Author Archives: Roger

Livewell Session 2

In my second session of Livewell, I have come to a decision that it is time for me to eat right and not make excuses anymore because of my busy schedule. It has been hard for me to cook due to my late work hours and school schedule. Now is the moment for me to take charge of my eating habits and I will do this on my trip to Trader Joes. On my trip to Trader Joes I purchased a couple of salads to take with me to work for lunch. Doing this for the last couple of days has eliminated me buying fast food from the local restaurants. I would rather cook but this is more convenient for me right now. I am grateful for the Livewell program because it is starting me on the right path on what I should be eating in order to live a healthy life.

Live Well First Session

So far this is a great program! I started the first Live Well session and it has told me I am in the Preparation phase for exercising regularly. I previous use to work out but stopped due to my schedule with work and school. This program is great for me because I have always wanted to start exercising again. The part I enjoyed about the Live Well program was the section on “What Do You Want Out of Exercise”. I enjoyed this section because it separates the type of exercises into groups such as adventure, balance, focus, flexibility, etc. I am going to slowly start my exercise program by working on my balance. By working on my balance I am going to start using my Wii Fit to start me on track into exercising again. I have already started eating fruits and vegetables and hope with a combination of me starting my workout program I feel better about myself and have more energy. I am looking forward to working with the Live Well program this semester.

Active Minds

I enjoyed learning that Active Minds is an organization that connects college students and allows them to express themselves especially if they are going through stressful times. It is great that a place exists that allows college students to talk about their issues and connect with others who are going through similar issues. Active Minds also helps college students understand what mental illness is and also promotes people to seek help early. I am happy that an organization exists like this because students sometimes feel they are alone but now have a chance to voice their issues especially when they are feeling uneasy. Being a Psychiatric Nurse allows me to work with many people that suffer from mental illness and seeing that Active Minds is out there makes me happy. Mental illness is a big problem and organizations like Active Minds help strengthened awareness of mental illness.