Category Archives: Student Posts

Project #5: Reflection

After Completing Project Number 5, our final project in this semester,  I’ve learned a lot about writing and essay in a different format and perspective. I would have to say that this project was both one of the easiest and hardest projects i had to work on, mainly due to what i said earlier about writing in a different format and perspective. Although writing in a different perspective isn’t too difficult, writing an essay in a form of a Museum catalog was. It was something that i never attempted before, so naturally, i looked more into it and found a source on the internet that helped me organize my ideas when I was writing it. With the help of the outside source, it made the project a little bit more clear and easier. Overall i thought it was a rather interesting experience having to write a essay in such a format, also the fact that the final project was combined with the final project for our Adv1100 course, It has definitely improved my writing skills and showed me something new that was somewhat entertaining to do and think about.

Now that we have reached the end of the semester, i can look back on the writing i did from point A, and compare it to now, seeing that my writing skills have improved one assignment at at time. But there will always be room for improvement in the future, as i continue my route of understanding English writing and its various forms. I have to thank my amazing professor, Ms.Rosen for guiding our class for the first year, helping us understand these new techniques and ideas, along with the rest of the learning community. I really do believe that first year students can learn a lot from her and will move on to succeed in college just like the rest of us.

Project#5: Written Assessment

JessicaAndRichardProject 2In Project#5, I learned how to create color interaction studies in this assignment we create four color interaction studies. In Group 1, we created 2 pairs of achromatic gray studies  by shifting value. In Group 2, we created 2 pairs of color studies by shifting value with color. In Group 3, we created 2 pairs of color studies by shifting hue however, not value. In Group 4, we created 2 pairs of color studies that are shifting hue and value. I learned in order to create a color studies of just shifting hue means that your just adding another color. In this assignment, I felt like I could have done better in my crafting and I felt like I should have understood more on the change in shifting hue. However, this project will help me in the future with color interaction. If someone asked me what is shifting hue in color and shifting value with shifting hue, I’ll understand and define it.  In the final project of project#5, I understood how color can define another. We were able to find color that define us and a image that represents us, this is one of the project I am proud of.

Project#5: Paired Color Identities with Simultaneous Contrast


JessicaAndRichardProject 2

It was a partner assignment so me and Richard who had to work on this project. It took about 45 mins or less to get it completed.

It was a partner assignment, both me and Richard decided to work together and created this. We had to talk to each other in order to identify once color. We chose muted blue and muted orange.  The muted blue was the color that identify me and the muted orange represented Richard.