Monthly Archives: February 2017

Live Well Session 1

I tried to answer all the questions honestly and most realistic to how an average day goes for me. I realized I do not do much of any Cardio workout but I do weight train and I am conscious about what I eat. The biggest issue I face in regards to health is being able to deal with stress efficiently. The biggest stress inducing challenge I have is financial but I do have people I can speak to about it and help surpass any challenges. Unfortunately, financial stress may not go anywhere any time soon so I must find a way to deal with it in a healthy manner.

Live-Well Exercise

Live-Well really intends to change one’s way of life to a better outcome. This I have learned after completing the first assignment. Which was a set of questions that determined the “level” of my life. I found it interesting to see, how I fit into the frames of the Live-Well program. It is a good tracking system of progress whether it is a beginner or a steady sports person. To make few parallels between the system and myself: the suggestion would be for me to eat more fruits and vegetables. Also I do not look for encouragement and motivation from friends or colleagues in the sports I am doing. This to me is tedious. I would not trust anyone with my inner will or habit to do sports. I have also noticed that Live-Well and Active Minds are in the same basket. I see that these two resources try to address similar situations and problems. Anyway, i will continue to follow my path and habits and Live-Well program as I progress. As a result I will try to inhabit new habits like eating more fruits and vegetables.

Live well session 1

After doing the Live well session, my outcome was Preparation. This is so typically me because I would prepare my routine, get everything I need and may start the first day and then quit or maybe at least do one week before falling off completely. I think Live well is very interesting and it may help me follow through on my exercising routine maybe in other aspects of life such as doing HW earlier than later. I had planned to do some cardio yesterday on an elliptical but instead I went to the park  took a walk and kicked around a soccer ball with some friends; hopefully I maintain the schedule I have planned for myself.

Live Well

After reading and completing the questionnaire, I realized that I am on the right path for better health.  There are a few loop holes that I will need to close to continue on my path.  I do realize that my eating habits are not exactly where they should be, but is improving as I continue.  I try not to let situations in life stress me because I always tell my self “it could be worst”.  This allows me to try and have the best outcome out of every situation I may find my self in.  By the end of this semester, with the assistance of LiveWell, i will hope to find my self in a better physical and mental state of heath.

Active Minds

Active Minds is a great support system for people who are suffering from mental health. Is it a non-profit organization that support a network of people who provide/seek for emotional support. It is a great organization because it encourages people to open up and overcome their problems in life.


According to LiveWell results, I need to find a healthier choice in eating. Such as consuming more vegetables and fruits. However, due to a very tight schedule, it is very difficult for me prep a healthy meal or consume a meal in a reasonable time frame. My plan is to filled myself up, therefore, I do not need to be worry about getting hungry during work or in school. However, I do plan on changing this habit in few more months. I will go back into healthy eating and exercising.

LiveWell Session 1

The LiveWell program seems to be a great program to better an individual in various levels. I am excited to get started on it and build better eating habits. I enjoy working out and seeing progress. I do not see the results I would like to see due to my bad eating habits, but I intend to work very hard in that area. I look forward to this journey and can truly say I’ll make a conscious effort to watch what I eat.

Until next time, best of luck to everyone.

—Maria Ramos—

LiveWell Session 1

Completing LiveWell session 1 was an interesting experience. I used to tell myself lots of times that I need to change my eating habits. I am exercising every day and I  think that I am pretty good at dealing with stress. However, I need a healthier diet. There’s so many information about healthy choices out there. But it all comes to what are you going to do with this information. Are you prepared to change your life for better following simple steps and finally develop those healthy habits? I know that I will definitely try my best.

I have an active lifestyle. My daily routine includes regular exercises – push-ups, squats and crunches. I also try to walk more instead of driving or taking public transportation.

LiveWell session 1

Live Well is very interesting. As I was answering my personal questions, I realized I am going to have my very own buddy to monitor my progress. It feels very motivating. So on the exercise part of it, I am on the preparation line. Its been a little slow exercising for me as I hurt my right knee and have been tending to it. I’ve been doing physical therapy and light exercise. I’m definitely looking forward to strengthening it as well as work up stamina in other areas also. On the stress level , I fell into maintenance. I am a very positive person who is always looking at how full the glass is so with anything I try to focus on the good. Even  bad situation has good, you just have to look for it.

Live Well

I liked the LiveWell program because it was easy for me to understand and it helped me to see where I am in terms of my fitness and health. I was able to see what some of my behaviors are that contributes to unhealthy living and then. ways in which I can alter those behaviors to improve my lifestyle. For me, staying consistent and having a routine has been my biggest issue. It’s sometimes easier to eat foods that are easily accessible than preparing food that’s good for me. Moving forward, I have to commit to being consistent and making healthy eating a part of my daily lifestyle.