Daily Archives: February 9, 2017

Active Minds

After reading this article and viewing the video, I believe that the discussion of mental health should be brought to the attention of middle schools students  throughout college. Hopefully mental health can become a new curriculum  in the  public school system across America.  I also like the fact that mental health  does not discriminate against race, creed, color , origin, nationality or religious belief. Another reason why I think  the movement of active minds will continue to prosper in all their endeavors is because  in the video you were able to see  students from different universities discussing the same challenges that they are trying to cope with and find an  answer. I believe this is amazing.

Posting for Active Minds

Hi All-

This is my 3rd year using OpenLab, and I just now discovered the feature of Categories! So when possible, please submit your posts to respective categories by selecting from the category options on the left side of the screen when creating a  new post.  You will now see categories for Active Minds and LiveWell.

Thank you for making the slight adjustment and if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to send me an email!

-Dr. A.

LiveWell Instructions and Course Codes

LiveWell Instructions HE67

LiveWell Instructions HE69

ALSO- Double check the due dates on the this sheet. I was a little early and you will have an additional week (class) to post your exercise images/text.  But feel free to get ahead start!

Enjoy the snow day!

-Dr. A.

Active Minds

I have never thought about Active Minds until I had to check their website out.  I was surprised to see how courageous the founder was. It has never been easy to overcome depression and mental health issues especially when it is brought by the loss of a family member. Furthermore, I see how Active Minds has evolved over the past decade to become the voice of young adult mental health advocacy nationwide with over 400 campus chapters, hundreds of thousands of young adults all across the country beneficiating from the Active minds model (according to CNN, NYTimes). I also feel that it is vital to have a better idea on how to manage not only the physical aspect of the body, but also the mind, because they both work together.