All posts by Jessica Pareja

Project#5: Gallery Catalogue Entry

Love is a humument created by Jessica Pareja. The artist used a double page from the book  the famous Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. The interpretation shown is to bring out the artist piece in a different interpretation of the text. The artist had designed the piece to show the reading  from top going across and going to bottom with lines guiding the reader from word to word. The reading says “ I cannot nor any other man. I love myself. Love lent me counsel and I never would.”. After reading the piece, the artist wanted the readers to understand her feeling and thoughts. The artist wanted to express that someone dear to her left however, she just tries to love her inside in fear of getting hurt. It is designed to give off a sense of sadness, understanding, and fearful.

The artist used an analogous palette for the color choices of this piece. The colors are meant to give a sign of hope for these character. The theme might be love, looking for love but she just wants to be loved by people surrounding her. The blue and green as well as gray give off a positive color. The color shows more of a sad feeling and yet with the yellow it symbolism hope within herself.  The artist chose to draw a heart in the middle and colored it yellow to show around the words more clearly in the piece. The yellow heart is hope of love is within herself and it symbolism a light to her life. All the colors are around the heart to symbolism her darkness and fear. The colors around the heart is a violet blue, dark green, light green as well as gray. The words represented in the artwork can be seen clearly and they are in a rectangular shape. The lines are shaped in blue, the blue is sending out a message of sadness.

In the original text, the artist used Romeo and Juliet to show the opposite of being in love. In these scene the couple just started to fall in love with one another however, the artist try to do the opposite. The message is very different than what is on the original text has however, the artist felt like it was perfect for it describe sadness in love.The scene is when Romeo and Juliet just start falling in love and is actually giving a sense of love feeling. The message in the humument is the opposite, she wants to love herself and scared to love someone.

Overall, the readers and artists might question the artist choice in color or why that scene or they may find out their own intepretations to this humument. The artists main purpose is to leave the readers and viewers inspired and just have an understanding to her inner feeling. This feeling that have a hope and fearful start. The artist tried to used muted color and cool colors to show the impact of her situation and how slowly she grow out of it. The meaning of the piece is to feel love.

Project#5: Gallery Note

Jessica Pareja


This artwork piece is designed to represent what love is, its bringing out an emotion in want is  “love” according from the text. The artwork is portraying how the character lost someone dear to her and now she can’t love a man. However, the true feeling is the viewers to understand her own inner feeling. The artist uses a text from Romeo and Juliet and the image is to show her opinion.

Project#4: Revising the pitch

Brooklyn if you walk around the neighborhood, you’ll encounter many lovely places. However, the question is what influences people to choose the path they decision to walk on? Many ideas come to a person’s mind when choosing a path, it can come from using your five senses.  If you walk in the streets of Brooklyn you’ll get to see areas full of crowd people and as well as lonely places. I understand the people who choose to walk in crowded places, there you’ll see a lot of commercial areas toward the nearest subway. You get to see buildings toward being able to smell different kinds of food. However, there are  people who walk in lonely areas. The feeling of stress that puts people to walk along lonely areas. The sign of freedom that makes people enjoy of being lonely or being with someone to just talk alone with.

There are many people who come visit  Brooklyn, some just visit, some just moved here and others just work here. If those people don’t know the area or just came out of work, they’re most likely people who’ll fall for easy traps that led into crowded areas. People who study around City Tech which is located in Jay Metro Tech station. They walk straight from the campus point and straight into the train station. These people whose head are full of work, studies, and extra information won’t pay attention to anything but getting home. How about the people who have free time, they just walk to the store get food and wait till time flies. People shouldn’t just kill time, they should walk on these people lonely areas to realize the bad pain. People can only experiences areas with loneliness, if people decided to walk areas with a calm senses. People can began by exiting out of city tech and heading up towards Johnson St and passing Adams st. Making a right people will see Cadman Plaza East and Tillary Street, there people will witness the Korean War Veterans Plaza. There people will see the park with not enough people to be bothering one another. In the Korean War Veterans Plaza, people just walk around there, however you can feel the presents quietness just by being there. Its a small ahead that people can quietly sit around till all their ideas or pressures they have leave. Comparing the more crowded areas with here people get the feeling often to get lost in their thoughts.

The Korean War Veterans Plaza isn’t the place to hang around people can find lonely areas ahead. However, what happens the Korean War Veterans Plaza is the history it represents. In a local online newspaper, Don Evans stated “It’s a small monument compared to the expansive World War II memorial in nearby Cadman Plaza Park, the heroic arch on Grand Army Plaza honoring Civil War soldiers or the modest Korean War Veterans plaza in Columbus Park. Designed by architects Danby and Nute, it is a tribute to soldiers from an old neighborhood that is being revived by completed high-rise apartment buildings such as Oro and Bridgeview Tower with three others yet to come.” The Korean War Veterans Plaza is a memorial of the World War, for those soldiers who fought.  The Korean War Veterans is a place  of peace because not only do the people know its an area for respect but its written to never forget its propose. As Evans Stated  ““In loving memory of those men of this district who in the war of 1917 and 1918 fought and died for freedom. Their neighbors through the Seawanhaka Democratic Club erect this monument,” the inscription says.”  The Korean War Veterans Plaza is a place that has shown peace, quietness and as well as loneliness. The plaza influences the people to find happiness in a memorial.

After a long day, the tour ends and people have to return home. Lonely and quiet areas around the Korean War Veterans Plaza help people gain a sense of peace from any situation they’re dealing. Being in crowd areas maintains people busy it will make people feel annoyed that everyone in your way. However, once your at the Korean War Veterans Plaza you get the sense of relax. Being in busy area doesn’t relax anyone, people try to walk areas they’re going to walk lonely areas to try to avoid the crowd without making someone have a headache. Taking lonely areas gets a person thinking less, sometimes lonely areas can take you the fastest way to avoid the crowded areas. After seeing the history of the Korean War Veterans Plaza. it makes people enjoy there walk and view. Instead of just having to a relaxed area, the history of the Korean War Veterans Plaza opens up minds. There aren’t many people who know the history of the Korean War Veterans Plaza.  This will allow people to open up and wonder areas, a quiet area to know about the history.



Work Cited

Evans, Don. “Brooklyn’s World War I Memorial Gets Overlooked on Veterans Day.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 14 Nov. 2007. Web. 21 Dec. 2014.

Coate, Betty. “Chapter 1 A Year Later: Brooklyn Korean War Veterans Plaza.” The Unidentified Solider in the USO Poster: An Extraordinary Odyssey. By Richard Coate. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Web. 21 Dec. 2014.






Project#4: Aesthetic Mapping (Self-evaluation)

After doing project#4, I came to an understanding of this project the point of this was to get a the writer to understand the feeling of the setting. As a writer one must understand how to write a description. As a writer one must come to an understanding of their point and force. According to my essay in the pitch as I stated “Brooklyn if you walk around the neighborhood, you’ll encounter many lovely places. However, the question is what influences people to choose the path they decision to walk on? Many ideas come to a person’s mind when choosing a path, it can come from using your five senses.  If you walk in the streets of Brooklyn you’ll get to see areas full of crowd people and as well as lonely places. I understand the people who choose to walk in crowded places, there you’ll see a lot of commercial areas toward the nearest subway. You get to see buildings toward being able to smell different kinds of food. However, there are  people who walk in lonely areas. The feeling of stress that puts people to walk along lonely areas. The sign of freedom that makes people enjoy of being lonely or being with someone to just talk alone with.” I felt like it was a good introduce for the essay. I described what my topic of my essay was going to be about however, as Hai Lin commented I should have started stronger. In my body paragraphs an example, ” If Korean War Veterans Plaza isn’t the place to hang around people can find lonely areas ahead. There are more areas that people can enjoy, while walking people can continue there path though walking towards Clinton and Pierreport Street. From Pierreport street taking  a right to Hicks street. In the area people will see varieties street that are lonely there, people can just walk in the area and look at the old buildings. The you can see the amazing architecture. People can walk around freely without bumping to someone anyone can almost feel that they own the street however there might be two or three people in the surrounding.  While looking around the area, the people who enjoy architecture might draw sketches or take pictures that will help them better the area for the future or keep it the same for their projects.” I wanted to stay force of lonely however, I just describe the place instead of force why it feel and how the surrounding is. Same goes with my other essay, I start to force on other  and not my point my essay however, I feel like I did in my second essay.


Project#4:Aesthetic Mapping (review)

After walking around the neighborhood of my fellow classmate I noticed that all the area was beautiful. I chose to walk around the neighborhood of Hai Lin’s route. During the walk I noticed that not only was beautiful, but peaceful. As he mention in his essay he was able to describe a place of lonely and quiet as well as describing a place full of nature. As he stated “When people slowly walking into Columbus Park, people will have a different experience. The path is wider than normal pedestrian routes, and trees from each side blocking noise from the city. While people moving deeply into Columbus Park, people can see there is a giant historical building, a garden with grass and flowers, and a fountain. These things are creating a sense of peaceful and quiet, because these things will help people forget they are living in one of the busiest city. If people have enough time, people can sit on the stairs of the historical building to give themselves a different feeling. The feeling will be totally different, because it is a peaceful place for people to slow down their life. Comparing with the train station and the crossroad, sitting inside of the Columbus Park is new way to experience quiet. And if people have any annoyance, it is a great moment to think about, because quiet can always help people relax their emotion and come up with different solutions. ” Hai Lin clearly mentions this area full of peace and a sense of relaxed.  After walking in the area I felt that the area gave me a sense of peace and an area where I could get my thoughts straight-out. In the center of Columbus park it tends to be more quiet even though it has a court house in front of it. As you enter the park you just feel warm and safe. However, as you exited it tends to get crowded with full of people walking around. I felt like he should be more clear on just being in the middle of Columbus park and just standing there. I feel like further in the walk just doesn’t match the sense of nature and peace.

Project#2: Aural Topographies: Critique


After doing project#2, I felt like it was hard in order to control the mash up with the popmaker, it wasn’t going at the same speed of the image. The image above is my mash up however, the mash up isn’t good enough. I felt like it need a more slow movements to express the slow music instead of the fast music. However, in this project I learned how to create a Animated GIF in Photoshop.

Project#3: Written Assessment



In project#3, I learn high key to low key and the different values of white and black.  In this project we made a different value range of white and black using pencil and paint. It was difficult to try to find the color the is a lower value or high value of each other.  However, I wished I did better on my painting because I don’t really paint. It was difficult for me to find the right color and in painting. However, these project helped me learned value, it also helped me better myself in painting.