Daily Archives: February 18, 2017

Active Minds

It’s amazing when people really don’t believe that one person can make a difference when they can. Alison Malmon really took a bad experience in her life and made her pain her fuel. She drove deeper into what really occurred as opposed to taking it the head and heart and possibly even being hard on herself for it. She took the positive out of it and made sure she made the world a better place as best as she could with what she knew. It is so important for us to speak to each other and those who care for us. We may think we are alone but we aren’t. There are people all around us living through the silence the way we are. Conversations starting may cancel the silence. It’s important to stay socially active and keep our minds intertwined with those around us.

LiveWell Session One

My first session on live well was very informative. It has shown me that my stress management is at a very high stage. I am maintaining my stress regularly. I am in the action stage of exercise. I am trying to the best of my ability to reach maintenance and keep it going for a regular and steady pace. It’s easier to keep going then to have to start all over again. Then there is healthy eating. A section in livewell, where I am at the Preparation stage. I have a habit of eating and drinking everything and anything that tastes good and is in front of me at any time, any place. I have come to a conclusion that my goal is to meal prep more often and to find myself eating healthy and regularly. I will no longer eat after 8pm daily. My goal is to be closer to maintenance by the end of the semester.

Livewell 1 session

  1. I did my first exercise on Live well and I must say it’s very interesting. I am on the maintenance stage, which I’m surprise, because I feel I am not doing enough to get in shape where my exercise routine is concern, I also try to eat fruits and vegetables everyday and drink lots of water. I was in the gym full time before and because of my busy schedule with work and school I am unable to attend the gym regularly , although its not a full setup or doesn’t seems like much, this picture is a constant reminder that I need to keep my exercise regime up.  So when I am doing my school work, I can get in a few minutes of weight training. It’s still challenging but I am trying.    Abiola

Active Minds

Great organization that Alison Malmon founded for college students to express their feelings and can relate to other students that might be going through the same thing they’re dealing with. Working as a Mental Health Counselor at ICL- Institute for Community Living that housed clients with Axis 1 diagnosis, most with schizoaffective adults is very challenging to see and having to deal with clients living with this illness is disheartening.

This outlet will give students the support they seek and need and also encourage them on a daily basis to try their best, to not give up and if their having a not so good day they can come here for support and be encourage , also know they are not going through this alone. All the daily stressors of school and dealing with their illness can be over whelming and having the necessary tools to handle those stresses is important and vital to their coping and well being. Great organization, Great outlet.

Abiola Small

LiveWell 1st post

So far my experience with LiveWell has been okay. While completing my first session I learned a lot about myself in terms of health. After finishing the first assessment I found that in exercise I’m in preparation stage, in healthy eating I’m in precontemplation stage, and for stress management I’m in maintenance stage which I thing is great. For exercise I will try my best to improve by taking some time out to make sure I do some cardio at least three times a week. Since I don’t have time to go to the gym I bought myself a resistance band to help me with the workout and I think its great way to begin with. For healthy eating I think this will be hard for me to change since I’m used to the diet that I currently have and while working and taking classes I eat whatever that’s available. LiveWell recommended that I eat 4 cups of fruits and vegetables per day, I thing I can do about 1 and half cup maybe. In LiveWell I like the resources that are available and I actually found the section where students in the video talk about their story of how they were inspired to be healthier because they saw someone else being unhealthy and I’m looking forward to see how effective LiveWell  will be for me.