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E-portfolio workshop

I attending the workshop on Thursday at 1 pm in the library. During the discuss ways of presenting ourselves in different ways. First thing they asked us to do was to google our names and see what you find. Of course there were millions of Jacqueline Etienne. I didn’t not find myself personally, but the point of us searching our name was to see the information that comes up when someone tries to look you up. So basically you need to have control on what you have out there. For an example if you’re going for a job interview and the interview went well, If the director decided to looking you up and your Facebook profile is public and you have outrageous status like “late for work again or this hang over is killing me”. Some people a lot of drunk picture even though it’s your personal life it doesn’t look good in the company eye.

So creating a E-portfolio will be very beneficial for you in your career and professional life. It’s information on your profile will be positively created by you, which will appear on the internet world. The E-portfolio is a part of OpenLab you can customize with different categories like a regular website that you will have created but it’s free. You can had a pictures,art gallery,job resume or add a link to your resume, you can add a short biographies and your education. In the work shop he showed us example of different E- portfolio depending on the person major/ career. During the workshop I created a E- Portfolio I must say it will be very important to have one this being my last semester and I’ve been sending out resumes for the last month. I feel having a E-Portfolio will be great for my professional career in the future.

How to present yourself online – EC

The talk about how to present yourself online was extremely enlightening. They described it as a hiding and showing sort of game on the internet. You need to control what you put on the internet and how you present yourself. You need to edit the profile so that you can control what you want to show on the internet. You present yourself on the internet how you want to be seen by selecting what you want on your website by choosing the visibility you want

E-portfolio is a part of OpenLab where you can customize categories and how it would look to the viewers. You can make it like your own personal profile including education, experience and projects. Some e-portfolios we saw were extremely professional including resumes and objectives.

Others included either biographies or thoughts and feelings in the e-portfolio. You can arrange the e-portfolio however you want creating drop downs of certain links as well as side bars of links as well. You can do whatever you want with these and get creative and playful. Putting yourself out there as an individual is a nice touch. It is kind of like your own website to present yourself.

Something that was extremely interesting from this talk is that this website can literally be a profile of yourself to present yourself whether in a professional setting for finding jobs, educational setting for applying to school, or creative setting for presenting yourself. This is an extremely beneficial and innovative way to express yourself besides just in a boring piece of paper for resume and cover letters.

Project #2 part 2

I chose this picture as part 2  because it symbolizes the tobacco tin box where Paul D’s heart is contained in. It also symbolizes the pain Paul D went through at Sweet Home when the School Teacher took over, as well as afterwards when he was sold to a new master after trying to escape sweet home.  Although it took awhile before Paul D was able to open up, he explains the bid in his mouth, as well as the prison he was in. Georgia had to be the worst experience  Paul D has ever been through. He wasn’t used to that sort of treatment because back in sweet home, when Mr.Garner was alive, he treated his slaves good. These moments changed Paul D, he wasn’t able to adapt to things after that. Paul D wouldn’t let himself get attached.  In that tobacco tin is where Paul D hid his memories and emotion, he wouldn’t let himself feel.

Sethe’s Worst Fear


This image of a hat is a representation of what can be described as the trigger that set Sethe in motion and led her to gather her children and take them to the woodshed where she felt they would be safe.   In the woodshed the most pivotal moment in the novel occurred.  She managed to kill her first daughter on whose headstone the word, “Beloved,” the only word Sethe could afford was inscribed.

It was by chance that Sethe was squatting in the garden and manage to see Schoolteacher’s hat hovering above the garden fence before he saw her.   She knew his presence there, at the house at 124 Bluestone meant only one thing, a return to slavery for her and her children.  Sethe had experienced slavery and knew its harsh realities.  She knew what it was like to be beaten, treated and classified as an animal and not able to love anything or anyone for fear they could be separated and killed or sold at any time.   Noticing the hat before the wearer saw her gave her a head start that changed the course of her life and that of her family.   Her mind and body worked at high speed, pushing, shoving and dragging her children into the woodshed.  Then she lost all rationality, “no, no, nonono,” she repeated as she made the decision that death was safer than slavery for her and her children.  That was the worse decision of her life.  This is because after that unfortunate day, not only did she have to live with her conscience she also had to live in a house haunted by the baby, endured being shunned by the towns people and the loss of her two sons who ran away from her.   Her worst suffering came when Beloved the reincarnation of the dead baby returned for revenge.



:to touch or handle (something) in a gentle way

: to touch (someone) in a sexual way
“like a veil the curly head, seems to fondle and caress” (Morrison, 96)
Meaning in the context: When Sethe was caressing her little baby’s hair, she used her hand to fondle her head.


: to move in small waves
: to pass or spread through or over (someone or something)
“He laughs. A rippling sound like Sethe’s sons make when the tumble in hay or splash in rain water” (Morrison, 266)
Meaning in the context, the laugh is similar to the sound generated by the quick fall of rain.


Trance A half conscious state characterized by an ansence of response to external stimuli, typically as induced by hypnosis or entered by a medium

Pit into a trance

The Shawl By Cynthia Ozone

Rose did not feel hunger; she felt light, not like someone walking but like someone in a faint,in trance, arresting in a fit , who is someone a floating angel, alert and seeing everything, but in the air,not there, not touching the road.
In the shawl they used the word trance as an expression of how rose was feeling weight wise.



Cholra an infectious disease of the small intestine, cause by the bacterium vibrio choler and Characterize by profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps and severe dehydration and depletion of electrolytes.

The Shawl by Cynthia Ozick
But it was not Rosa’s bleak complexion, dark like Cholera, it was another kind of face altogether, eyes blue as air, smooth feather of hair nearly as yellow as the stars sewn into Rosa’s Coat.

They use the Cholera to describe the color of Rosa

Project #2 Part 2


Project#2 Part 2

custom image

The image is the imaginary chokecherry tree on Sethe’s back which is the scar left on her back from being whipped by the schoolteacher and his nephews after her milk had been robbed.  It is part of my pivotal scene essay and it is also mentioned throughout the book the white girl Amy Denver who helped Sethe to deliver Denver on her way of escape and Sethe when she told Paul D about being whipped while she was pregnant just before her escape.

Amy said, “It is a tree, Lu. A chokecherry tree. See, here’s the trunk-it’s red and split wide open, full of sap, and this here’s the parting for the branches. You got mighty lot of branches. Leaves, too, look like, then darn if these ain’t blossoms. Tiny little cherry blossoms just as white. Your back got a whole tree on it. In bloom. What God have in mind, I wonder.” (93)

Sethe said, “That is what she called it. I’ve never seen it and never will. But that is what she said it looked like. A chokecherry tree. Trunk, branches, and even leaves. Tiny little chokecherry leaves. But that was eighteen years ago. Could have cherries too now for all I know.” (18).


Work Cited Page

Morrison, Toni.  Beloved.  New York:  Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.  Print.