Daily Archives: February 13, 2017

Live Well 1st Full Session

I enjoyed going through the first session. According to the session, I’m in the ‘contemplation’ stage. I’ve always wanted to get back into shape and I miss playing sports. I will attempt to, within the next 6 months, slowly altering my diet by introducing more fruits and vegetables and reduce caffeine intake. Drinking the necessary amount of water needed each day is what I need to work on as well. In addition, waking up a little earlier so that I can exercise for 30 minutes before going on about my day. By going through this assignment, I figure it is better to slowly introduce more healthy decisions than to completely change my lifestyle. By being healthy, I can avoid frequent appointments with the doctor and have more energy to do things. I’d feel more confident, and my mental health would improve as well.

Active Minds

I believe that mental and physical health are equally important. The non-profit organization and website Active Minds founded by Alison Malmon, sheds some light towards mental health and mental illness. I am deeply saddened to read the section called ‘Our Story’. At times we cannot physically tell if a person is going through any mood or anxiety disorders. Active Minds is a good website for getting involved in mental health advocacy through its campus chapters. In addition, there are many resources on this website for people that need help or what to do when you see someone you care about in distress. We need to get rid of the stigma surrounding mental illness, and this organization is a good step towards that.

Active Minds

Guau I’m really impress to know that there is an organization that focuses in mental health and specifically in colleges. definitely depression is a major health problem worldwide. I’m a medical assistant and when I do vitals I have to ask each patient if they feel depressed and I can say that 60% answer yes they feel depressed and this is every day, I think depression is cause by stress and also loneliness. This organization is really important because students are suffering bullying, loss of concentration and this cause that they fell not worthy, that life is nothing good for them, so is really important to have resources like this to go and look for help. Really a good resource to go and have important information about mental illness.

Active Minds Story

By visiting http://www.activeminds.org I have quickly found the “About” page and read it. It is a sad story about what has motivated the beginning of the active minds community. As I read through, I was reassured once again that academical life of students does not change for decades. Same problems, same frustration and depression. Often, what is counted as mental illness is indeed a lack of communication and mental activism. Students are commonly seen frustrated and depressed by schools and the way educational system works. Of course this is just pure observation on my side, not statistical analysis. However, it is one of these branches, where people are most likely to deem a person as mentally ill rather than talk to her and  try to really help with real roots of the problem. As for me, by looking at the active minds web-portal, they have opened a great community of healthy expressionists and listeners. Once who need help and these who can provide help purely by being part of the community. I have notices that not only it is a great web-resource, Active Minds community is also active in physical world, by having numerous Conferences around the country.

Active Minds

What I found most interesting about Active Minds is that its an organization for college students to help each other out and be there to empower one another while on stressful times or with a mental disorder. I think this is a great way to help because some people feel embarrassed by there situation and feel outcast  by it, and it should not be that way. I just started learning about  a disorder myself and it is because my sister was diagnosed with Anxiety. I try to help with what I can and try to understand but this organization could really benefit my sister in a way she could meet other people that have Anxiety and could learn ideas to cope with it. I also found interesting how Active Minds started on the basis of someone committing suicide because of not having the right mechanisms to cope with the disorder.

Active Minds

I enjoyed learning that Active Minds is an organization that connects college students and allows them to express themselves especially if they are going through stressful times. It is great that a place exists that allows college students to talk about their issues and connect with others who are going through similar issues. Active Minds also helps college students understand what mental illness is and also promotes people to seek help early. I am happy that an organization exists like this because students sometimes feel they are alone but now have a chance to voice their issues especially when they are feeling uneasy. Being a Psychiatric Nurse allows me to work with many people that suffer from mental illness and seeing that Active Minds is out there makes me happy. Mental illness is a big problem and organizations like Active Minds help strengthened awareness of mental illness.