A Rose For Emily Homework

Thwarted (verb)

(1) to oppose successfully; prevent from accomplishing a purpose.

(2) to frustrate or baffle (a plan, Purpose, etc.).

found in “A Rose for Emily” Part 4 paragraph 5

Then we knew that this was to be excepted too; as if that quality of her father which had thwarted her woman’s life so many times had been too virulent and too furious to die.

Emily’s father opposed all of the men in Emily’s life and she was never able to pursue a proper and healthy relationship and because of this it drove Emily to the point of insanity. Even once her father passed away she still was not able to pursue a proper relationship with Homer Barron and in the end went completely insane and killed him by giving him poison to drink.

2 thoughts on “A Rose For Emily Homework”

  1. This is a glossary entry, so please edit your post to use the category Glossary instead of Homework. You can use the tag “A Rose for Emily” and any other tags you think are appropriate. You can also make it clearer in your explanation of the passage which part refers to the thwarting, so it’s clear to readers how that word factors into your explanation. Click on EDIT in the line below your post’s title to edit your post.

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