Author Archives: Kiara Rodriguez

Live Well Session 3


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LiveWell Session 2

I realized that from the first session I feel behind I did not meet my goals that I set up for myself. I started off good eating and exercising more and I even went on a diet and reached a weight that I was somewhat comfortable with, but I haven’t been maintaining my regular exercise and nutrition after that. I am beginning to do so now and that is because I noticed that I work better when the weather is nice out, because it motivates me. I enjoy running in the park apart from not having any time for myself I rather be running in a park than going to a gym. I noticed that in this session I am doing very well in the stress management side all I have to work on is the nutrition and exercise portion.

LiveWell 1st Session

After finishing the first session for LiveWell I noticed in what stage I fall in when it comes to exercise, eating and stress management. I am actually in the contemplation stage for exercising.  Going through this session it has motivated me to start exercising again despite how busy I am. I am going to prove to myself that I could do it and to be a healthier version of myself. I go on healthy spree’s all the time like eating better, exercising more, and I enjoy the feeling of being healthy, but it is so easy to fall back into old habits due to being busy or even lazy. With this program I have identified my weaknesses in terms of trying to live a healthier lifestyle and that was the push I needed to start. This is a really good program because it lets you know many facets of where you are in terms of your day to day lifestyle. I do have to say that within all the stages the only one I got precontemplation was in strength training exercise I am not really good at that. However, in eating fruits and vegetables I’m in contemplation and for stress I’m in action.

Active Minds

What I found most interesting about Active Minds is that its an organization for college students to help each other out and be there to empower one another while on stressful times or with a mental disorder. I think this is a great way to help because some people feel embarrassed by there situation and feel outcast  by it, and it should not be that way. I just started learning about  a disorder myself and it is because my sister was diagnosed with Anxiety. I try to help with what I can and try to understand but this organization could really benefit my sister in a way she could meet other people that have Anxiety and could learn ideas to cope with it. I also found interesting how Active Minds started on the basis of someone committing suicide because of not having the right mechanisms to cope with the disorder.