entrance itself is quite appealing at first sight with the orange tinted leaves on the trees that arc from the left and right side of the entrance, spreading out to the rest of the park and to the outside areas as well. Combined with the small urban structures of the benches and light posts, and it brings a welcoming sight to the walker coming through the park. Also the bright green that radiates from the center of the park really gives the area a value of color to the area, making it pop out to the walkers. This is just one of the three major points in the walk where urban society and nature join to create a wonderful sight, as walkers will begin to see this theme climax till they reach their destination.

The second area that becomes appealing to the walker is the half way point of the route, within the connection of Hicks street and Cranberry street. Through this section of the route, walkers will have a pleasant scenery of the colored leaves that line up through the street side by side with the houses. Whats so appealing about this section is how the trees blend right into the colors of the buildings that are right next to them. This combined with then yellow and green leaves that compliment the scenary and give it more color to create a pleasant area of interest for almost anyone’s walk. This is especially true going down Cranberry street, as it seems to be the perfect example for such a scenery between Urban society and nature.

The third and final area of the route that gives walkers a great appeal is none other than the destination itself which is the boardwalk itself located near the Manhattan Bridge. The view itself from the boardwalk speaks for itself, as it gives a fantastic view of both the ocean and the city of Manhattan which is right across from the walkers view point. And if the walker looks to their left from the pier, they have a small but decent view of the Statue of Liberty that can be seen from a distance. This view is best on a sunny evening, since the sunlight that reflects off the buildings, reflect into the water, giving the water more of a beautiful gleam to it, catching the eyes of many viewers. Not only that, but seeing the boats and fairies that pass along the water show how once again nature and urban society can cross paths, giving a meaningful viewpoint of anyone’s walk.

In conclusion, once again, the idea of this route was to not only give walkers a sence of enjoyment, but to show them the co-existence of nature and urban society today. Its somewhat like yin and yang, one cannot exist without the other. Only together will they create a balance between each other, giving meaning to something or someone. For a quick example, what if the view of the boardwalk did not have the buildings that are there now? it would still look nice yes, but it would seem a bit boring to look at after awhile. That’s why we have an urban society today, not only to give people a way of living, but to co exist with nature and what it has to offer versus what we have to offer to it in the co-existence we have today.

Summary / Reflection for Reading Lucy:


Jennifer Egan wrote an article called “Reading Lucy”. This is a non-fiction article. The protagonist of this article is Lucy. Egan wrote a novel about a woman who works at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, so she met with Lucy. Therefore Lucy was her respondent, but the get along was short, because of work needs she has to go to California. After that there haven’t had any contact after. Egan attentive to know about Lucy, that from Lucy to her husband’s letter and Lucy’s composition. Lucy was enthusiastic that’s why she married speedy. Her husband left the house due to job job, they wrote letters to each other. Lucy usually wrote letter to her husband Alfred. By the time Lucy wrote to Alfred about her life as a ship fitter, as well as some humor event in her live. She praises her husband to express the love to her husband. Through reading about the letters Lucy wrote to Egan, Egan felt like she’s living with Lucy; they are best friend; Brooklyn’s every corner was full of the flavor of Lucy. Egan misses Lucy a lot, she dreamed him live with Lucy and she also imaged live with Lucy as real best friend.


After read “Reading Lucy” I felt Lucy was an optimistic woman. She really loves her husband with everything. I have always felt that distance that will affect ones feeling, but I do not feel it because I am the one who read the article, I have to be in her situation to know about her feelings. Even though Lucy did not live with her husband but they still keep connect with letter, and distance did not affect their relationships. By the way Lucy got a true friendship with Egan. Egan took time to get to know about Lucy. She care about Lucy, even dream lived with Lucy. So Lucy was an lucky woman she got true love and friendship.


BHS: Map research

During our field trip to the Brooklyn Historical Society, we paid a visit to their library to analyze and study a few maps about Brooklyn and how its maps and streets came to be. There were several maps that were spread out, weather they be Subway maps, maps of some areas of Brooklyn, or all of New York state, they all kinda told a small story of the past. during my research, i noticed how back then they used maps a a type of advertisement for companies and what not. the map below is an older map of the brand new subway transit system, before the number and letter system came to be later on. Not only does this map have old subway routes, but it also told you a little about how the economy back then as seen by the 25 cent advertisement in one of the pictures below. also in the back of the map, i found an advertisement to the company who made the maps, also mean that the company who made this subway map has made other maps, perhaps even more of Brooklyn.

Subway map from 1940's

Subway map from 1940’s

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The comapny information i found on the back

The company information i found on the back