Category Archives: Dr. Almond’s Posts

Extra Credit for Unit One Assessment, Based on this week’s film…

Below is the description of the extra credit assignment, ONLY for those who scored below a 75 on the Unit One Assessment.  The transcript is also below for your USE.

Unit One Extra Credit


Posting for Active Minds

Hi All-

This is my 3rd year using OpenLab, and I just now discovered the feature of Categories! So when possible, please submit your posts to respective categories by selecting from the category options on the left side of the screen when creating a  new post.  You will now see categories for Active Minds and LiveWell.

Thank you for making the slight adjustment and if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to send me an email!

-Dr. A.

LiveWell Instructions and Course Codes

LiveWell Instructions HE67

LiveWell Instructions HE69

ALSO- Double check the due dates on the this sheet. I was a little early and you will have an additional week (class) to post your exercise images/text.  But feel free to get ahead start!

Enjoy the snow day!

-Dr. A.

Transcripts for Film Up!

Hi All-

Under the discussion guide tab, you will see the option to find the “In Sickness and in Wealth” transcript for your use.  Enjoy!

-Dr. A.

2/8 Class (HE-69): Tasks for Next Class

  1. Check out Active Minds! Go to the website, Facebook page, etc and find out what they are all about.  Share what you learned and how you feel by Posting on OpenLab before 2/22.
  2. LiveWell (your course code will be posted shortly). Start your LiveWell program (exercise) by going to and entering you Access and course codes.  Share ONE post on OpenLab related to exercise no later than 2/22.
  3. In Sickness and in Wealth (film): Please write your response to ONE of the comprehension questions provided to you in class. This will be collected in class 2/22 (Late responses will not be accepted)
    1. If you want to get this done earlier, you can always put your response in my office mailbox/folder outside of my office (Namm 604).

Have a safe and healthy week “off” and enjoy the snow day tomorrow!! See you on 2/22!!

-Dr. A.

2/7 Class (HE-67): Tasks for Next Week

  1. Learn more about ActiveMinds by visiting their website or Facebook page. Share ONE post: tell what you’ve learned and how you feel about being a part of the organization.
  2. Comprehensive Question (class handout): Answer ONE of the seven questions related to the film watched in class “In Sickness and in Wealth” Turn in 2/14 in class (Late responses not accepted).
  3. Start the LiveWell program (Access cards provided in class). Once you receive the course code from me (I will post on OpenLab) please complete Session 1 (Exercise) NO LATER than 2/28.
  4. By 2/21: Post ONE image/response to your engagement with exercise and the LiveWell program.

For questions, comments, concerns please email me:

Syllabus for Printing

Health Psychology SPRING2017 Syllabus

Day One Reading (in class)