How to present yourself online – EC

The talk about how to present yourself online was extremely enlightening. They described it as a hiding and showing sort of game on the internet. You need to control what you put on the internet and how you present yourself. You need to edit the profile so that you can control what you want to show on the internet. You present yourself on the internet how you want to be seen by selecting what you want on your website by choosing the visibility you want

E-portfolio is a part of OpenLab where you can customize categories and how it would look to the viewers. You can make it like your own personal profile including education, experience and projects. Some e-portfolios we saw were extremely professional including resumes and objectives.

Others included either biographies or thoughts and feelings in the e-portfolio. You can arrange the e-portfolio however you want creating drop downs of certain links as well as side bars of links as well. You can do whatever you want with these and get creative and playful. Putting yourself out there as an individual is a nice touch. It is kind of like your own website to present yourself.

Something that was extremely interesting from this talk is that this website can literally be a profile of yourself to present yourself whether in a professional setting for finding jobs, educational setting for applying to school, or creative setting for presenting yourself. This is an extremely beneficial and innovative way to express yourself besides just in a boring piece of paper for resume and cover letters.

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