Author Archives: Jarvis

Live Well Level 3

I am very grateful for living well. Level  3 is awsome. I enjoy the challenge and I   feel more healthier.   I have change what I have  for lunch. My lunch consist of a fruit, mixed nuts and or Passover  matzos  with peanut butter. Oh yeah and plenty  of water to  drink, after eating two to three matzos with peanut butter water is a  “necessity” for me.

Live Well Session 2

Since the living well session , I have seen my nutritionist  twice. I must say that there has been a big improvement in my eating habits e.g.: I now use portion control before plating my  food . I am eating more healthy snacks and exercising twice a week. I feel very good about my health.

Living Well

I really enjoyed doing the survey for living well, it was very informative. I also saw the areas where I need to improve e.g. even though I love  to eat a balance nutritious  meal , I still  must use portion control. Exercise: I need to do it at least  twice  a week.

Active Minds

After reading this article and viewing the video, I believe that the discussion of mental health should be brought to the attention of middle schools students  throughout college. Hopefully mental health can become a new curriculum  in the  public school system across America.  I also like the fact that mental health  does not discriminate against race, creed, color , origin, nationality or religious belief. Another reason why I think  the movement of active minds will continue to prosper in all their endeavors is because  in the video you were able to see  students from different universities discussing the same challenges that they are trying to cope with and find an  answer. I believe this is amazing.